(add-sticker-to-set bot user-id name emojis & options)
Add a sticker to a set.
include: :png-sticker, :tgs-sticker, and :mask-position
Add a sticker to a set. `options` include: :png-sticker, :tgs-sticker, and :mask-position (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#addstickertoset)
(answer-callback-query bot callback-query-id & options)
Answer a callback query.
include: :text, :show-alert, :url, and :cache-time.
Answer a callback query. `options` include: :text, :show-alert, :url, and :cache-time. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answercallbackquery)
(answer-inline-query bot inline-query-id results & options)
Answer an inline query.
include: :cache-time, :is-personal, :next-offset, :switch-pm-text, and :switch-pm-parameter.
Answer an inline query. `options` include: :cache-time, :is-personal, :next-offset, :switch-pm-text, and :switch-pm-parameter. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerinlinequery)
(answer-pre-checkout-query bot pre-checkout-query-id ok & options)
Answer a pre-checkout query.
If ok
is false, :error-message should be included in options
Answer a pre-checkout query. If `ok` is false, :error-message should be included in `options`. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerprecheckoutquery)
(answer-shipping-query bot shipping-query-id ok & options)
Answer a shipping query.
If ok
is true, :shipping-options should be included in options
. Otherwise, :error-message should be included.
Answer a shipping query. If `ok` is true, :shipping-options should be included in `options`. Otherwise, :error-message should be included. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answershippingquery)
(create-new-sticker-set bot user-id name title emojis & options)
Create a new sticker set.
include: :png-sticker, :tgs-sticker, :contains-masks, and :mask-position
Create a new sticker set. `options` include: :png-sticker, :tgs-sticker, :contains-masks, and :mask-position (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#createnewstickerset)
(delete-chat-photo bot chat-id)
Delete a chat photo.
Delete a chat photo. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatphoto)
(delete-chat-sticker-set bot chat-id)
Delete a chat sticker set.
Delete a chat sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatstickerset)
(delete-message bot chat-id message-id)
Delete a message.
Delete a message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletemessage)
(delete-sticker-from-set bot sticker)
Delete a sticker from its set.
Delete a sticker from its set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletestickerfromset)
(delete-webhook bot)
Delete webhook for polling messages.
Delete webhook for polling messages. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletewebhook)
(edit-message-caption bot caption & options)
Edit a message's caption.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :parse-mode, and :reply-markup.
Edit a message's caption. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :parse-mode, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagecaption)
(edit-message-live-location bot latitude longitude & options)
Edit a message's live location.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's live location. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagelivelocation)
(edit-message-media bot media & options)
Edit a message's media.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's media. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagemedia)
(edit-message-reply-markup bot & options)
Edit a message's reply markup.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's reply markup. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagereplymarkup)
(edit-message-text bot text & options)
Edit a message's text.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, and :reply-markup.
Edit a message's text. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagetext)
(export-chat-invite-link bot chat-id)
Export a chat invite link.
Export a chat invite link. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#exportchatinvitelink)
(forward-message bot chat-id from-chat-id message-id & options)
Forward a message.
include: :disable-notification.
Forward a message. `options` include: :disable-notification. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#forwardmessage)
(get-chat bot chat-id)
Fetch a chat.
Fetch a chat. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchat)
(get-chat-administrators bot chat-id)
Fetch chat administrators.
Fetch chat administrators. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatadministrators)
(get-chat-member bot chat-id user-id)
Fetch a chat member.
Fetch a chat member. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmember)
(get-chat-members-count bot chat-id)
Fetch the count of chat members.
Fetch the count of chat members. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmemberscount)
(get-file bot file-id)
Fetch a file's info.
Fetch a file's info. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getfile)
(get-file-url bot file-path)
Generate a file's url from given :file-path.
Generate a file's url from given :file-path.
(get-game-highscores bot user-id & options)
Fetch a game's highscores.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
Fetch a game's highscores. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getgamehighscores)
(get-me bot)
Fetch this bot's info.
Fetch this bot's info. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getme)
(get-my-commands bot)
Get this bot's commands.
Get this bot's commands. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getmycommands)
(get-sticker-set bot name)
Fetch a sticker set.
Fetch a sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getstickerset)
(get-updates bot & options)
Fetch updates for this bot.
include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates.
Fetch updates for this bot. `options` include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)
(get-user-profile-photos bot user-id & options)
Fetch user profile photos.
include: :offset and :limit.
Fetch user profile photos. `options` include: :offset and :limit. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getuserprofilephotos)
(kick-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Kick a chat member.
include: :until-date
Kick a chat member. `options` include: :until-date (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#kickchatmember)
(leave-chat bot chat-id)
Leave a chat.
Leave a chat. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#leavechat)
(new-bot token & opts)
Create a new bot with given token and options.
Create a new bot with given token and options.
(pin-chat-message bot chat-id message-id & options)
Pin a chat message.
include: :disable-notification.
Pin a chat message. `options` include: :disable-notification. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#pinchatmessage)
(poll-updates bot interval-seconds fn-update-handler & options)
Poll updates for this bot with given interval and send them through the handler function.
On Clojure, this function will block until it gets stopped with stop-polling-updates
include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates.
Start polling with:
;; will be blocked until stopped (poll-updates bot 1 (fn [bot update] ...))
and stop polling with:
(stop-polling-updates bot)
Poll updates for this bot with given interval and send them through the handler function. On Clojure, this function will block until it gets stopped with `stop-polling-updates` function. `options` include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates. Start polling with: ;; will be blocked until stopped (poll-updates bot 1 (fn [bot update] ...)) and stop polling with: (stop-polling-updates bot)
(promote-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Promote a chat member.
include: :can-change-info, :can-post-messages, :can-edit-messages, :can-delete-messages, :can-invite-users, :can-restrict-members, :can-pin-messages, and :can-promote-members.
Promote a chat member. `options` include: :can-change-info, :can-post-messages, :can-edit-messages, :can-delete-messages, :can-invite-users, :can-restrict-members, :can-pin-messages, and :can-promote-members. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#promotechatmember)
(restrict-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Restrict a chat member.
include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, :can-pin-messages, and :until-date.
(https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chatpermissions) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#restrictchatmember)
Restrict a chat member. `options` include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, :can-pin-messages, and :until-date. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chatpermissions) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#restrictchatmember)
(send-animation bot chat-id animation & options)
Send an animation.
include: :duration, :width, :height, :thumb, :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send an animation. `options` include: :duration, :width, :height, :thumb, :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendanimation)
(send-audio bot chat-id audio & options)
Send an audio file.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :performer, :title, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send an audio file. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :performer, :title, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendaudio)
(send-chat-action bot chat-id action)
Send a chat action.
can be one of: :typing, :upload_photo, :record_video, :upload_video, :record_audio, :upload_audio, :upload_document, :find_location, :record_video_note, or :upload_video_note.
Send a chat action. `action` can be one of: :typing, :upload_photo, :record_video, :upload_video, :record_audio, :upload_audio, :upload_document, :find_location, :record_video_note, or :upload_video_note. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction)
(send-contact bot chat-id phone-number first-name & options)
Send a contact.
include: :last-name, :vcard, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a contact. `options` include: :last-name, :vcard, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendcontact)
(send-dice bot chat-id & options)
Send a dice.
include: :emoji, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a dice. `options` include: :emoji, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddice)
(send-document bot chat-id document & options)
Send a document file.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a document file. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddocument)
(send-game bot chat-id game-short-name & options)
Send a game.
include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a game. `options` include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendgame)
(send-invoice bot
Send an invoice.
include: :provider-data, :photo-url, :photo-size, :photo-width, :photo-height, :need-name, :need-phone-number, :need-email, :need-shipping-address, :send-phone-number-to-provider, :send-email-to-provider, :is-flexible, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id and :reply-markup.
Send an invoice. `options` include: :provider-data, :photo-url, :photo-size, :photo-width, :photo-height, :need-name, :need-phone-number, :need-email, :need-shipping-address, :send-phone-number-to-provider, :send-email-to-provider, :is-flexible, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendinvoice)
(send-location bot chat-id latitude longitude & options)
Send a location.
include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a location. `options` include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendlocation)
(send-media-group bot chat-id media & options)
Send a media group of photos or videos.
include: :disable-notification, and :reply-to-message-id.
Send a media group of photos or videos. `options` include: :disable-notification, and :reply-to-message-id. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmediagroup)
(send-message bot chat-id text & options)
Send a message.
include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a message. `options` include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage)
(send-photo bot chat-id photo & options)
Send a photo.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a photo. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto)
(send-poll bot chat-id question poll-options & options)
Send a poll.
include: :is-anonymous, :type, :allows-multiple-answers, :correct-option-id, :explanation, :explanation-parse-mode, :open-period, :close-date, :is-closed, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a poll. `options` include: :is-anonymous, :type, :allows-multiple-answers, :correct-option-id, :explanation, :explanation-parse-mode, :open-period, :close-date, :is-closed, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll)
(send-sticker bot chat-id sticker & options)
Send a sticker.
include: disable_notification, reply_to_message_id, and reply_markup.
Send a sticker. `options` include: disable_notification, reply_to_message_id, and reply_markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendsticker)
(send-venue bot chat-id latitude longitude title address & options)
Send a venue.
include: :foursquare-id, :foursquare-type, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a venue. `options` include: :foursquare-id, :foursquare-type, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvenue)
(send-video bot chat-id video & options)
Send a video.
include: :duration, :caption, :parse-mode, :supports-streaming, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a video. `options` include: :duration, :caption, :parse-mode, :supports-streaming, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideo)
(send-video-note bot chat-id video-note & options)
Send a video note.
include: :duration, :length, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
(XXX: API returns 'Bad Request: wrong video note length' when length is not given / 2017.05.19.)
Send a video note. `options` include: :duration, :length, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (XXX: API returns 'Bad Request: wrong video note length' when length is not given / 2017.05.19.) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideonote)
(send-voice bot chat-id voice & options)
Send a voice. (.ogg format only)
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a voice. (.ogg format only) `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvoice)
(set-chat-administrator-custom-title bot chat-id user-id custom-title)
Set chat administrator's custom title.
Set chat administrator's custom title. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatadministratorcustomtitle)
(set-chat-description bot chat-id description)
Set a chat description.
Set a chat description. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatdescription)
(set-chat-permission bot chat-id & options)
Set chat permissions.
include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, and :can-pin-messages.
Set chat permissions. `options` include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, and :can-pin-messages. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatpermissions)
(set-chat-photo bot chat-id photo)
Set a chat photo.
Set a chat photo. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatphoto)
(set-chat-sticker-set bot chat-id sticker-set-name)
Set a chat sticker set.
Set a chat sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatstickerset)
(set-chat-title bot chat-id title)
Set a chat title.
Set a chat title. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchattitle)
(set-game-score bot user-id score & options)
Set score for a game.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :force, and :disable-edit-message.
Set score for a game. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :force, and :disable-edit-message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setgamescore)
(set-my-commands bot commands)
Set this bot's commands.
Set this bot's commands. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setmycommands)
(set-sticker-position-in-set bot sticker position)
Set a sticker's position in its set.
Set a sticker's position in its set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setstickerpositioninset)
(set-sticker-set-thumb bot name user-id & options)
Set thumbnail of a sticker set.
include: thumb.
Set thumbnail of a sticker set. `options` include: thumb. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setstickersetthumb)
(stop-message-live-location bot & options)
Stop a message's live location.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Stop a message's live location. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stopmessagelivelocation)
(stop-poll bot chat-id message-id & options)
Stop a poll. `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stoppoll)
(stop-polling-updates bot)
Stop polling updates if the bot was polling.
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
Stop polling updates if the bot was polling. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
(unban-chat-member bot chat-id user-id)
Unban a chat member.
Unban a chat member. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unbanchatmember)
(unpin-chat-message bot chat-id)
Unpin a chat message.
Unpin a chat message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinchatmessage)
(upload-sticker-file bot user-id sticker)
Upload a sticker file.
Upload a sticker file. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#uploadstickerfile)
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