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(get-installation-token {:keys [token-fn]})




(new-client {:keys [app-id private-key token org] :as opts})


(request client req-map)

Sends a synchronous request to GitHub, largely as a wrapper around HTTP Kit.

In addition to normal HTTP Kit keys in the request map, two additional keys are added.

:path - used to create the :url key for HTTP kit; this is the path relative to

:throw? - if true (the default), then non-success status codes (codes outside the range of 200 to 204) result in a thrown exception. If set to false, then the response is returned, regardless and the caller can decide what to do with failure statuses.

Sends a synchronous request to GitHub, largely as a wrapper around HTTP Kit.

In addition to normal HTTP Kit keys in the request map, two additional keys are added.

:path - used to create the :url key for HTTP kit; this is the path relative to

:throw? - if true (the default), then non-success status codes (codes outside the range of 200 to 204)
  result in a thrown exception. If set to false, then the response is returned, regardless and the
  caller can decide what to do with failure statuses.
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