Compare clojure maps. The differences come back as a list with paths to where the elements differ.
(diffl ...)
compares two maps or "primitives" (int, string, keyword). It does not work with sequences. It's origins come from the need to compare large xml files. Clojure core's diff was not adequate because I wanted to see a list of all the differences with the path to the most primitive element difference possible.
(patch a-map diff)
applies a diff to a map to get a new map from the applied diff
The original version worked with sequences, and the user had to provide a mapping of the path to the sequence, and a function to determine what the "key" of that sequence was. I realized that if there's a way to determine a unique key in a sequence, then that sequence can be transformed into a map (and Clojure rocks at data transformation). So, if your data structure has sequences, it is expected that they would be tranformed to a map before using diffl
. Perhaps in the future this should be adjusted to allow sequences of primitives.
(diffl obj1 obj2)
When bumping version be sure to change it in project.clj
and the (def version "x.x.x")
at the top of core.clj
$ git commit -am "commit msg"
$ git push
$ git tag -a vx.x.x -m "description of version"
$ git push --tags
$ lein deploy clojars
Copyright © 2018 Frank Henard
Distributed under the MIT License
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