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Clojars Project

discord.clj is a Clojure wrapper around the Discord APIs. This library was written to ease in the creation of Discord bots in Clojure.

This library is currently a work in progress and not production-ready in any sense of the term. The goal is to implement a fully-compliant Discord API wrapper. This library is heavily influenced by


The library is available on Clojars here. You can install it using any of the following methods:


[discord.clj "1.1.0"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn:

discord.clj {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}


compile 'discord.clj:discord.clj:1.1.0'




You can create a standalone JAR file for this by running the following:

$ lein uberjar
$ java -jar ./target/uberjar/discord.clj-1.1.0-standalone.jar

To run the core namespace which contains a basic bot framework, you can run the following:

$ lein run


Here is a dead-simple bot you can create using discord.clj:

  (:require [ :refer [say delete] :as bot]
            [discord.http :as http])

;;; Example extension implementation for admin commands
(bot/defextension admin-extension [client message]
  ;; Kicks all users mentioned in the messagj
    (doseq [user (:user-mentions message)]
      (let [user-id (:id user)
            guild-id (get-in message [:channel :guild-id] message)]
        (http/kick client guild-id user-id))))

  ;; Sends a message to all servers the bot is a part of
    (let [bcast-message (->> message :content utils/words rest (s/join " "))
          servers (http/get-servers client)]
      (doseq [server servers]
        (http/send-message client server bcast-message)))))

(defn -main
  "Creates a new discord bot and supplies a series of extensions to it."
  [& args]
    "TestDiscordBot" "^"
    :say    (fn [client message]
              (say (:content message)))
    :botsay (fn [client message]
              (say (:content message))
              (delete message))
    :greet  (fn [_ _]
              (say "HELLO EVERYONE"))
    :admin  admin-extension))

For more examples, check out the /docs folder for walkthroughs on how to create a bot.


Copyright © 2017 Christopher Chapline

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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