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Clojurescript-node.js mount module for a district server, that takes care of database, which usually stores blockchain data in more search-friendly format. This module currently utilises better-sqlite3 for db and honeysql for SQL formatting.


Add [district0x/district-server-db "1.0.2"] into your project.clj
Include [district.server.db] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.


You can pass following args to smart-contracts module:

  • :path Path to db file in case you don't use in-memory db
  • :sqlite3-opts Opts passed into Sqlite3 constructor. Default: {:memory true}
  (ns my-district
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]
              [district.server.db :as database :refer [db]]))

  (-> (mount/with-args
        ;; This is default, so not really needed, but here just to show how to pass args to the module
        {:db {:sqlite3-opts {:memory true}}})

  (println @db)
  ;; #object[Database [object Database]] (Sqlite3 Database Connection)

  (database/run! {:create-table :my-doggos
                  :with-columns [[[:doggo/years :unsigned :integer]
                                  [:doggo/description :varchar]]]})
  ;; => "{:changes 0, :lastInsertROWID 0}"

  (database/run! {:insert-into :my-doggos
                  :columns [:doggo/years :doggo/description]
                  :values [[1 "Good boy"]]})
  ;; => "{:changes 1, :lastInsertROWID 1}"

  (database/get {:select [:doggo/description]
                 :from [:my-doggos]
                 :where [:= :doggo/years 1]})
  ;; => {:doggo/description "Good boy"}

Note: You can use namespaced keywords for SQL column and table names and also get them back from selects. This is because district.server.db extends honeysql name transformation with munge, demunge functions.

district.server.db also includes honeysql-postgres extensions, so that's why we could use statements such as :create-table in example, which are not supported by honeysql by default. Beware that not all postgres queries are compatible with sqlite3. We may create dedicated one for sqlite3 in future.

Module dependencies


district-server-db can get initial args from config provided by district-server-config/config under the key :db. These args are then merged together by ones passed to mount/with-args.

If you wish to use custom modules instead of dependencies above while still using district-server-db, you can easily do so by mount's states swapping.


This namespace contains following functions for working with database:

run! [sql-map]

Runs sqlite3 run.

get [sql-map]

Gets single result. Runs sqlite3 get.

all [sql-map]

Gets list of results. Runs sqlite3 all.

total-count-query [sql-map & [opts]]

Takes honeysql sql-map and converts it to one that has same conditions, but no offset, limit, ordering and selects count. Useful when you need to get total count of result, e.g for pagination.

total-count [sql-map & [opts]]

Converts sql-map with total-count-query and then runs query. Returns only single total count number.

order-by-similarity [column-name string opts]

Helper function to create honeysql statement for :order-by, to order by most similar string. This is not full-text search, only done by SQL's LIKE.


This namespace defines additional honeysql extensions for working with sqlite3:


{:create-index :some-column-index :on [:my-table :some-column]}


Contains most common types for convenience, when creating SQL tables


# To start REPL and run tests
lein deps
lein repl

# In other terminal
node tests-compiled/run-tests.js

# To run tests without REPL
lein doo node "tests" once

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