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Clojurescript-node.js mount module for a district server, that sets up GraphQL server. It uses expressjs and express-graphql to set up the server.


Add [district0x/district-server-graphql "1.0.17"] into your project.clj Include [district.server.graphql] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.


You can pass following args to graphql module:

  • :port Port at which HTTP server will start
  • :path Path of GraphQL endpoint
  • :middlewares Collection of expressjs middlewares you want to install. See list of district-server-middlewares.
  • :gql-name->kw Function for converting GraphQL names into keywords. Default: gql-name->kw
  • :kw->gql-name Function for converting keywords into GraphQL names. Default: kw->gql-name
  • All GraphQL options as kebab-cased keywords
(ns my-district
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]

  (def schema "type Query { hello: String}")
  (def root {:hello (constantly "Hello world")})

  (-> (mount/with-args
        {:graphql {:port 6200
                   :path "/graphql"
                   :schema schema
                   :root-value root
                   :graphiql true}})

That's all you need to do to set up GraphQL server!

Module dependencies


district-server-graphql gets initial args from config provided by district-server-config/config under the key :graphql. These args are then merged together with ones passed to mount/with-args.

If you wish to use custom modules instead of dependencies above while still using district-server-graphql, you can easily do so by mount's states swapping.


This namespace contains mount module as well as some helper functions

run-query [query]

Will run GraphQL query. Transforms response from JS objects into CLJS data structures. You can pass query string or graphql-query data structure.

(run-query "{hello}")
;; => {:data {:hello "Hello world"}}

(run-query {:queries [:hello]})
;; => {:data {:hello "Hello world"}}


This namespace contains function for creating GraphQL expressjs middleware

create-graphql-middleware [opts]

Creates expressjs graphql middleware. Pass same opt as you'd pass into GraphQL options. For schema you can pass either string or built GraphQL object.


build-schema [schema-str resolvers-map {:keys [kw->gql-name gql-name->kw]}]

Builds a GraphQLSchema from a schema string and a resolvers map.

  • schema-str: A string containig a graphql schema definition.
  • resolvers-map: A map like {:Type {:field1 resolver-fn}}.
  • kw->gql-name: A fn for serializing keywords to gql names.
  • gql-name->kw: A fn for parsing keywords from gql names.
(let [schema "type Author {
                         id: ID!
                         firstName: String
                         lastName: String
                         posts: [Post]

                       type Post {
                         id: ID!
                         title: String
                         author: Author
                         votes: Int

                       type Query {
                         posts(minVotes: Int): [Post]

                       type Mutation {
                         upvotePost (postId: ID!): Post

                       schema {
                         query: Query
                         mutation: Mutation
      resolvers {:Query {:posts (fn [obj {:keys [min-votes] :as args}])}
                 :Mutation {:upvote-post (fn [obj {:keys [post-id] :as args}])}
                 :Author {:posts (fn [{:keys [posts] :as author}])}
                 :Post {:author (fn [{:keys [author] :as post}])}}]

  (build-schema schema resolvers {:kw->gql-name kw->gql-name
                                  :gql-name->kw gql-name->kw}))


# To start REPL and run tests
lein deps
lein repl

# In other terminal
node tests-compiled/run-tests.js

# To run tests without REPL
lein doo node "tests" once

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