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Clojurescript-node.js mount module for a district server, that takes care of smart-contracts loading, deployment, function calling and event handling.


Latest released version of this library:
Clojars Project

Include [] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.

Real-world example

To see how district server modules play together in real-world app, you can take a look at NameBazaar server folder, where this is deployed in production.


You can pass following args to smart-contracts module:

  • :contracts-build-path Path to your compiled smart contracts, where you have .bin and .abi files. (default: "<cwd>/resources/public/contracts/build/")
  • :contracts-var Var of smart-contracts map in namespace where you want to store addresses of deployed smart-contracts
  • :print-gas-usage? If true, will print gas usage after each contract deployment or state function call. Useful for development.

Since every time we deploy a smart-contract, it has different address, we need way to store it in a file, so both server and UI can access it, even after restart. For this purpose, we create a namespace containing only smart-contract names and addresses, that will be modified automatically by this module. For example:


(def smart-contracts
   {:name "MyContract", ;; By this name .abi and .bin files are loaded
    :address "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}})

That's all that's needed there. Let's see how can snippet using it look like:

(ns my-district
  (:require [mount.core :as mount]
            [cljs-web3.eth :as web3-eth]
            [ :as contracts]))

(-> (mount/with-args
      {:web3 {:port 8545}
       :smart-contracts {:contracts-var #'
                         :print-gas-usage? true}})

(contracts/contract-address :my-contract)
;; => "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

(contracts/deploy-smart-contract! :my-contract)
;; (prints) :my-contract 0x575262e80edf7d4b39d95422f86195eb4c21bb52 1,234,435

(contracts/contract-address :my-contract)
;; => "0x575262e80edf7d4b39d95422f86195eb4c21bb52"

(contracts/contract-call :my-contract :my-plus-function [2 3])
;; => 5

;; The module uses just cljs-web3 under the hood, so this is equivalent to the line above
(web3-eth/contract-call (contracts/instance :my-contract) :my-plus-function 2 3)
;; => 5

;; Persist newly deplyed contract addresses into namespace
;; (Writes into, figwheel reloads the file)

Next time you'd start the program, :my-contract contract would be loaded with newly deployed address.

module dependencies


district-server-smart-contracts gets initial args from config provided by district-server-config/config under the key :smart-contracts. These args are then merged together with ones passed to mount/with-args.


district-server-smart-contracts relies on getting web3 instance from district-server-web3/web3. That's why, in example, you need to set up :web3 in mount/with-args as well.

If you wish to use custom modules instead of dependencies above while still using district-server-smart-contracts, you can easily do so by mount's states swapping.

Namespace contains following functions for working with smart-contrats:

contract-address [contract-key]

Returns contract's address

contract-name [contract-key]

Returns contract's name. E.g "MyContract"

contract-abi [contract-key]

Returns contract's ABI

contract-bin [contract-key]

Returns contract's bin

instance [contract-key & [contract-address]]

Returns contract's instance. If provided address, it will create instance related to given address

contract-call [contract method args opts]

Convenient wrapper around cljs-web3 contract-call function.
Note : This function needs an unlocked account for signing the transaction!

  • contract can be one of:
    • keyword (e.g :my-contract)
    • tuple: keyword + address, for contract at specific address (e.g [:my-contract "0x575262e80edf7d4b39d95422f86195eb4c21bb52"])
    • tuple: keyword + keyword, to use ABI from first contract and address from second contract (e.g [:my-contract :my-other-contract])
  • method : keyword for the method name e.g. :my-method
  • args : a vector of arguments for method (optional)
  • opts: map of options passed as message data (optional), possible keys include:
    • :gas Gas limit, default 4M
    • :from From address, defaults to first address from your accounts

Returns a Promise which resolves to the transaction-hash in the case of state-altering transactions or response in case of retrieve transactions.

create-event-filter [contract event filter-opts opts on-event]

Installs an event filter.

  • contract can be one of:
    • keyword (e.g :my-contract)
    • tuple: keyword + address, for contract at specific address (e.g [:my-contract "0x575262e80edf7d4b39d95422f86195eb4c21bb52"])
    • tuple: keyword + keyword, to use ABI from first contract and address from second contract (e.g [:my-contract :my-other-contract])
  • event : :camel_case keyword for the event name e.g. :my-event
  • filter-opts : map of indexed return values you want to filter the logs by (see web3 documentation for additional details").
  • opts : specifies additional filter options, can be one of:
    • "latest" to specify that only new observed events should be processed.
    • map {:from-block 0 :to-block 100} specifying earliest and latest block, on which the event handler should fire.
  • on-event : event handler function.
    Returns event filter.

deploy-smart-contract! [contract-key args opts]

Deploys contract to the blockchain. Returns contract object and also stores new address in internal state.
Note : This function needs an unlocked account for signing the transaction!

  • opts:
    • :arguments Arguments passed to a contract constructor
    • :gas Gas limit, default 4M
    • :from From address, defaults to first address from your accounts
    • :placeholder-replacements a map containing replacements for library placeholders in contract's binary
(def replacements
  ;; Key can be pretty much any string
  ;; Value can be contract-key or address
  {"beefbeefbeefbeefbeefbeefbeefbeefbeefbeef" :my-other-contract
   "__Set________Set________Set________Set__" "0x575262e80edf7d4b39d95422f86195eb4c21bb52"})

Returns a Promise which resolves to the contracts address.

write-smart-contracts! []

Writes smart-contracts that are currently in module's state into file that was passed to :contracts-var.

wait-for-tx-receipt [tx-hash]

Function blocks until transaction is transmitted to the network, returns a Promise which resolves to the receipt.

contract-event-in-tx [tx-hash contract-key event-name & args]

Will return first contract event with name event-name that occured during execution of transaction with hash tx-hash. This is useful, when you look for data in specific event after doing some transaction. For example in tests, or mock data generating. Advantage is that this function is synchronous, compared to setting up event filter with web3.

(let [opts {:gas 200000 :from some-address}
      tx-hash (contracts/contract-call :my-contract :fn-that-fires-event)]
  (contracts/contract-event-in-tx tx-hash :my-contract :TheEvent))
  ;; {:block-number 12 :args {:a 1 :b 2} :event "TheEvent" ... }

contract-events-in-tx [tx-hash contract-key event-name & args]

The same as contract-event-in-tx but instead of first event, returns collection of all events with name event-name.

replay-past-events [event-filter callback opts]

Reruns all past events and calls callback for each one. This is similiar to what you do with normal web3 event filter, but with this one you can slow down rate at which callbacks are fired. Helps in case you have large number of events with slow callbacks, to prevent unresponsive app.

(-> (contracts/create-event-filter :my-contract :on-some-event {} {:from-block 0})
  (replay-past-events on-some-event {:delay 10})) ;; in ms

replay-past-events-in-order [event-filters callback]

Given a collection of filters get all past events from the filters, sorts them by :block-number :transaction-index :log-index and calls callback for each one in order.

(-> [(contracts/create-event-filter :my-contract :on-some-event {} {:from-block 0})
     (contracts/create-event-filter :my-other-contract :on-some-other-event {} {:from-block 0})]
     (replay-past-events-in-order #(println %)))


# To start REPL and run tests
lein deps
lein repl

# In other terminal
node tests-compiled/run-tests.js

# To run tests without REPL
lein doo node "tests" once

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