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Clojurescript re-mount module, that provides mobile integration.


Add [district0x/district-ui-mobile "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] into your project.clj

Quickstart first needs to be initialized, as defined in the re-mount pattern.

Include within the main file where you call mount/start

;; core.cljs, or main.cljs, etc...
(require '[mount.core :as mount])
(require '[])

;; optional initialization options
(def district-ui-options
  {:mobile {:force-mobile-device false}})

(mount/start (with-args district-ui-options))

Subscriptions can then be made to determine if the web application is being viewed from mobile devices, specifically Android or iOS devices.

;; re-frame view file
(require '[re-frame :refer [subscribe]])
(require '[ :as mobile-subs])

(defn show-device []
  (let [android? (subscribe [::mobile-subs/android?])
        ios? (subscribe [::mobile-subs/ios?])]
    (fn []
       @android? [:span "You are on an Android device."]
       @ios? [:span "You are on an iOS (iPhone, iPad) device."]
       :else [:span "We don't know if you're on a mobile device."])])))

Another use-case is determining if the device is coinbase-compatible.

;; re-frame view file
(require '[re-frame :refer [subscribe]])
(require '[ :as mobile-subs])

(defn coinbase-dialog []
  (let [coinbase-compatible? (subscribe [::mobile-subs/coinbase-compatible?])]
    (fn []
      (if @coinbase-compatible?
        [:span "Mobile device is coinbase compatible."]
        [:span "Device is not coinbase compatible."])])))

API Overview

This namespace contains the mobile mount module.

You can pass the following args while initiating this module:

  • :force-mobile-device Used to imitate a mobile browser. Accepts one of the values: true (android), :android, :ios, or false. By default, this value is set to false.

For example, if I wanted to imitate an iOS device:

(ns my-district.core
 (:require [mount.core :as mount]

(-> (mount/with-args
     {:mobile {:force-mobile-device :ios}
      ;; Additional mount options...

re-frame subscriptions provided by this module:

::android? []

Returns true if an Android mobile device is viewing the web application, otherwise false

::ios? []

Returns true if an iOS mobile device (iPhone, iPad) is viewing the web application, otherwise false.

::coinbase-compatible? []

Returns true if an coinbase-compatible mobile device is viewing the web application, otherwise false.



$ lein doo

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