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Clojurescript re-mount module, that loads config from a server.


Add [district0x/district-ui-server-config "1.0.0"] into your project.clj
Include [district.ui.server-config] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.


This namespace contains server-config mount module.

You can pass following args to initiate this module:

  • :default Default config before loading
  • :url Url to load config from. Default: /config
  • :format Format of a server response. Options are :transit or :json. Default: :transit.
  • :request-timeout Timeout of a request
  • :disable-loading-at-start? Skip loading at mount start
  (ns my-district.core
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]

  (-> (mount/with-args
        {:server-config {:default {:something 10}}})


re-frame subscriptions provided by this module:


Returns config. You can pass additional keys, which will do get-in into config.

(ns my-district.core
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]
              [district.ui.server-config.subs :as config-subs]))
  (defn home-page []
    (let [all-configs (subscribe [::config-subs/config])
          cats-config (subscribe [::config-subs/config :cats])
          small-doggos-config (subscribe [::config-subs/config :doggos :small])]  
      (fn []
        [:div "All configs: " @all-configs]
        [:div "Cats config: " @cats-config]
        [:div "Small doggos config: " @small-doggos-config])))

re-frame events provided by this module:

load-config [opts]

Loads config from a server. Pass same opts as to mount/with-args

set-config [new-config]

Sets new config. Fired when loaded a server response. You can use this event to hook into event flow, e.g with re-frame-forward-events-fx.


DB queries provided by this module:
You should use them in your events, instead of trying to get this module's data directly with get-in into re-frame db.

config [db & ks]

Works the same way as sub ::config

merge-config [db new-config]

Merges config and returns new re-frame db.


lein deps

# To run tests and rerun on changes
lein doo chrome tests

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