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Clojurescript re-mount module, that provides reagent UI component for transaction log, as well as related re-frame events and subscriptions.


Add into your project.clj:
Clojars Project

Include [district.ui.web3-tx-log] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.


This namespace contains web3-tx-log mount module.

You can pass following args to initiate this module:

  • :open-on-tx-hash? Pass true for opening transaction log automatically when user sends a new tx to the network
  • :tx-costs-currencies List of currency rates to load, so transaction cost can be displayed in those currencies
  • :disable-using-localstorage? Pass true if you don't want to store transaction log settings in browser's localstorage
  • :etherscan-url Pass root url as a string e.g. "" (the default) or "" to configure transaction log links..
  (ns my-district.core
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]
  (-> (mount/with-args
        {:web3 {:url ""}
         :web3-tx-log {:open-on-tx-hash? true
                       :tx-costs-currencies [:USD]}})


Namespace with reagent component for transaction log and its subcomponents. Components don't come with styling, you need to provide own CSS. Currently, there can be only 1 transaction log per app.


Main transaction log UI component. It cointains all subcomponents below.

Component props (besides standard reagent props):

  • :tx-cost-currency - Currency to display transaction cost in
  • :header-props - Props passed to header component
  • :header-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace header component with your own
  • :settings-props - Props passed to settings component
  • :settings-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace settings component with your own
  • :transactions-props - Props passed to transactions component
  • :transactions-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace transactions component with your own
(ns my-district.core
    (:require [district.ui.component.tx-log :refer [tx-log]]))

  (defn home-page []
     {:tx-cost-currency :USD
      :header-props {:text "My Transaction Log"}
      :class "my-tx-log-class"}])

In order for transaction log to work properly, you need to pass following data about a transaction under the key :tx-log when sending a transaction with district-ui-web3-tx module:

  • :name Human readable name for a transaction. Will be displayed by tx-name
  • :related-href Href to go to, after user clicks on a transaction in transaction log. Either a string or a map: {:name :param :foo :query {:x :y}}
    (:require [ :as tx-events]))
(dispatch [::tx-events/send-tx {:instance MyContract
                                :fn :my-function
                                :args [1]
                                :tx-opts {:from my-account :gas 4500000}
                                :tx-log {:name "Called My Function"
                                         :related-href "/some-page"}}])

An example of transaction log UI component might look like this:



Header component of transaction log.

Component props:

  • :text - Text displayed in the header


Settings component of transaction log.

Component props:


List of transactions component of transaction log.

Component props:

  • :transaction-props - Props passed to transaction component
  • :transaction-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace transaction component with your own
  • :no-transactions-props - Props passed to no-transactions component
  • :no-transactions-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace no-transactions component with your own


Component displayed when there are no transactions, instead of list of transactions

Component props:

  • :text Displayed text


Component of each transaction in transaction log

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data
  • :tx-name-props - Props passed to tx-name component
  • :tx-name-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-name component with your own
  • :tx-created-on-props - Props passed to tx-created-on component
  • :tx-created-on-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-created-on component with your own
  • :tx-gas-props - Props passed to tx-gas component
  • :tx-gas-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-gas component with your own
  • :tx-from-props - Props passed to tx-from component
  • :tx-from-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-from component with your own
  • :tx-id-props - Props passed to tx-id component
  • :tx-id-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-id component with your own
  • :tx-status-props - Props passed to tx-status component
  • :tx-status-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-status component with your own
  • :tx-value-props - Props passed to tx-value component
  • :tx-value-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-value component with your own
  • :tx-remove-props - Props passed to tx-remove component
  • :tx-remove-el - Pass reagent component if you want to replace tx-remove component with your own


Component that displays name of a transaction.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data


Component that displays creation time of a transaction.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data
  • :label - Label text


Component that displays gas usage with a gas cost.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data
  • :tx-cost-currency - Currency to display transaction cost in
  • :label - Label text


Component that displays address from which a transaction was sent.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data
  • :label - Label text


Component that displays transaction id with link to the etherscan.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data
  • :label - Label text next to the time


Component that displays transaction status

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data


Component that displays transaction value in Ether

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data


Component that serves as a button to remove a transaction.

Component props:

  • :tx - Transaction data


re-frame subscriptions provided by this module:


Returns list of transactions in for transaction log.


Returns current transaction log settings.


True if transaction log is currently open

re-frame events provided by this module:

::set-open [open?]

Sets whether transaction log should open or not.

::set-settings [settings]

Sets settings for transaction log.


Clears transaction log settings from localstorage.


DB queries provided by this module:
You should use them in your events, instead of trying to get this module's data directly with get-in into re-frame db.

settings [db]

Works the same way as sub ::settings

from-active-address-only? [db]

True if setting :from-active-address-only? is on, to show transactions only from active address.

open? [db]

Works the same way as sub ::open?

txs [db]

Works the same way as sub ::txs

merge-settings [db settings]

Merges new settings in returns new re-frame db

localstorage-disabled? [db]

True if localstorage is disabled for this module

Dependency on other district UI modules


lein deps
# Start ganache blockchain with 1s block time
ganache-cli -p 8549 -b 1 --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse
# To run tests and rerun on changes
lein doo chrome tests

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madvas, fbielejec & Filip Bielejec
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