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0.16.3 - 2021-10-18

Bug Fixes

  • Switch to data.json for jvm serialization 6a25a70


  • Add initial port of zerodark color theme (#72) fea9668
    • Thanks @burinc!
      • Use latest version in the examples 73b5f86

0.16.2 - 2021-10-15

Bug Fixes

  • Special representation of java longs, fixes #69 4120fab
    • When the value of a java long falls out of the range of a javascript number, switch to a tagged string representation. The advantage of trying to keep numbers, numbers is for chart / graph like viewers.
    • Thanks @esp1!
  • Selection should consider the current viewer e4d5ffd

0.16.1 - 2021-10-12

Bug Fixes

  • Scroll commands should respect history b385779
    • Prevent scroll-top / scroll-bottom from only working on the last rendered page.
  • Allow command predicates to fail independently 61d8760
    • This would prevent other runtime functions from working in the command palette
  • Fix clojure.datafy/nav enter shortcut 71f09a8

0.16.0 - 2021-10-03

  • Add portal.api/register! 97dbeb2

UX Changes

  • Focus filter input on / dcbb084
    • Press enter to re-focus the currently selected value
  • Display multiple shortcuts in command palette d73f5f3
  • Improve portal.api docs c7c77a6 4a5012a
  • Sort commands by name 2d971f2
  • Slurp should now work with strings d9e3b68
  • Add scroll-top/bottom commands 0cbe016
    • The new g g shortcut will scroll to the top
    • The new shift+g shortcut will scroll to the bottom
  • Prefer selected text when copying a7dd105
  • Add portal.runtime.jvm.editor/goto-definition c926846 8d51f39
    • It will try and resolve the currently selected value to a file/line/column location and open it in an editor
    • emacs and vs-code are the currently supported editors
    • Works on many types including vars/files/strings
    • The new g d shortcut will also trigger this fn

VS Code extension

  • Initial vs-code extension implementation (#66) c16978e
    • Save connection info in .portal/ 79457d8
    • Leverage session info on file open abc8bfa
    • Retain state in vs-code extension 0fa40f7
    • Recursively find a .portal directory upwards 9231004
    • Allow setting window title in vs-code tab ce9a50d
    • Set vs-code extension icon ddc35eb

Big thanks to @seancorfield for helping test the VS Code extension!


  • Add portal.console ns 7dcf526
    • Produces maps that will work with goto-definition
  • First cut of log viewer fcdbd24
    • Correlate log level with color 7eff3d3

0.15.1 - 2021-09-19

  • Fix issue with resource files

0.15.0 - 2021-09-19

  • Initial bin hex/ascii viewer for binary data

UX Changes

  • Only filter currently selected value
    • Improve filtering instructions
  • Improve relative selection
    • Bring relative selection to the table viewer
    • Add hjkl vim style shortcuts
    • Allow selecting parents / children
  • Disable lazy loading


  • First cut of remote repl integration
    • Support for clj/planck over socket repl

0.14.0 - 2021-08-15

  • Preserve scroll history
  • Make :field optional in vega lite spec #62
  • Client pushes selected value back to Portal Atom #60
    • This enables the portal atom for the node.js runtime.
    • Thanks @andyhorng!
  • Add solution for multimethod precedence error #63
  • Links open in new window for hiccup viewer.
  • Treat records as simple maps in portal client, useful if you have a list of records and want to view them in a table.
  • Add clojure.core/dissoc to command palette.


  • The runtime will now wait for a stable tap-list before pushing it to the client.
  • Leverage reagent.core/track to improve performance of portal interactions with large collections.

0.13.0 - 2021-08-08

  • Hide portal.runtime metadata
  • Improve portal viewer performance
  • Leverage connection level caching to improve serialization performance

0.12.0 - 2021-06-12

  • Records can now be viewed as maps
  • Remove incognito chrome flag for chrome app
  • Improve table viewer
    • Distinguish header rows / columns from data
    • Highlight row / column as you hover over elements
    • Fix path for selected value
  • Map META in shortcuts to for mac users
  • Add selected path with copy button to bottom of portal
  • Add :portal.viewer/relative-time for instants
    • ex: 1 day ago
  • Add :portal.viewer/date-time for instants
    • ex: 6/12/2021 6:32:28 PM
  • Viewers that parse data have a tab to get back to the original value

0.11.2 - 2021-05-05

  • Stop excluding transitive deps

0.11.1 - 2021-04-25

  • Fix firefox issues
    • Fix command palette css issue
    • Add ctrl+j shortcut, ctrl+shift+p is already mapped to launch private window
  • Add :portal.launcher/app option
    • Allows users to opt-out of the default standalone chrome app mode
      • NOTE: this is already the case when chrome isn't installed

0.11.0 - 2021-04-14

  • Alert user when disconnected from host runtime

Viewer Updates

  • Preview generic objects like strings
    • Allow users to expand / collapse the pr-str version of the object with e
  • Allow users to render viewers from hiccup (experimental)
    • Checkout the pwa hiccup example for a demo
  • Sticky keys / values in inspector map view
    • Align keys / values at the top of a map entry pair instead of the middle
  • Include the key in path if the key is selected when calling portal.command/copy-path
  • Add bigint support

Command Palette Updates

  • Add placeholder help to command-palette
  • Add tab to command palette shortcuts
    • This prevents tabbing / shift+tabbing focus of selected elements when command palette is open.
  • Put docs in command palette when an item is active
  • Add select-viewer command

Implementation Updates

  • Switch to custom serialization format cson
    • Fixes transit error when encoding symbol keys with metadata #11
    • Fixes issues with older version of transit-clj (0.8.309) brought in with ClojureScript

0.10.0 - 2021-03-15

  • Add command button to improve discoverability (bottom right)
  • Expand items without nav-ing into them
    • Allow string expansion
    • Middle click to expand items
  • Add preview type to each collection as header

Item Selection

  • Add the concept of a selection
    • Single click to select an item
    • Double click to select + nav into an item
    • Use arrow keys to move selection around
      • Limited to :portal.viewers/inspector for now
    • Change the viewer for a selected item

Vega Viewer

Material UI Theme

  • Added material-ui theme
    • Added by @rzwiefel
    • In PR #45
      • Also fixed hex color regex
    • Thanks!

Window Title

  • Adds an option to set a custom window title when opening portal

0.9.0 - 2021-01-22

  • PWA startup for linux with >1 chrome profile (thanks @brdloush #41)
  • Adds portal.api/submit target function for add-tap and remove-tap. (thanks @coyotesqrl #39)
    • Now users can (clojure.core/remove-tap #'portal.api/submit) to stop sending tap> values to portal.
  • jvm.launcher: use system prop for path separator (thanks @bennyandresen #34)
    • fallback to previous value ":"
    • This improves Windows support. Unix uses ":" and Windows uses ";"

0.8.0 - 2021-01-06

  • Support portal parameter in portal.api/open (thanks @rfhayashi #32)
    • This makes it possible to "reopen" a closed portal session
  • Initial vega-lite & portal charts viewers (thanks @BrianChevalier #31)
  • Remove shift+c shortcut
  • Improve hiccup styles
  • Improve copy-as-edn by improving printing
    • Add print-length and print-level
  • Add ratio support (thanks @pangloss #28)
  • Initial cut of reverse search for commands
    • ctrl + r - Allows for executing previous command
  • Fix filter-data for infinite seqs

0.7.0 - 2020-12-12

  • Bump min babashka version from 0.2.2 to 0.2.4


  • Add YAML support (thanks @yvendruscolo #27)
  • Add a default viewer via the metadata key :portal.viewer/default (thanks @JJ-Atkinson #24)
  • Add more data manipulation commands
    • type, deref, datafy, bean
    • slurp for files, URL and URI
    • first, rest, count
    • get, get-in
  • Update scrollbar style


  • Prevent weird scrolling issue on osx
  • Fix command palette css for safari
  • Close portal on process shutdown for portal.main
  • Find chrome binary from within wsl


  • Remove auto-datafy of objects pulled by portal
    • You can now run datafy manually via the command palette.

0.6.4 - 2020-11-15

  • Chunk seqs into groups of 100 for serialization

0.6.3 - 2020-11-02

0.6.2 - 2020-10-26

  • Try to sort maps before rendering
  • Switch viewer from command palette
  • Add options for specifying port and host of launched UI (thanks, @justone #19)

0.6.1 - 2020-10-12

  • Ensure active element is always visible
  • Add data transformation commands
    • keys
    • vals
    • select-keys
    • select-columns
    • transpose-map
  • Add new enumerated selection input

0.6.0 - 2020-10-11

  • Initial release of command palette and shortcuts
    • cmd+shift+p on osx and ctrl+shift+p everywhere else
    • Other shortcuts are listed in the command palette next to the command
  • Add edn, json, transit and csv viewers
  • Only pull the last 25 tap items
  • Include version and runtime type in app title
  • Switch rpc to web-sockets
    • Switch to http-kit for jvm and bb runtimes
      • Require a minimum version of 0.2.2 for babashka
    • Bundle ws for node clojurescript runtime
  • Fix nav issue with diff viewer

0.5.1 - 2020-09-16

  • Fix portal.main

0.5.0 - 2020-09-10

  • Remove accidentally included example data in release jar
  • Table viewer updates
    • prevent text wrapping
    • fix coll of map indexing
    • sticky row and column headers
    • reduce padding to increase info density
  • Allow window refresh and zoom in / out for portal.web
  • Add pseudo portal atom

For jvm and web:

  • portal.api/open will return an atom like thing
    • Use deref to get the current value viewed in portal
    • Use reset! to push a value into portal's history
    • Use swap! to apply a fn to the current value then reset! the result

For node and bb:

  • portal.api/open will continue to return nil
    • bb support will be added when interfaces can be implemented
    • node support is hard since it can't block synchronously

0.4.1 - 2020-08-31

  • Fix windows issues (thanks, @MrGung #12)
    • Explicitly set string encoding for Windows
  • Fix markdown viewer code style
  • Fix support for binary data
    • Stop excluding commons-codec/commons-codec

0.4.0 - 2020-08-17

  • Add support for next release of babashka
    • Requires changes only presently available in master
    • Switch to cheshire for json
  • Table viewer updates for map of maps (thanks, @BrianChevalier #9)
  • Slim down dependencies
  • Expose theme setting via portal.api/open

0.3.1 - 2020-08-07

  • Prevent re-initialization of web portal on page reload
  • Fix portal on node when it can't find chrome
  • Explicitly return nil from api functions

0.3.0 - 2020-08-05

  • First cut of portal.web, the browser specific api
    • Mirrors portal.api for jvm and node
    • Exported for use in js dev console as well
      • portal.web.close()
      • portal.web.clear()
      • portal.web.tap()
  • Fix nav to nil exception (thanks, @rzwiefel #8)
  • Spawn chrome app in future to prevent blocking
  • Initial keyboard support
    • Tab to move focus to next nav target
    • Confirm to nav into currently focused item
  • Add lazy rendering to map, coll and table viewer

0.2.1 - 2020-08-02

  • Fix issue with finding chrome in windows
  • Fix issue with transit, tagged values and metadata

0.2.0 - 2020-08-02

  • Add drag and drop feature to portal
  • Add lines numbers to text viewer
  • Filter lines in text viewer
  • Lazy render text viewer
  • Add forward navigation
  • Preserve viewer selection on navigation
  • Preserve filter text on navigation
  • Disable navigation buttons when not possible

0.1.1 - 2020-07-26

  • Special case rendering urls encoded as strings
  • Simplify filtering
  • Improve tree viewer complex key handling

0.1.0 - 2020-07-24

  • Initial release

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