A major advantage of tap>
is that it allows you
to keep all values as data. However, as with println
, if you tap>
too many
values, it is very easy to lose track where those values came from. Luckily,
there is an easy fix, clojure macros.
The portal.console
namespace has a handful of macros that will not only tap>
values, but capture the context in which those values are tapped. This includes
source code, time and runtime information. Additionally, the data is formatted
to work with the :portal.viewer/log
;; user.clj
(require '[portal.console :as log])
(log/trace ::trace)
(log/debug ::debug)
(log/info ::info)
(log/warn ::warn)
(log/error ::error)
Will produce the following:
If you could like the generate data for the log viewer in another context, the following specs will be useful:
(def ^:private levels
[:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report])
(sp/def ::level (set levels))
(sp/def ::ns symbol?)
(sp/def ::time inst?)
(sp/def ::column int?)
(sp/def ::line int?)
(sp/def ::log
(sp/keys :req-un
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