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Datafy and Nav

Datafy and Nav are extension points defined in clojure to support user defined logic for transforming anything into clojure data and how to traverse it.

For a great overview of datafy and nav, I recommend reading Clojure 1.10's Datafy and Nav by Sean Corfield.

The below will demonstrate the power of datafy and nav by allowing you to traverse the hacker news api! It will produce data tagged with metadata on how to get more data!

(require '[examples.hacker-news :as hn])

(tap> hn/stories)

An interesting use case for nav is allowing users to nav into keywords to produce documentation for that keyword. This really highlights the power behind datafy and nav. It becomes very easy to tailor a browser into the perfect development environment!

Below is an example of extending the Datafiable protocol to java files:

(require '[clojure.core.protocols :refer [Datafiable]])

(extend-protocol Datafiable
  (datafy [^ this]
    {:name          (.getName this)
     :absolute-path (.getAbsolutePath this)
     :flags         (cond-> #{}
                      (.canRead this)     (conj :read)
                      (.canExecute this)  (conj :execute)
                      (.canWrite this)    (conj :write)
                      (.exists this)      (conj :exists)
                      (.isAbsolute this)  (conj :absolute)
                      (.isFile this)      (conj :file)
                      (.isDirectory this) (conj :directory)
                      (.isHidden this)    (conj :hidden))
     :size          (.length this)
     :last-modified (.lastModified this)
     :uri           (.toURI this)
     :files         (seq (.listFiles this))
     :parent        (.getParentFile this)}))

Here is an example of how to leverage protocol extension via metadata to make it possible to navigate to a related entity, namely from a book to its author:

;; in practice you'd use e.g. next.jdbc with a real DB, here we've a db map:
(let [db {:book   [#:book{:id 1,   :title "1984"   :author 10}]
          :person [#:person{:id 10 :fname "George" :lname "Orwell"}]}]
    (tap> (->> (get db :book)
               (map #(with-meta % {`clojure.core.protocols/nav
                                   (fn [_coll key value]
                                     (if (= key :book/author)
                                       (first (filter (comp #{value} :person/id) (:person db)))

This is what it looks like. Notice the book author's ID is selected - if we press Enter now, it will trigger the navigation and display the person map:



If you would like to automatically datafy all tapped values, try the following:

(require '[clojure.datafy :as d])
(require '[portal.api :as p])

(def submit (comp p/submit d/datafy))
(add-tap #'submit)

(tap> *ns*)

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Chris Badahdah & Jakub Holý
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