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CHANGELOG for Docjure

Version 1.14.0-SNAPSHOT

  • Added a font cache to create-date-format to prevent overflowing the number of styles in the document by reusing the styles.

Version 1.13.0

  • Dropped support for Clojure 1.3 and 1.4.
  • Upgraded to use Clojure 1.9 (test suite runs on Clojure 1.5 through 1.9)

Version 1.12.0

  • Improved documentation.
  • Added more cell style formatting options.
  • Upgraded to Apache POI v3.17.

Version 1.11.0

  • Upgraded to Apache POI v3.14.
  • Added support for sparse data in seq functions. Previously the reader would skip blank row, now they will be return as nil. We consider this a bug-fix, so there is no major version update for this. However, note that this is potentially a breaking change if you use row-seq or cell-seq or related functions, and you relay on blank missing rows/cells in your spreadsheets to be ignored.
  • Added support for multi-sheet workbooks.
  • Added support for fomulae.

Version 1.10.0

  • Upgraded to Apache POI v3.13.
  • Add select-cell function to easily read a single cell value.
  • Upgraded to use Clojure 1.8 (test suite runs on Clojure 1.3 through 1.8)

Version 1.9.0

  • read-cell now works on error cells and non-numeric formula cells without throwing an exception. (All cell types now handled safely).

Error cells return keyword of the error type:

  • Added functions to load workbooks from streams and resources in addition to files: load-workbook-from-stream, load-workbook-from-resource and load-workbook-from-file.
  • Make load-workbook a multi-method accepting a string (filename) or a stream.

Version 1.8.0

  • Upgraded to use Clojure 1.6 as default Clojure version.
  • Upgraded to Apache POI v3.11.
  • Now handles both 1900 and 1904-based dates for the Mac and Windows versions of Excel More info.

Version 1.7.0

  • select-sheet can now select sheets by regex and predicate functions in addition to exact sheet name (contributed by jonneale).

  • upgraded Clojure version to 1.5.1

  • added font and cell styling options (contributed by naipmoro):

  • added option work on the legacy Excel 'XLS' file format (create-xls-workbook)

  • added font styling options to create-font!:

    :name (font family - string) :size (font size - integer) :color (font color - keyword) :bold (true | false) :italic (true | false) :underline (true | false)

  • added styling options to create-cell-style!:

    :background (background colour - keyword) :font (font | fontmap of font options) :halign (:left | :right | :center) :valign (:top | :bottom | :center) :wrap (true | false - controls text wrapping) :border-left (:thin | :medium | :thick) :border-right (:thin | :medium | :thick) :border-top (:thin | :medium | :thick) :border-bottom (:thin | :medium | :thick)

Version 1.6.0

  • Upgraded to Clojure 1.4 as the default Clojure version.
  • Upgraded to Apache POI 3.9
  • Support for Clojure 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 (RC 1) via lein profiles (contributed by ragnard)
  • Support for Travis-CI (contributed by ragnard)
  • Use type hints to call correct overload for setting nil date (contributed by mva)

Version 1.5.0

  • Introduces remove-row! and remove-all-rows!.
  • Adds row-vec function to create row data for adding to sheet from a struct to ease writing select, transform, write-back tasks.
  • Formulas are now evaluated when they are read from the sheet and the resulting value is returned.
  • Added named ranges functions add-name! and select-name (contributed by cbaatz).
  • Added row style functions set-row-style! and get-row-styles for styling rows (contributed by cbaatz).

Version 1.4

  • Introduces cell styling (font control, background colour).
  • A more flexible cell-seq (supports sheet, row or collections of these).

Version 1.3

  • Updated semantics for reading blank cells: now they are read as nil (formerly read as empty strings).

Version 1.2

First public release.

Earlier versions

Earlier versions used internally for projects in Ative in 2009 and 2010.

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