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A Clojure library to pre-signed URL's (S3) and sign HTTP requests for AWS. The library only depends on Java core (no external Java dependencies), making it fairly light.

The library might be somewhat naive. I only took the implementation so far as I needed for myself. But if you stumble upon problems feel free to reach out either by creating an issue or ping me via Clojurian Slack.


Presigned URL's

To generate a pre-signed URL for a S3 object:

(require '[aws-simple-sign.core :as aws])

(aws/presign ""
             {:region "us-west-1"})

Signed HTTP requests

The following example illustrates how signing can be used from within a Babashka script:

(require '[aws-simple-sign.core :as aws])
(require '[babashka.http-client :as http])

(let [signed-request (-> {:url "https://someurl/some-api-endpoint"
                          :method :post
                          :headers {"accept" "application/json"}
                          :body "{\"somekey\": \"with some value\"}"}
                          (aws/sign-request {:region "us-west-1"}))]

    (http/post (:url signed-request)
               (-> signed-request
                   (select-keys [:body :headers]))))

AWS Credentials

The library will look for credentials in all the usual places honoring how AWS specific environment variables usually overwrite values.

Alternatively, provide credentials manually using the map structure:

{:aws/access-key "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"
 :aws/secret-key "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
 :aws/token "aoGYXIvYXnzEOf/////////fEaDPDf......EXAMPLETOKEN="}

All three values (access key, secret and session token) must be available, if not an exception with the message AWS credentials missing or incomplete is thrown.

Check the function read-env-credentials to get some insight into how credentials are identified.

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