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A Clojure library to pre-signed URLs (S3) and sign HTTP requests for AWS. The library only depends on Java core (no external Java dependencies), making it fairly light.

The library might be somewhat naive. I only took the implementation so far as I needed for myself. But if you stumble upon problems feel free to reach out either by creating an issue or ping me via Clojurian Slack.


Presigned URL's

To generate a pre-signed URL for a S3 object:

(require '[aws-simple-sign.core :as aws])

(aws/presign ""
             {:region "us-west-1"})

It is possible to choose whether to use "virtual hosted-style" URLs (the default) or "path-style URLs". Path-style URLs are being deprecated (see links below), but have the advantage of supporting bucket names which include dots (.) in the name, which will otherwise cause URLs that cannot have their SSL certificate verified.

(aws/generate-presigned-url "somebucket" "someobject.txt" {})

(aws/generate-presigned-url "somebucket" "someobject.txt" {:path-style true})

Official announcements:

Signed HTTP requests

The following example illustrates how signing can be used from within a Babashka script:

(require '[aws-simple-sign.core :as aws])
(require '[babashka.http-client :as http])

(let [signed-request (-> {:url "https://someurl/some-api-endpoint"
                          :method :post
                          :headers {"accept" "application/json"}
                          :body "{\"somekey\": \"with some value\"}"}
                          (aws/sign-request {:region "us-west-1"}))]

    (http/post (:url signed-request)
               (-> signed-request
                   (select-keys [:body :headers]))))

AWS Credentials

The library will look for credentials in all the usual places honoring how AWS specific environment variables usually overwrite values.

Alternatively, provide credentials manually using the map structure:

{:aws/access-key "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"
 :aws/secret-key "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
 :aws/token "aoGYXIvYXnzEOf/////////fEaDPDf......EXAMPLETOKEN="}

All three values (access key, secret and session token) must be available, if not an exception with the message AWS credentials missing or incomplete is thrown.

Check the function read-env-credentials to get some insight into how credentials are identified.

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