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Relevant AWS documentation:

When the documentation references a client it is either a awyeah client, a Cognitect AWS API client or a map with the following structure:

{:credentials #:aws{:access-key-id "some-access-key"
                    :secret-access-key "wild_secr3t"
                    :session-token "FwoG..."}
 :region "us-east-1"
 :endpoint {:protocol :https
            :hostname ""}}

Notice: :endpoint is optional.

Relevant AWS documentation:


When the documentation references a client it is either a [awyeah][1] client,
a [Cognitect AWS API][2] client or a map with the following structure:

    {:credentials #:aws{:access-key-id "some-access-key"
                        :secret-access-key "wild_secr3t"
                        :session-token "FwoG..."}
     :region "us-east-1"
     :endpoint {:protocol :https
                :hostname ""}}

Notice: `:endpoint` is optional.

raw docstring


(generate-presigned-url client
                        {:keys [endpoint path-style region] :as opts})

Takes client, bucket name, object key and an options map with the following default values:

{:path-style false    ; path-style is the 'old way' of URL's
 :endpoint nil}       ; alternative endpoint eg. "http://localhost:9000"

The options map is 'forwarded' to presign, see that function for more relevant options. Returns a presigned URL.

Takes client, bucket name, object key and an options map
with the following default values:

    {:path-style false    ; path-style is the 'old way' of URL's
     :endpoint nil}       ; alternative endpoint eg. "http://localhost:9000"

The options map is 'forwarded' to `presign`,
see that function for more relevant options.
Returns a presigned URL.
sourceraw docstring


(presign credentials url)
(presign credentials
         {:keys [ref-time region expires method]
            {ref-time (Date.) region "us-east-1" expires "3600" method "GET"}})

Take an URL for a S3 object and returns a string with a presigned URL for that particular object. Takes the following options (a map) as the last argument, the map value shows the default values:

{:ref-time (java.util.Date.) ; timestamp incorporated into the signature
 :expires "3600"           ; signature expires x seconds after ref-time
 :region "us-east-1"       ; signature locked to AWS region
 :method "GET"}            ; http method the url is to be called with

By default credentials are read from standard AWS location.

Take an URL for a S3 object and returns a string with a presigned URL
for that particular object.
Takes the following options (a map) as the last argument,
the map value shows the default values:

    {:ref-time (java.util.Date.) ; timestamp incorporated into the signature
     :expires "3600"           ; signature expires x seconds after ref-time
     :region "us-east-1"       ; signature locked to AWS region
     :method "GET"}            ; http method the url is to be called with

By default credentials are read from standard AWS location.
sourceraw docstring


  {:keys [body headers method url] :as request}
  {:keys [ref-time region service]
   :or {region (:region client) service "execute-api" ref-time (Date.)}})

Takes a client and a Ring style request map. Returns an enriched Ring style map with the required headers needed for AWS signing.

Takes a client and a Ring style request map.
Returns an enriched Ring style map with the required headers
needed for AWS signing.
sourceraw docstring


(signature credentials
           {:keys [scope method timestamp region service query-params
                   content-sha256 signed-headers]})
AWS specification:

Inspired by
sourceraw docstring

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