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(->unsafe drain)


(combine-with f & ds)

Alias for (fmap #(apply f %) (drains ds)).

Alias for (fmap #(apply f %) (drains ds)).
sourceraw docstring


(drain rf)
(drain rf init)
(drain xf rf init)

Returns a new drain that consists of a reducing fn rf and initial value init.

rf must be a valid reducing fn, ie. it must have arity-1 signature as well as arity-2. If your rf only has arity-1 signature, try using clojure.core/completing. This function can be passed a transducer xf optionally, in which case the drain's reducing fn will be (xf rf).

Returns a new drain that consists of a reducing fn rf and initial value init.

rf must be a valid reducing fn, ie. it must have arity-1 signature as well as
arity-2. If your rf only has arity-1 signature, try using clojure.core/completing.
This function can be passed a transducer xf optionally, in which case
the drain's reducing fn will be (xf rf).
sourceraw docstring


(drain? x)

Returns true if x is a drain.

Returns true if x is a drain.
sourceraw docstring


(drains ds)

Returns a drain that manages multiple underlying drains.

ds can be either a vector or a map. The resulting value of aggregation will be the same form as ds. Thus, for example, the result of the following expression will be [0 9]:

(require '[drains.core :as d]) (d/reduce (d/drains [(d/drain min ##Inf) (d/drain max ##-Inf)]) (range 10))

whereas the following will result in {:min 0, :max 9}:

(d/reduce (d/drains {:min (d/drain min ##Inf) :max (d/drain max ##-Inf)}) (range 10))

Returns a drain that manages multiple underlying drains.

ds can be either a vector or a map. The resulting value of aggregation will be
the same form as ds. Thus, for example, the result of the following expression
will be `[0 9]`:

  (require '[drains.core :as d])
  (d/reduce (d/drains [(d/drain min ##Inf) (d/drain max ##-Inf)])
            (range 10))

whereas the following will result in `{:min 0, :max 9}`:

  (d/reduce (d/drains {:min (d/drain min ##Inf)
                       :max (d/drain max ##-Inf)})
            (range 10))
sourceraw docstring


(flush drain input)


(fmap f d)

Returns a drain that applies f to the result of the underlying drain.

Eg. (require '[drains.core :as d]) (d/reduce (d/fmap (fn [sum] {:sum sum}) (d/drain + 0)) (range 10)) ;=> {:sum 45}

Returns a drain that applies f to the result of the underlying drain.

  (require '[drains.core :as d])
  (d/reduce (d/fmap (fn [sum] {:sum sum})
                    (d/drain + 0))
            (range 10))
  ;=> {:sum 45}
sourceraw docstring


(fold combinef d xs)
(fold n combinef d xs)

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core.reducers/fold accepting a drain instead of a reducing fn.

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core.reducers/fold accepting a drain instead
of a reducing fn.
sourceraw docstring


(group-by key-fn d)

Returns a drain that manages an isolated copy of the underlying drain for each key (regarding key-fn).

The result of the drain will be a map of key to the result of the corresponding underlying drain.

Eg. (require '[drains.core :as d]) (d/reduce (d/group-by odd? (d/drain conj [])) (range 5)) ;=> {false [0 2 4], true [1 3]}

(d/reduce (d/group-by #(mod % 2) (d/drain + 0)) (range 5)) ;=> {0 6, 1 4}

Returns a drain that manages an isolated copy of the underlying drain for
each key (regarding key-fn).

The result of the drain will be a map of key to the result of the corresponding
underlying drain.

  (require '[drains.core :as d])
  (d/reduce (d/group-by odd? (d/drain conj []))
            (range 5))
  ;=> {false [0 2 4], true [1 3]}

  (d/reduce (d/group-by #(mod % 2) (d/drain + 0))
            (range 5))
  ;=> {0 6, 1 4}
sourceraw docstring


(into drain xs)


(open drain)


(reduce drain xs)

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core/reduce accepting a drain instead of a reducing fn.

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core/reduce accepting a drain instead of
a reducing fn.
sourceraw docstring


(reductions drain xs)

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core/reductions accepting a drain instead of a reducing fn.

Aggregation fn analogous to clojure.core/reductions accepting a drain instead of
a reducing fn.
sourceraw docstring


(residual drain)


(with xf d)

Returns a drain with a transducer attached.

Eg. (require '[drains.core :as d]) (d/reduce (d/with (filter even?) (d/drain + 0)) (range 10)) ;=> 20

Returns a drain with a transducer attached.

  (require '[drains.core :as d])
  (d/reduce (d/with (filter even?)
                    (d/drain + 0))
            (range 10))
  ;=> 20
sourceraw docstring

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