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GNU Gettext for Clojure based on Easy i18n.

Gettext library is just a thin wrapper around Easy i18n for ease usage.

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To install, add the following to you project :dependencies:

[druids/gettext "0.1.0"]

And into :plugins, if you want to call leiningen tasks.


Install a system dependency GNU Gettext.


A path for message files can be specified in project.clj like:

{:gettext {:target-dir "resources/myproject/i18n"}

When the path is not specified following path is used: "resources/PROJECT_NAME/i18n".


Before you start a language file need to be initialized, e.g.:

lein gettext init cs ge

When translations are done, messages need to be merged:

lein gettext merge cs ge

And compiled into Java classes:

lein gettext compile cs ge

gettext.core namespace provides following functions:

  • tr a basic translate function
  • trc translates a string in the given context
  • trf a basic translate function within format abilities
  • trcf translate a message with context and arguments
  • trp formats a string that varies based on plural forms


(require '[gettext.core :as gettext])

(gettext/tr "Hello") ;; Hello
(gettext/tr :de "Hello") ;; "Hallo"

(gettext/trf "Hello {0}" ["world"]) ;; "Hello world"
(gettext/trf :de "Hello {0}" ["Das Welt"]) ;; "Hallo Das Welt"


Currently extracting messages from Clojure code is NOT supported. This job has to be done by a hand.

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