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ADC via I2C


Interact with this for reading up to 5 analog 10 bits inputs via I2C.


Using dvlopt.i2c for opening an I2C bus and reading the ADC (without error checking) :

(require '[dvlopt.i2c                  :as i2c]
         '[dvlopt.i2c.horter-i2hae.i2c :as adc])

;; First, we need to open an I2C bus where needed
(def bus
     (::i2c/bus (i2c/open "/dev/i2c-1")))

;; Then, select our ADC
(i2c/select-slave bus

;; This is a byte array, our buffer for reading
(def buff

;; Let's read
(i2c/read-bytes bus

;; And finally, we can process the data and extract the values
(adc/process buff)
;; => {1 24
;;     2 546
;;     3 0
;;     4 245
;;     5 0}


Copyright © 2017-2018 Adam Helinski

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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