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This library is built updon the Paho MQTT Java client.

It provides clojure semantics and uses namespaced keywords for referring to values and options. Those keywords are specified using clojure.spec.


Read the API.

Read the longer example.

In short :

(require '[dvlopt.mqtt    :as mqtt]
         '[dvlopt.mqtt.v3 :as mqtt.v3])

;; Here are the options we will use for our client.
;; We will connect to the public MQTT server provided by

(def opts
     {::mqtt/nodes [{::mqtt/scheme :tcp
                     ::mqtt/host   ""
                     ::mqtt/port   1883}]})

;; Now we build our client.

(def client
     (::mqtt.v3/client (mqtt.v3/open opts)))

;; The callback for the messages we receive from our example topic.

(defn on-message


  (println "Received :" (String. ^bytes (::mqtt/payload message))))

;; We subscribe to our example topic.

(mqtt.v3/subscribe client
                   {"dvlopt/example/v3" {::mqtt/qos           1
                                         ::mqtt.v3/on-message on-message}})

;; And now we publish to this topic.

(mqtt.v3/publish client
                 {:mqtt/payload (.getBytes "Hello Mqtt !")})


Copyright © 2018 Adam Helinski

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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