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A tiny library to get predicates from example data for Clojure(Script)

Can be used to match maps by examples. To find all persons whose name includes "Bob" you could write

(def persons [{:name "Bob" :age 31} {:name "Al" :age 32} {:name "Cory" :age 44}])

(filter (like {:name "Bob"}) persons)
=> ({:name "Bob" :age 31})


Simply add the following entry to your :dependencies:

[ebenbild "0.2.0"]

Ebenbild consists of two core functions: like and like?.

  • (like arg) returns a predicate that matches look-a-likes of the given arg.
  • (like? arg compare-to) generates a predicate using (like arg) and calls it on compare-to. When using a predicate more than one time you should use like instead of like?.

So what are look-a-likes?

Depending on the given arg, like will generate predicates that match as follows:

  • Fn assumes that it's already a predicate and just returns it.
    • (like? even? 4) => true
    • (like? even? 5) => false
  • String matches all strings that includes the given string.
    • (like? "AB" "elvABuunre") => true
    • (like? "AB" "CANRIBAean") => false
  • Pattern matches if the pattern matches.
    • (like? #"[a-z]" "a") => true
    • (like? #"[a-z]" "az") => false
  • Keyword matches the same keyword, if given no namespace matches all keywords with the same name
    • (like? :a :a) => true
    • (like? :a/a :a) => false
    • (like? :a :a/a) => true
    • (like? :a/a :a/a) => true
  • Map calls like on all vals (recursively) and matches another map if all keys are contained and their vals match.
    • (like? {:a "A"} {:a "BAB" :b 123}) => true
    • (like? {:a {:b "A"}} {:a {:b "LAL" :c 1}}) => true
    • (like? {:a 1} {:a "A"}) => false
  • IPersistentVector calls like on all entries (recursively) and matches any sequential with the same number of elements where all entries match the corresponding predicate.
    • (like? [1 2 3] '(1 2 3)) => true
    • (like? ["1" {:a 1} ["A"]] ["A1A" {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} ["XA"]]) => true
    • (like? [1 2] [1 2 3]) => false
  • ANY (a symbol in the core namespace), will always return true.
    • (like? ANY 1) => true
    • (like? ANY "Foo") => true
  • everything else will fall back to a equality check using =.

You can extend like by extending the EbenbildPred Protocol.

Other functions

Ebenbild provides some functions often used with like.

  • (unlike x) the complement of (like x)
  • (like-one x y z ...) returns a predicate that matches if any given data is a look-a-like
  • (like-all x y z ...) returns a predicate that matches if all given data is a look-a-like

Properties of ebenbild predicates

The following properties should hold for every predicate created with like. Please create an issue if you find some edge case that doesn't.

  1. Identity: (like? x x)/((like x) x) is always true.
    1. with the exception of functions and regexes
  2. Just Predicates: The predicate always returns true or false
  3. Failsafe: The predicate throws no errors.

Further notices

Because like/unlike/like-one/like-all returns predicates and (like predicate) returns the predicate itself, you can nest different like. For example

(like {:Type (like-one :simple :complex))

returns a predicate that matches every map that has a :Type key with either :simple or :complex as the value.

Because like-one/like-all are functions (unlike clojure.core or/and) you can apply them on seqs of data to get a predictate that matches look-a-likes for one or all of them.


Copyright © 2018 Albrecht Schmidt

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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