(add quad)
(add kb quad)
(add s p o)
(add kb s p o)
(add kb s p o g)
adds a statement to the triple store if it doesn't already exist returns the model if it goes in, nil if it's already there
adds a statement to the triple store if it doesn't already exist returns the model if it goes in, nil if it's already there
(add! quad)
(add! kb quad)
(add! s p o)
(add! kb s p o)
(add! kb s p o g)
adds a statement to the triple store if it doesn't already exist returns the model if it goes in, nil if it's already there
adds a statement to the triple store if it doesn't already exist returns the model if it goes in, nil if it's already there
(anon a)
(anon? s)
(ask-rdf quad)
(ask-rdf kb quad)
(ask-rdf s p o)
(ask-rdf kb s p o)
(ask-rdf kb s p o g)
retrieves statements matching pattern nil in a slot matches anything
retrieves statements matching pattern nil in a slot matches anything
(attempt-long-name-to-sym uri-string [long short])
(blank-node kb)
(blank-node kb name)
(bnode kb)
(checked-add kb s p o g)
(convert-string-to-sym full-name)
(convert-string-to-sym kb full-name)
(convert-string-to-sym kb full-name preferred-namespace preferred-local)
(copy-rdf-slots target-kb source-kb)
(infer-first-ns uri-string)
(infer-longest-ns uri-string)
(infer-longest-ns kb uri-string)
(infer-longest-ns kb to-short-map uri-string)
(initialize-ns-mappings kb
[{to-short :ns-map-to-short to-long :ns-map-to-long}])
(literal x)
(literal kb x)
(literal? x)
(load-rdf kb source)
(load-rdf kb source type)
(long-ns-to-short-ns long)
(long-ns-to-short-ns kb long)
(long-ns-to-short-ns kb ns-map long)
(ns-map-to-long kb)
(ns-map-to-short kb)
(object x)
(object kb x)
(property x)
(property kb x)
(query-rdf quad)
(query-rdf kb quad)
(query-rdf s p o)
(query-rdf kb s p o)
(query-rdf kb s p o g)
retrieves statements matching pattern nil in a slot matches anything
retrieves statements matching pattern nil in a slot matches anything
(create-resource kb name)
creates a resource object
creates a resource object
(ask-statement kb s p o context)
boolean asks for a statement or pattern in the kb
boolean asks for a statement or pattern in the kb
(load-rdf-file kb file)
(load-rdf-file kb file type)
loads an rdf file
loads an rdf file
(create-string-literal kb str)
(create-string-literal kb str lang)
creates a string literal with optional language
creates a string literal with optional language
(load-rdf-stream kb stream)
(load-rdf-stream kb stream type)
loads rdf from stream
loads rdf from stream
(query-statement kb s p o context)
gets bindings for statement pattern
gets bindings for statement pattern
(add-statements kb stmts)
(add-statements kb stmts context)
adds a statement to the kb
adds a statement to the kb
(register-ns kb short long)
adds an namespace mapping
adds an namespace mapping
(root-ns-map kb)
gets the servers version of the namesapce map
gets the servers version of the namesapce map
(create-statement kb s p o)
creates a statement
creates a statement
(add-statement kb stmt)
(add-statement kb stmt context)
(add-statement kb s p o)
(add-statement kb s p o context)
adds a statement to the kb
adds a statement to the kb
(create-blank-node kb name)
creates a blank-node object
creates a blank-node object
(create-property kb name)
creates a property object
creates a property object
(create-literal kb val)
(create-literal kb val type)
creates a literal object, forces type
creates a literal object, forces type
(register-namespace kb short long)
(register-namespaces kb short-to-long-pairs)
(reify-as [s p o] r)
(reify-as s p o r)
(reify-query-statement [s p o])
(reify-query-statement s p o)
(resource x)
(resource kb x)
(resource-ify-sym kb s)
(resource-ify-uri kb uri)
(short-ns-to-long-ns short)
(short-ns-to-long-ns kb short)
(short-ns-to-long-ns kb ns-map short)
(shortest-name x)
(shortest-name x y)
(statement [s p o])
(statement kb [s p o])
(statement s p o)
(statement kb s p o)
(sym-to-long-name sym)
(sym-to-long-name kb sym)
(sym-to-long-name kb ns-map sym)
(synch-ns-mappings kb)
(unique-node ns)
(unique-node ns prefix)
(unique-node ns prefix suffix)
(update-namespaces kb short-to-long-pairs)
(update-ns-mapping kb short long)
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