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Client library wrapper around Grafana Simple JSON Datasource HTTP API format.

It provides the extraction of only relevant data from the responses and, for endpoints returning time series, automated response conversion to a more Clojure-friendly format.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[eigenbahn/grafana-simple-json-datasource-client "1.0.0"]

General Usage


All methods take a connection conn as a first argument. It's just a simple map in the form:

{:url "<grafana_json_datasource_url>"}

So to connect to a localhost instance:

(def simple-json-conn {:url "http://localhost"})

Time instants

Arguments corresponding to a time instant (and by extension the boundaries of a time range) are expected to be Clojure instant objects.

Optional arguments

All optional arguments are keyword arguments.

Error / Exception handling

Errors translate to HTTP error codes, throwing exceptions.

As we are relying on clj-http.client, those exceptions are Slingshot Stones. Refer to this section to see how to handle them.

Result extraction & conversion

By default, only the most sensible data in the API response is returned by each function.

This can be tweaked by adjusting the value of dynamic var content-level:

  • ::http-client: raw value from clj-http.client, good for debugging
  • ::body: HTTP body parsing into a clojure data structure
  • ::best: only the most sensible data for each endpoint (default)

Likewise, we by default convert time series into more clojure-friendly data structures (maps) with timestamps converted to inst and used as keys and values parsed when scalar instead of just strings. This can be disabled by setting convert-result to false.

Example usage

Ensure the datasource is alive

(grafana-simple-json-datasource.client/ping {:url "http://localhost"})
;; -> nil

Throws a Slingshot Stone (exception) on error.

NB: The accuracy of the reported HTTP status depends on the quality of the datasource implementations.

Some will perform numerous healthchecks, others will blindly respond 200 OK.

List all available indicators / metrics

(grafana-simple-json-datasource.client/search {:url "http://localhost"})
;; -> {"<unique_id_1>" "nb-of-babies"
;;     ;; [...]
;;     "<unique_id_n>" "pct-of-cows"}

List indicators matching word

(grafana-simple-json-datasource.client/search {:url "http://localhost"} :target "cow")
;; -> {"<unique_id_m>" "nb-of-cow-species"
;;     "<unique_id_n>" "pct-of-cows"}

NB: Most datasource implementations will match any indicator containing :target, others might implement more regexp-like syntaxes.

Query indicators values

(require '[tick.alpha.api :as t])

(let [from (t/- (t/now) (t/new-duration 10 :hours))
      to   (t/now)]
  (grafana-simple-json-datasource.client/query {:url "http://localhost"} ["<unique_id_n>"] from to))
;; -> '({
;;       ;; context for 1rst series
;;       {:unit "percent", :label "cows-with-horns"}
;;       ;; values for 1rst series
;;       {#inst "2020-09-14T12:47:02.000000000-00:00" 0.00457012,
;;        #inst "2020-09-14T12:17:10.000000000-00:00" 0.00456644,
;;        ...
;;        #inst "2020-09-14T14:13:36.000000000-00:00" 0.004636848}
;;       })

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