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[com.taoensso/encore "1.0.0"] ; Stable

Cross-platform Clojure utils library

Grab-bag of the most common Clojure/Script utils I find myself reaching for again and again. Acts as a kind of an adjunct to what's in Clojure core (hence encore).

Contact & contributing

lein start-dev to get a (headless) development repl that you can connect to with Cider (emacs) or your IDE.

Please use the project's GitHub issues page for project questions/comments/suggestions/whatever (pull requests welcome!). Am very open to ideas if you have any!

Otherwise reach me (Peter Taoussanis) at or on Twitter. Cheers!


Copyright © 2012-2014 Peter Taoussanis. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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