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A Quick but Eventful Tutorial

Getting Started

After the Event Store is successfully installed and started, the obvious next step is to connect to it:

(use 'eventful.core)
=> nil
(def conn (connect {:hostname "" :port 1113
                    :login    "admin"     :password "changeit"}))
=> #'user/conn

Writing Events

Now we can write the first two events in this tutorial (there will be more):

(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver :no-stream}
              {:event :created :name "foo"}
              {:event :items-checked-in :count 100})
=> << … >>

Let's investigate if it all worked out:

=> {:next-exp-ver 1, :pos {:commit 16796, :prepare 16796}}

We can use the :next-exp-ver above to add another event:

(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 1}
              {:event :renamed :new-name "bar"})
=> << … >>
=> {:next-exp-ver 2, :pos {:commit 46786, :prepare 46786}}


Transactions are supported as well. Maybe adding three more events is not such a bad idea:

(def tx @(tx-start {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 2}))
=> #'user/tx
@(tx-write-events {:tx tx}
                  {:event :items-removed :count 1}
                  {:event :items-removed :count 2})
=> :done
@(tx-write-events {:tx tx}
                  {:event :items-removed :count 3})
=> :done
@(tx-commit tx)
=> :done

Reading Events

Let's verify that all events are really there:

(->> (for [num (range 6)]
       (read-event {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1"} num))
     (map deref))
({:event :created, :name "foo"}
 {:event :items-checked-in, :count 100}
 {:event :renamed, :new-name "bar"}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 1}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 2}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 3})

Alternatively, we can get the events in one call. Let's get the first 5 events:

@(read-stream {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1"} [nil 5])
[{:event :created, :name "foo"}
 {:event :items-checked-in, :count 100}
 {:event :renamed, :new-name "bar"}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 1}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 2}]

Changing 5 to -5 returns the last 5 events in reverse order:

@(read-stream {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1"} [nil -5])
[{:event :items-removed, :count 3}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 2}
 {:event :items-removed, :count 1}
 {:event :renamed, :new-name "bar"}
 {:event :items-checked-in, :count 100}]

Metadata is returned with each event:

(-> *1 first meta)
{:id #uuid"3c2034b4-71cf-48d6-a17f-98ef9ddb1653",
 :type "event",
 :num 5,
 :stream "inventory-item-1",
 :date #object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x56009895 "2018-01-10T19:51:48.554Z"]}


With the basics out of the way, we can now look at subscribing to a stream:

(subscribe-to-stream {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :from 0}
                     {:event (partial prn "Received:")})
Received: {:event :created, :name foo}
Received: {:event :items-checked-in, :count 100}
Received: {:event :renamed, :new-name bar}
Received: {:event :items-removed, :count 1}
Received: {:event :items-removed, :count 2}
Received: {:event :items-removed, :count 3}

We should receive an event as soon as it is written (but not sooner):

@(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 5}
               {:event :items-removed :count 4})
=> {:next-exp-ver 6, :pos {:commit 137294, :prepare 137294}}
Received: {:event :items-removed, :count 4}

Now we can close our subscription:

(close-subscription *2)
=> nil

Persistent Subscriptions

Thanks to our persistence we advanced to the [persistent subscriptions] (eventful.core.html#var-persistently-subscribe):

   {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :group "baz"} {:from 0})
=> :done
(persistently-subscribe {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :group "baz"}
                        {:event (partial prn "Persistently received:")})
Persistently received: {:event :created, :name foo}
Persistently received: {:event :items-checked-in, :count 100}
Persistently received: {:event :renamed, :new-name bar}
Persistently received: {:event :items-removed, :count 1}
Persistently received: {:event :items-removed, :count 2}
Persistently received: {:event :items-removed, :count 3}
Persistently received: {:event :items-removed, :count 4}

This time too we should receive an event as soon as it is written. No surprise there:

@(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 6}
               {:event :items-removed :count 5})
=> {:next-exp-ver 7, :pos {:commit 182729, :prepare 182729}}
Persistently received: {:event :items-removed, :count 5}

Let's close this subscription (for now):

(close-subscription *2)
=> nil

If we add another event and reopen our persistent subscription, we will receive it. Also, let's find out how to use the manual ACK as opposed to the default automatic ACK:

@(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 7}
               {:event :items-removed :count 6})
=> {:next-exp-ver 8, :pos {:commit 197943, :prepare 197943}}
(declare sub)
=> #'user/sub
(def sub (persistently-subscribe
           {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :group "baz" :auto-ack false}
           {:event (fn [event]
                     (prn "Persistently received (2):" event)
                     (manual-ack sub event))}))
=> #'user/sub
Persistently received (2): {:event :items-removed, :count 6}

Finally let's close this subscription so it does not print any more events:

(close-subscription sub)
=> nil


By default Eventful will write & read events in Transit-JSON. To use plain JSON instead, we need to do few things:

  1. Include the cheshire dependency in our project.
  2. Require the eventful.json namespace.
  3. Use the :format option when writing & reading.

I'll leave the first step for you. Go on and add the dependency then restart your REPL and reconnect to the Event Store. The remaining two steps are:

(require 'eventful.json)
=> nil
@(write-events {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :exp-ver 8 :format :json}
               {:event :items-removed :count 7})
=> {:next-exp-ver 9, :pos {:commit 1228589, :prepare 1228589}}
@(read-event {:conn conn :stream "inventory-item-1" :format :json} 9)
=> {"event" "items-removed", "count" 7}


If you want to use EDN, all you need is to pass :edn in the :format option. No dependencies or requires required.

Further Events

We wrote a total of 10 events in this tutorial! Didn't we say it will be Eventful? But that's not all. To write even more, check out the API Docs! Happy eventing!

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