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A tool for extracting code examples and typeset them with syntax highlighting in Latex.


First, surround all the code snippets that you want to extract with [:begin-example "examplename"] and [:end-example, e.g.

(ns exampler.sample)

[:begin-example "Square"]
;; Implement $s(x) = x^2$
(println "Define square")
(defn square [x] (* x x)) ;; [4]

[:begin-example "Square-eval"]
(def res (square 3))
(println "The result is" res)
res ;; [:result]

Then, in another file, require the exampler.render namespace and call the process-file function providing the filename of the file containing the code examples:

(render/process-file "test/exampler/sample.clj" render/default-settings)

This will output some Latex code in the latex/exampler subdirectory, such as

\PY{c+c1}{;; Implement $s(x) = x^2$}
\PY{p}{(}\PY{n+nb}{println }\PY{l+s}{\PYZdq{}Define square\PYZdq{}}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{p}{(}\PY{k+kd}{defn }\PY{n+nv}{square} \PY{p}{[}\PY{n+nv}{x}\PY{p}{]} \PY{p}{(}\PY{n+nb}{* }\PY{n+nv}{x} \PY{n+nv}{x}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)} 

See the example/core.clj file for an example.


You need to install

  • Python3
  • Pygments

for this code to work.


Copyright © 2019 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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