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Clojure client for Kubernetes API



Start kubernetes proxy on localhost:8080

The client can be used as follows:

(ns example
  (:require [clojure-kubernetes-client.core :as core]
            [clojure-kubernetes-client.api.core-v1 :refer [list-node create-namespace]]))

;; Set end-point for the the client
(core/set-api-context {:base-url "http://localhost:8080"})

;; List nodes

;; Create a new namespace
(create-namespace {:metadata {:name "a"}})


Update the generated code.

The client is autogenerated using openapi-generator for the API spec fetched from kubernetes repository.

To modify/upgrade the client to a different kubernetes version, change KUBERNETES_BRANCH in settings and run ./scripts/ to autogenerate the client-source code.

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