Clojure.spec coercion library for clj(s).
It started as a fork of spec-coerce, which brings a really nice approach to spec based coercion, very much in line with the spec api. Major props to @wilkerlucio for his work on that library it really opened our eyes on how such an api should look like.
As we were patching/changing it internally more and more to fit our needs, it has reached a state where the internals are quite different, it can also do things spec-coerce does not support and change some defaults that didn't match our usage.
Coax is centred around its own registry for coercion rules, when a
coercion is not registered it can infer in most cases what to do to
coerce a value into something that conforms to a spec. It also
supports "coerce time" options to enable custom coercion from any spec
type, including spec forms
(like s/coll-of & co) or just idents
(predicates, registered specs).
The typical (infered) example would be :
(s/def ::foo keyword?)
(c/coerce ::foo "bar") -> :bar
You can register a coercer per spec if needed
(s/def ::foo string?)
(c/def ::foo (fn [x opts] (str "from-registry: " x)))
(c/coerce ::foo "bar") -> "from-registry: bar"
Overrides allow to change the defaults, essentially all the internal
conversion rules are open via the options to coerce
, they will be
merged with the internal registry at coerce time.
(s/def ::foo keyword?)
(c/coerce ::foo "bar" {::c/idents {::foo (fn [x opts] (str "keyword:" x)})}) -> "keyword:bar"
Coercers are functions of 2 args, the value, and the options coerce
received. They return either a coerced value or
, which indicates we didn't know how to coerce
that value, in which case s/coerce will set the value to the input.
Overrides also works on any qualified-ident (registered specs or symbols/fns), which is something spec-coerce cannot do currently.
The typical example would be :
(s/def ::foo (s/coll-of keyword?))
;; we'll namespace all keywords in that coll-of
(c/coerce ::foo ["a" "b"] {::c/idents {`keyword? (fn [x opts] (keyword "foo" x)})}) -> [foo/a foo/b]
You can specify multiple overrides per coerce call.
Another thing we added is the ability to reach and change the behaviour of coercer generators via ::c/forms, essentially allowing you to support any spec form like inst-in, coll-of, .... You could easily for instance generate open-api definitions using these.
(s/coerce ::foo (s/coll-of keyword?)
{::c/forms {`s/coll-of (fn [[_ spec]] (fn [x opts] (do-something-crazy-with-spec+the-value spec x opts)))}})
coax is available on Clojars.
Add this to your dependencies:
Learn by example:
(ns exoscale.coax.example
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[exoscale.coax:as c]))
; Define a spec as usual
(s/def ::number int?)
; Call the coerce method passing the spec and the value to be coerced
(c/coerce ::number "42") ; => 42
; Like spec generators, when using `and` it will use the first item as the inference source
(s/def ::odd-number (s/and int? odd?))
(c/coerce ::odd-number "5") ; => 5
; When inferring the coercion, it tries to resolve the upmost spec in the definition
(s/def ::extended (s/and ::odd-number #(> % 10)))
(c/coerce ::extended "11") ; => 11
; Nilables are considered
(s/def ::nilable (s/nilable ::number))
(c/coerce ::nilable "42") ; => 42
(c/coerce ::nilable "foo") ; => "foo"
; The coercion can even be automatically inferred from specs given explicitly as sets of a homogeneous type
(s/def ::enum #{:a :b :c})
(c/coerce ::enum ":a") ; => :a
; If you wanna play around or use a specific coercion, you can pass the predicate symbol directly
(c/coerce `int? "40") ; => 40
; Parsers are written to be safe to call, when unable to coerce they will return the original value
(c/coerce `int? "40.2") ; => "40.2"
(c/coerce `inst? "date") ; => "date"
; To leverage map keys and coerce a composed structure, use coerce-structure
(c/coerce-structure {::number "42"
::not-defined "bla"
:sub {::odd-number "45"}})
; => {::number 42
; ::not-defined "bla"
; :sub {::odd-number 45}}
; coerce-structure supports overrides, so you can set a custom coercer for a specific context
(c/coerce-structure {::number "42"
::not-defined "bla"
:sub {::odd-number "45"}}
{::c/idents {::not-defined `keyword?
; => {::number 42
; ::not-defined :bla
; :sub {::odd-number 45}}
; If you want to set a custom coercer for a given spec, use the exoscale.coax registry
(defrecord SomeClass [x])
(s/def ::my-custom-attr #(instance? SomeClass %))
(c/def ::my-custom-attr #(map->SomeClass {:x %}))
; Custom registered keywords always takes precedence over inference
(c/coerce ::my-custom-attr "Z") ; => #user.SomeClass{:x "Z"}
(c/coerce ::my-custom-attr "Z") {::c/idents {::my-custom-attr keyword}}) ; => :Z
Examples from predicate to coerced value:
; Numbers
(c/coerce `number? "42") ; => 42.0
(c/coerce `integer? "42") ; => 42
(c/coerce `int? "42") ; => 42
(c/coerce `pos-int? "42") ; => 42
(c/coerce `neg-int? "-42") ; => -42
(c/coerce `nat-int? "10") ; => 10
(c/coerce `even? "10") ; => 10
(c/coerce `odd? "9") ; => 9
(c/coerce `float? "42.42") ; => 42.42
(c/coerce `double? "42.42") ; => 42.42
(c/coerce `zero? "0") ; => 0
; Numbers on CLJS
(c/coerce `int? "NaN") ; => js/NaN
(c/coerce `double? "NaN") ; => js/NaN
; Booleans
(c/coerce `boolean? "true") ; => true
(c/coerce `boolean? "false") ; => false
(c/coerce `true? "true") ; => true
(c/coerce `false? "false") ; => false
; Idents
(c/coerce `ident? ":foo/bar") ; => :foo/bar
(c/coerce `ident? "foo/bar") ; => 'foo/bar
(c/coerce `simple-ident? ":foo") ; => :foo
(c/coerce `qualified-ident? ":foo/baz") ; => :foo/baz
(c/coerce `keyword? "keyword") ; => :keyword
(c/coerce `keyword? ":keyword") ; => :keyword
(c/coerce `simple-keyword? ":simple-keyword") ; => :simple-keyword
(c/coerce `qualified-keyword? ":qualified/keyword") ; => :qualified/keyword
(c/coerce `symbol? "sym") ; => 'sym
(c/coerce `simple-symbol? "simple-sym") ; => 'simple-sym
(c/coerce `qualified-symbol? "qualified/sym") ; => 'qualified/sym
; Collections
(c/coerce `(s/coll-of int?) ["5" "11" "42"]) ; => [5 11 42]
(c/coerce `(s/coll-of int?) ["5" "11.3" "42"]) ; => [5 "11.3" 42]
(c/coerce `(s/map-of keyword? int?) {"foo" "42" "bar" "31"})
; => {:foo 42 :bar 31}
; Branching
; tests are realized in order
(c/coerce `(s/or :int int? :bool boolean?) "40") ; 40
(c/coerce `(s/or :int int? :bool boolean?) "true") ; true
; returns original value when no options can handle
(c/coerce `(s/or :int int? :bool boolean?) "foo") ; "foo"
; Tuple
(c/coerce `(s/tuple int? string?) ["0" 1]) ; => [0 "1"]
; Others
(c/coerce `uuid? "d6e73cc5-95bc-496a-951c-87f11af0d839") ; => #uuid "d6e73cc5-95bc-496a-951c-87f11af0d839"
(c/coerce `inst? "2017-07-21") ; => #inst "2017-07-21T00:00:00.000000000-00:00"
(c/coerce `nil? "foo") ; => "foo"
(c/coerce `nil? nil) ; => nil
;; Clojure only:
(c/coerce `uri? "") ; => (URI. "")
(c/coerce `decimal? "42.42") ; => 42.42M
(c/coerce `decimal? "42.42M") ; => 42.42M
;; Throw exception when coercipon fails
(c/coerce! ::number "abc") ; => throws (ex-info "Failed to coerce value" {:spec ::number :val "abc" ...})
(c/coerce! :simple-keyword "abc") ; => "abc", coerce! doesn't do anything on simple keywords
;; Conform the result after coerce
(c/conform ::number "40") ; 40
;; Throw on coerce structure
(c/coerce-structure {::number "42"} {::c/op c/coerce!})
;; Conform on coerce structure
(c/coerce-structure {::number "42"} {::c/op c/conform})
License Copyright © 2020 Exoscale - Distributed under ISC License
spec-coerce original license Copyright © 2017 Wilker Lúcio - Distributed under the MIT License.
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