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(after-stage f after-f)

Modifies context after stage function ran

Modifies context after stage function ran
sourceraw docstring


(before-stage f before-f)

Wraps stage fn with another one, basically a middleware that will be run before a stage

Wraps stage fn with another one, basically a middleware that will be run before
a stage
sourceraw docstring


(discard f)

Run function for side-effects only and return context

Run function for side-effects only and return context
sourceraw docstring


(enqueue ctx interceptors)

Adds interceptors to current context

Adds interceptors to current context
sourceraw docstring


(error ctx error)

Adds error to context, potentially triggering :error stage on current/next interceptor

Adds error to context, potentially triggering `:error` stage on
current/next interceptor
sourceraw docstring


(execute ctx)
(execute ctx interceptors)

Executes a queue of Interceptors attached to the context. Context must be a map. Interceptors are added with exoscale.interceptor/enqueue.

An Interceptor is a map or map-like object with the keys :enter, :leave, and :error. The value of each key is a function; missing keys or nil values are ignored. When executing a context, first all the :enter functions are invoked in order. As this happens, the Interceptors are pushed onto a stack.

When execution reaches the end of the queue, it begins popping Interceptors off the stack and calling their :leave functions. Therefore :leave functions are called in the opposite order from :enter functions.

Both the :enter and :leave functions are called on a single argument, the context map, and return an updated context.

If any Interceptor function throws an exception, execution stops and begins popping Interceptors off the stack and calling their :error functions. The :error function takes two arguments: the context and the error triggering the call. If you rethrow the error or assoc it into the context under :exoscale.interceptor/error (or via the exoscale.inceptor/error fn) other :error handlers will be triggered from the stack, if you just return the context it will resume triggering :leave functions.

If the :error reaches the end of the stack without being handled, execute will throw it.

Executes a queue of Interceptors attached to the context. Context
must be a map. Interceptors are added with

An Interceptor is a map or map-like object with the keys `:enter`,
`:leave`, and `:error`. The value of each key is a function; missing
keys or nil values are ignored. When executing a context, first all
the `:enter` functions are invoked in order. As this happens, the
Interceptors are pushed onto a stack.

When execution reaches the end of the queue, it begins popping
Interceptors off the stack and calling their `:leave` functions.
Therefore `:leave` functions are called in the opposite order from
`:enter` functions.

Both the `:enter` and :leave functions are called on a single
argument, the context map, and return an updated context.

If any Interceptor function throws an exception, execution stops and
begins popping Interceptors off the stack and calling their `:error`
functions. The `:error` function takes two arguments: the context
and the error triggering the call. If you rethrow the error or assoc
it into the context under `:exoscale.interceptor/error` (or via the
`exoscale.inceptor/error` fn) other :error handlers will be
triggered from the stack, if you just return the context it will
resume triggering `:leave` functions.

If the `:error` reaches the end of the stack without being handled,
execute will throw it.
sourceraw docstring


(halt ctx)

Removes all remaining interceptors from context's execution queue and stack. This effectively short-circuits execution of Interceptors' :enter/:leave and returns the context

Removes all remaining interceptors from context's execution queue and stack.
This effectively short-circuits execution of
Interceptors' `:enter`/`:leave` and returns the context
sourceraw docstring


(in f path)

Modifies interceptor stage to take in specified path

Modifies interceptor stage to *take in* specified path
sourceraw docstring


(into-stages chain stages f)

Applies fn f on all stages (collection of :enter, :leave and/or :error) of chain. This provides a way to apply middlewares to an entire interceptor chain at definition time.

Useful when used in conjunction with, after-stage, before-stage.

f will be a function of a stage function, such as the ones returned by before-stage, after-stage and an execution context. The stage function is a normal interceptor stage function, taking 1 or 2 args depending on stage of execution (enter/leave or error, error taking 2 args), can potentially be multi-arg if it has to be used for all stage types. The execution context is a map that will contain an :interceptor key with the value for the current interceptor and :stage to indicate which stage we're at (enter, leave or error).

`(into-stages [...] [:enter :error] (fn [stage-f execution-ctx] (after-stage stage-f (fn [...] ...))))

Applies fn `f` on all `stages` (collection of :enter, :leave and/or :error) of
`chain`. This provides a way to apply middlewares to an entire interceptor
chain at definition time.

Useful when used in conjunction with, `after-stage`, `before-stage`.

`f` will be a function of a `stage` function, such as the ones returned by
`before-stage`, `after-stage` and an `execution context`. The stage function
is a normal interceptor stage function, taking 1 or 2 args depending on stage
of execution (enter/leave or error, error taking 2 args), can potentially be
multi-arg if it has to be used for all stage types. The execution context is a
map that will contain an `:interceptor` key with the value for the current
interceptor and `:stage` to indicate which stage we're at (enter, leave or

`(into-stages [...] [:enter :error] (fn [stage-f execution-ctx] (after-stage stage-f (fn [...] ...))))
sourceraw docstring


(lens f path)

Modifies interceptor stage to take from path and return to path

Modifies interceptor stage to take from path and return to path
sourceraw docstring


(out f path)

Modifies interceptor stage to return at specified path

Modifies interceptor stage to *return at* specified path
sourceraw docstring


(remove ctx pred)

Remove all interceptors matching predicate from stack/queue, returns context

Remove all interceptors matching predicate from stack/queue, returns context
sourceraw docstring


(terminate ctx)

Removes all remaining interceptors from context's execution queue. This effectively short-circuits execution of Interceptors' :enter functions and begins executing the :leave functions.

Removes all remaining interceptors from context's execution queue.
This effectively short-circuits execution of Interceptors' `:enter`
functions and begins executing the `:leave` functions.
sourceraw docstring


(transform f f')

Takes stage function, and wraps it with callback that will return a new context from the application of f' onto it. It can be useful to run a separate function after a stage returns and apply some transformation to it relative to the original context. f' takes the initial stage context and f realized return value as arguments.

Takes stage function, and wraps it with callback that will return a
new context from the application of `f'` onto it. It can be useful
to run a separate function after a stage returns and apply some
transformation to it relative to the original context. `f'` takes
the *initial* stage context and `f` realized return value as
sourceraw docstring


(when f pred)

Modifies interceptor stage to only run on ctx if pred returns true'ish

Modifies interceptor stage to only run on ctx if pred returns true'ish
sourceraw docstring


(xform ctx xf)

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on stack/queue, returns a new context

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on stack/queue,
returns a new context 
sourceraw docstring


(xform-queue ctx xf)

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on queue, returns a new context

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on queue, returns a
new context 
sourceraw docstring


(xform-stack ctx xf)

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on stack, returns a new context

Takes a context from execution and run xf (transducing fn) on stack, returns a
new context 
sourceraw docstring

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