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Forms for the web. For Clojure(Script).


[ez-form "0.8.0"]


Clojure works as below.

ClojureScript works roughly the same way, with the exception of how the form is initiated. When initating a ClojureScript form it assumes the following:

  1. You are using reagent
  2. You are sending in as first argument a ratom
  3. You are sending in as a second argument a function that will be called when the form is valid. The function will only be called once per valid confirmation.

Word of warning on Clojurescript: CLJS works, but it's slow (relatively speaking) due to ez-form first being a Clojure library. If the slowness is not a problem it works quite well.

(ns some-namespace
  (:require [ez-form.core :as form :refer [defform]]
            [vlad.core :as vlad]))

(defform myform
 {:css {:field {:all :form-control
                :email "form-control email"}
 [{:type :text
   :label "First name"
   :name :firstname
   :opts {:order 1} ;; additional parameters to add to the output HTML
   :validation (vlad/attr [:firstname] (vlad/present))
   :error-messages {:custom "foobar"
                    :vlad.core/present (fn [form field] "my custom error message")}}
  {:type :text
   :label "Last name"
   :name :lastname
   :validation (vlad/attr [:lastname] (vlad/present))}
  {:type :email
   :name :myemail
   :label "My email"
   :help "Help text about email"
   :validation (vlad/attr [:email] (vlad/present))}])

;; using defform
;; given above myform defined by defform
(myform [default-data] [default-data params] [default-data params options])

;; the form as a table
(form/as-table (myform {}))

;; the form as paragraphs
(form/as-paragraph (myform {}))

;; the form as a list
(form/as-list (myform {}))

;; the form based on a template. this template is used for each field in the form
;; takes :$[label, errors, field, text, help]

    [:span.label :$label]
    [:div.input :$field]]
  (myform {}))

;; free flow. takes :$<field-name>.[label, errors, field, text, help]
;; notice that you can optionally skip the $ in front of the field name
;; it's there mostly to help spot the field-name
      [:p.text :$email.text]
  (myform {:email ""}))


Special types

  • :checkbox
  • :boolean (same as :checkbox)
  • :radio
  • :html (will take a :fn field which assumes a function that takes [field form-options] as paramters)
  • :dropdown (same format as hiccup)

Everything else goes into the :default multimethod for ez-form.field/field where the :type is used as the type of the field.

clojurescript fields

  • :multiselect, gives a set of the values selected as a result
   ;; the value in the ratom holding all the values will be a set
   {:type :multiselect
    :label "Multi select"
    :name :multi
    :help "Help text"
    :text "Text info"
    ;; buttons can be any valid hiccup
    :buttons ["this button will remove all from the right list"
              "this button will add all from the left list"]
    ;; options must be a vector of vectors
    :options [[1 "One"]
              [2 "Two"]
              [3 "Three"]
              [4 "Four"]
              [5 "Five"]
              [6 "Six"]
              [7 "Seven"]
              [8 "Eight"]
              [9 "Nine"]
              [10 "Ten"]]
    ;; optional sort function. defaults to second
    :sort-by first}
  • :fileuploader, gives javascript file objects or strings (URI) as the result
   {:type :fileuploader
    :label "File uploader"
    :name :fileuploader
    ;; allow multiple files?
    :multiple true
    ;; set as the style argument for any images
    ;; to be shown as thumbnails
    :thumbnail {:max-width "100px"}
    :help "File uploader"}
  • :datepicker, gives #inst as the result
   {:type :datepicker
    :label "Date picker"
    :name :date/picker
    ;; goog->date defaults to js/Date
    ;; there is a goog<-date multimethod that will
    ;; need to be extended to convert your date type to
    :goog->date (fn [^ date] (convert-to-your-date-type-of-choice date))
    ;; :mode can be :popup, :raw and :input
    :mode :popup
    ;; set properties
    :props {:date {:show-fixed-num-weeks? true
                   :show-other-months? true
                   :show-today? true
                   :show-weekday-num? true
                   :show-weekday-names? true
                   :allow-none? true
                   :use-narrow-weekday-names? true
                   :use-allow-simple-navigation-menu? true
  • :timepicker, will give back the time as number of seconds in a day
   {:type :timepicker
    :label "Time picker"
    :name :time/picker
    ;; set properties
    :up "▲"
    :down "▼"
    :props {:time {:format :12hr ;; or :24hr
                   :seconds? true}}}
  • :datetimepicker, gives #inst as the result
   {:type :datepicker
    :label "Date picker"
    :name :date/picker
    ;; goog->datetime defaults to js/Date
    ;; there is a goog<-datetime multimethod that will
    ;; need to be extended to convert your date type to
    :goog->datetime (fn [^ date] (convert-to-your-date-type-of-choice date))
    ;; :mode can be :popup, :raw and :input
    :mode :popup
    ;; set properties
    :up "▲"
    :down "▼"
    :props {:time {:format :12hr ;; or :24hr
                   :seconds? true}
            :date {:show-fixed-num-weeks? true
                   :show-other-months? true
                   :show-today? true
                   :show-weekday-num? true
                   :show-weekday-names? true
                   :allow-none? true
                   :use-narrow-weekday-names? true
                   :use-allow-simple-navigation-menu? true

help, text, label and error-messages

Help, text, label and error-messages can take functions as values. During evaluation the function for help, text and label will be called with two arguments, form and the current field. Error-messages will be called with at least 3 arguments: form, field, error key and any number of args. Whatever is returned will be used.

(def locale (atom :en))

(defn delayed-t [k]
  (fn ([field]      (t @locale k))
      ([form field] (t @locale k))))

(defn alt-delayed-t [k]
  (fn [form field]
    ;; get the locale from data sent in to the form as opposed to relying on a
    ;; global atom, with a default locale of :en
    (apply t (get-in form [:options :data :locale] :en) k args)))

(defform i18n-form
 [{:name :name
   :type :text
   :label (delayed-t :form.field/name)
   :validation (vlad/attr [:name] (vlad/present))
   :error-messages {:vlad.core/present (delayed-t :form.field/error)}}])

helper functions

;; will return a map of all the fields along with their associated values
(form/select-fields (myform nil {:firstname "Firstname", :lastname "Lastname", :myemail ""}))


Add :transform to a field for transformations. Default support for :edn. Multimethod located in fields.cljc.

  {:name :age
   :type :number
   :transform :edn
   :validation (validations/number? [:age])}


ez-form has a concept of decor for decorating the markup being returned with optional classes/markup and allowing for a post-process of the output. See ez-form.decorate for implementation details. Decor must always be a keyword starting with a ? sign (ie, :?decor or :?my-decor, :?wrapper, etc)

Internal decors that are supported are :?wrapper, :?text, :?help, :?error and :?label

;; flow

  [:div :?email.wrapper
  (myform nil {}))

;; template

  [:div :?wrapper
  (myform nil {}))

What will happen here is that :?wrapper will be replaced with {:class "error"} in the event that errors do exists. If no errors exists it will be removed. Internally ez-form use decor for text, help and errors allowing for overriding them.

Decor also allows for overriding the content that is used for decorating. In the event of :?wrapper you can do the following:

;; setting it in the form

(defform myform
  {:decor {:?wrapper {:class "my-class"}}}
  [ fields ... ])

;; new CSS class

  [:div :?email.wrapper
  (myform nil {} {:decor {:?wrapper {:class "new-class"}}}))

;; removing the wrapper. doesn't make a lot of sense for as-template, but it's a viable option
;; for as-table, as-paragraph, as-list

  [:div :?email.wrapper
  (myform nil {} {:decor {:?wrapper {:class nil}}}))


Uses vlad for validation. See documentation there. Creating new validation fields is done by following vlad's documentation.

(let [default-data {}
      params {:firstname "Emil"
              :lastname "Bengtsson"
              :email ""}]
  ;; returns give true
  (form/valid? (myform default-data parmas)))


Uses a very simple implementation meant to be switched for something else. Tower is recommended.

Alternative 1

;; import a tower t function that you've set up
'(require [namespace.i18n :refer [t]])

(defn my-t-func [locale path & args]
  (apply t locale path args))

(binding [ez-form.i18n/*t* my-t-func]
  ;; do your stuff with ez-form within here

Alternative 2

;; import a tower t function that you've set up
'(require [namespace.i18n :refer [t]])

(defn- ez-form-t [locale path & args]
  ;; in this scenario we handle locale differently
  ;; and so don't even both with what is sent in
  (apply t path args))

;; wrap ez-form in a ring middleware
(defn wrap-ez-form-i18n [handler]
  (fn [request]
    (binding [ez-form.i18n/*t* ez-form-t]
      (handler request))))


Copyright © 2015-2017 Emil Bengtsson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

Coram Deo

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