The heart of the parsing mechanism. Contains the trampoline structure, the parsing dispatch function, the nodes where listeners are stored, the different types of listeners, and the loop for executing the various listeners and parse commands that are on the stack.
The heart of the parsing mechanism. Contains the trampoline structure, the parsing dispatch function, the nodes where listeners are stored, the different types of listeners, and the loop for executing the various listeners and parse commands that are on the stack.
(-full-parse parser index tramp)
(-parse parser index tramp)
(alt-full-parse this index tramp)
(alt-parse this index tramp)
(attach-diagnostic-meta f metadata)
(bind-trace trace? body)
(build-node-with-meta node-builder tag content start end)
(build-total-failure-node node-builder start text)
(cat-full-parse this index tramp)
(cat-parse this index tramp)
(CatFullListener results-so-far parser-sequence node-key tramp)
(CatListener results-so-far parser-sequence node-key tramp)
(char-range-full-parse this index tramp)
(char-range-parse this index tramp)
(code-point->chars code-point)
Takes a Unicode code point, and returns a string of one or two chars.
Takes a Unicode code point, and returns a string of one or two chars.
(dpprint & body)
(dprintln & body)
(epsilon-full-parse this index tramp)
(epsilon-parse this index tramp)
(equals-ignore-case s1 s2)
(fail tramp node-key index reason)
(full-listener-exists? tramp node-key)
Tests whether node already has a listener or full-listener
Tests whether node already has a listener or full-listener
(full-result-exists? tramp node-key)
Tests whether node has a full-result
Tests whether node has a full-result
(get-parser grammar p)
(listener-exists? tramp node-key)
Tests whether node already has a listener
Tests whether node already has a listener
(log tramp & body)
(lookahead-full-parse this index tramp)
(lookahead-parse this index tramp)
(LookListener node-key tramp)
(make-success result index)
(make-tramp grammar text)
(make-tramp grammar text segment)
(make-tramp grammar text fail-index node-builder)
(make-tramp grammar text segment fail-index node-builder)
(merge-meta obj metamap)
A variation on with-meta that merges the existing metamap into the new metamap, rather than overwriting the metamap entirely.
A variation on with-meta that merges the existing metamap into the new metamap, rather than overwriting the metamap entirely.
(negative-lookahead-parse this index tramp)
(node-get tramp node-key)
Gets node if already exists, otherwise creates one
Gets node if already exists, otherwise creates one
(NodeListener node-key tramp)
(non-terminal-full-parse this index tramp)
(non-terminal-parse this index tramp)
(opt-full-parse this index tramp)
(opt-parse this index tramp)
(ordered-alt-full-parse this index tramp)
(ordered-alt-parse this index tramp)
(parse grammar start text partial?)
(parse-total grammar start text partial? node-builder)
(parse-total-after-fail grammar start text fail-index partial? node-builder)
(parses grammar start text partial?)
(parses-total grammar start text partial? node-builder)
(parses-total-after-fail grammar start text fail-index partial? node-builder)
(plus-full-parse this index tramp)
(plus-parse this index tramp)
(PlusFullListener results-so-far parser prev-index node-key tramp)
(PlusListener results-so-far parser prev-index node-key tramp)
(profile & body)
(push-full-listener tramp node-key listener)
Pushes a listener into the trampoline's node. Schedules notification to listener of all existing full results.
Pushes a listener into the trampoline's node. Schedules notification to listener of all existing full results.
(push-listener tramp node-key listener)
Pushes a listener into the trampoline's node. Schedules notification to listener of all existing results. Initiates parse if necessary
Pushes a listener into the trampoline's node. Schedules notification to listener of all existing results. Initiates parse if necessary
(push-message tramp listener result)
Pushes onto stack a message to a given listener about a result
Pushes onto stack a message to a given listener about a result
(push-negative-listener tramp creator negative-listener)
Pushes a thunk onto the trampoline's negative-listener stack.
Pushes a thunk onto the trampoline's negative-listener stack.
(push-result tramp node-key result)
Pushes a result into the trampoline's node. Categorizes as either result or full-result. Schedules notification to all existing listeners of result (Full listeners only get notified about full results)
Pushes a result into the trampoline's node. Categorizes as either result or full-result. Schedules notification to all existing listeners of result (Full listeners only get notified about full results)
(push-stack tramp item)
Pushes an item onto the trampoline's stack
Pushes an item onto the trampoline's stack
(re-match-at-front regexp text)
(regexp-full-parse this index tramp)
(regexp-parse this index tramp)
(rep-full-parse this index tramp)
(rep-parse this index tramp)
(RepFullListener results-so-far
(RepListener results-so-far
(result-exists? tramp node-key)
Tests whether node has a result or full-result
Tests whether node has a result or full-result
(run tramp)
(run tramp found-result?)
Executes the stack until exhausted
Executes the stack until exhausted
(safe-with-meta obj metamap)
(single-char-code-at text index)
Returns the int value of a single char at the given index, assuming we're looking for up to 0xFFFF (the maximum value for a UTF-16 single char).
Returns the int value of a single char at the given index, assuming we're looking for up to 0xFFFF (the maximum value for a UTF-16 single char).
(star-full-parse this index tramp)
(star-parse this index tramp)
(start-parser tramp parser partial?)
(step stack)
Executes one thing on the stack (not threadsafe)
Executes one thing on the stack (not threadsafe)
(string-case-insensitive-full-parse this index tramp)
(string-case-insensitive-parse this index tramp)
(string-context text index)
(string-full-parse this index tramp)
(string-parse this index tramp)
(sub-sequence text start)
(sub-sequence text start end)
Like clojure.core/subs but consumes and returns a CharSequence
Like clojure.core/subs but consumes and returns a CharSequence
(success tramp node-key result end)
(text->segment text)
Converts text to a Segment, which has fast subsequencing
Converts text to a Segment, which has fast subsequencing
(TopListener tramp)
(total-success? tramp s)
(unicode-code-point-at text index)
Returns the unicode code point representing one or two chars at the given index.
Returns the unicode code point representing one or two chars at the given index.
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