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Fancy Alert

Fancy Alert is a customizable drop in replacement for the standard Javascript/Clojurescript alert box.



Accepted Properties

All properties are passed as a map to the startup function

:text - Text for the alert to display
:timeout - Time before the alert closes itself, can be turn off when hideAfterN is false
:hideAfterN - Bool, sets whether the alert should close on it's own
:showButton - Bool, sets whether a close button should be displayed, defaults to true if hideAfterN is false
:buttonProperties - map of properties for the button
:buttonText - Button properties key - text to display for close button if present
:styles - Custom styles for the alert box - see below for example


Styles are taken as a map on the initial call as part of a :syles key

{:styles {
  :background "red;"
  :color "white;"

This is then merged in with the base styles object. Anything passed in will overwrite the defaults, and anything not present by default will be accepted.

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