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(-directive-name? x)


(-directive? x)


(-directives? x)


(-field? x)


(-fragment-spread? x)


(-fragment? x)


(-inline-fragment? x)


(-list? x)


(-mutation? x)


(-naked-field? x)


(-query? x)


(-selection-set? x)


(-subscription? x)


(-type? x)


(-validate x msg)
(-validate x msg data)


(alias name)

Returns an alias under key :alias using name which should conform to Name. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.


 (alias :foo))
; => {:alias :foo}

See also Alias.

Returns an alias under key `:alias` using `name` which should conform to [Name]( Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.


 (alias :foo))
; => {:alias :foo}

See also [Alias](
sourceraw docstring


(argument name value)

Returns an argument under key :arguments. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

Expects that name is a string or a keyword (that conforms to Name) and that value conforms to Value.

Can also be used directly within oksa.alpha.api/directive.


(opts (argument :foo 1))
; => {:arguments {:foo 1}}

(api/opts (api/directive :foo (api/argument :bar 123)))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:bar 123}}]]}

See also Argument.

Returns an argument under key `:arguments`. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

Expects that `name` is a string or a keyword (that conforms to [Name]( and that `value` conforms to [Value](

Can also be used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/directive`.


(opts (argument :foo 1))
; => {:arguments {:foo 1}}

(api/opts (api/directive :foo (api/argument :bar 123)))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:bar 123}}]]}

See also [Argument](
sourceraw docstring


(arguments & arguments)

Returns arguments under key :arguments. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

Expects arguments to be pair(s) of names and values where name is a string or a keyword (that conforms to Name) and where value conforms to Value.

Can also be used directly within oksa.alpha.api/directive.


(opts (arguments :foo 1 :bar "foobar"))
; => {:arguments {:foo 1, :bar "foobar"}}

(opts (directive :foo (arguments :qux 123 :baz "frob")))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:qux 123, :baz "frob"}}]]}

See also Arguments.

Returns `arguments` under key `:arguments`. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

Expects `arguments` to be pair(s) of names and values where name is a string or a keyword (that conforms to [Name]( and where value conforms to [Value](

Can also be used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/directive`.


(opts (arguments :foo 1 :bar "foobar"))
; => {:arguments {:foo 1, :bar "foobar"}}

(opts (directive :foo (arguments :qux 123 :baz "frob")))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:qux 123, :baz "frob"}}]]}

See also [Arguments](
sourceraw docstring


(default value)

Returns default value under :default key. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.


(opts (variable :fooVar (opts (default 123)) :Foo))
; => {:variables [:fooVar {:default 123} :Foo]}

See also DefaultValue.

Returns default `value` under `:default` key. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.


(opts (variable :fooVar (opts (default 123)) :Foo))
; => {:variables [:fooVar {:default 123} :Foo]}

See also [DefaultValue](
sourceraw docstring


(directive name)
(directive name arguments)

Returns a directive under key :directives using name which should conform to Name. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

Optionally accepts arguments, which is an instance of oksa.alpha.api/Argumented (ie. oksa.alpha.api/argument or oksa.alpha.api/arguments).


 (directive :foo))
; => {:directives [[:foo {}]]}

 (directive :foo (arguments :bar 123)))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:bar 123}}]]}

See also Directive.

Returns a directive under key `:directives` using `name` which should conform to [Name]( Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

Optionally accepts `arguments`, which is an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/Argumented` (ie. `oksa.alpha.api/argument` or `oksa.alpha.api/arguments`).


 (directive :foo))
; => {:directives [[:foo {}]]}

 (directive :foo (arguments :bar 123)))
; => {:directives [[:foo {:arguments {:bar 123}}]]}

See also [Directive](
sourceraw docstring


(directive-fn f)

Sets field transformer function f to :oksa/directive-fn. Function f is invoked against all representations of :oksa.parse/DirectiveName.

Sets field transformer function `f` to `:oksa/directive-fn`. Function `f` is invoked against all representations of
sourceraw docstring


(directives & directives)

Returns directives under key :directives. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

Expects directives is a varargs consisting of keywords (naked directives) or instances of oksa.alpha.api/directive.

Tolerates nil entries.


 (directives :foo :bar))
; => {:directives [:foo :bar]}

 (directive :foo)
 (directive :bar)
 (directives :frob :nitz))
; => {:directives [[:foo {}] [:bar {}] :frob :nitz]}

;; mixed use example
  (directive :bar)
; => {:directives [:foo [:bar {}] :foobar]}

See also Directives.

Returns `directives` under key `:directives`. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

Expects `directives` is a varargs consisting of keywords (naked directives) or instances of `oksa.alpha.api/directive`.

Tolerates nil entries.


 (directives :foo :bar))
; => {:directives [:foo :bar]}

 (directive :foo)
 (directive :bar)
 (directives :frob :nitz))
; => {:directives [[:foo {}] [:bar {}] :frob :nitz]}

;; mixed use example
  (directive :bar)
; => {:directives [:foo [:bar {}] :foobar]}

See also [Directives](
sourceraw docstring


(document & definitions)

Composes many executable definitions together to produce a single document.

definitions can be many of:

  • oksa.alpha.api/query
  • oksa.alpha.api/mutation
  • oksa.alpha.api/subscription
  • oksa.alpha.api/fragment
  • oksa.alpha.api/select

Tolerates nil entries.


  (select :foo)
  (query (select :bar))
  (mutation (select :qux))
  (subscription (select :baz))
  (fragment (opts
              (name :foo)
              (on :Foo))
    (select :bar)))

See also Document.

Composes many executable definitions together to produce a single document.

`definitions` can be many of:
- `oksa.alpha.api/query`
- `oksa.alpha.api/mutation`
- `oksa.alpha.api/subscription`
- `oksa.alpha.api/fragment`
- `oksa.alpha.api/select`

Tolerates nil entries.


  (select :foo)
  (query (select :bar))
  (mutation (select :qux))
  (subscription (select :baz))
  (fragment (opts
              (name :foo)
              (on :Foo))
    (select :bar)))

See also [Document](
sourceraw docstring


(enum-fn f)

Sets field transformer function f to :oksa/enum-fn. Function f is invoked against all representations of enums under :oksa.parse/Value.

Sets field transformer function `f` to `:oksa/enum-fn`. Function `f` is invoked against all representations of enums
under `:oksa.parse/Value`.
sourceraw docstring


(field name)
(field name selection-set-or-opts)
(field name opts selection-set)

Produces a field using name. Can be used directly within oksa.alpha.api/select when you need to provide options (eg. arguments, directives) for a particular field.

Multiple arities are supported:

  • (field name)
  • (field name opts)
  • (field name selection-set)
  • (field name opts selection-set)

Expects name to conform to Name, and expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:aliasA field alias conforming to Aliasoksa.alpha.api/alias
:argumentsField arguments, see also Argumentsoksa.alpha.api/arguments or oksa.alpha.api/argument
:directivesField directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


   (field :foo)
   (field :bar)))
; => {foo bar}

   (field :foo (opts (alias :FOO)))))
; => {FOO:foo}

   (field :foo (select :bar))))
; => {foo{bar}}

   (field :foo (opts (alias :FOO)
                     (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)
                     (arguments :fooArg "fooValue"
                                :barArg 123))
     (select :bar))))
; => {FOO:foo(fooArg:"fooValue", barArg:123)@fooDirective @barDirective{bar}}

See tests for more examples.

See also Field.

Produces a field using `name`. Can be used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/select` when you need to provide options (eg. arguments, directives) for a particular field.

Multiple arities are supported:
- `(field name)`
- `(field name opts)`
- `(field name selection-set)`
- `(field name opts selection-set)`

Expects `name` to conform to [Name](, and expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | description                                                                               | API reference                                             |
| `:alias`      | A field alias conforming to [Alias](          | `oksa.alpha.api/alias`                                    |
| `:arguments`  | Field arguments, see also [Arguments](    | `oksa.alpha.api/arguments` or `oksa.alpha.api/argument`   |
| `:directives` | Field directives, see also [Directives]( | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


   (field :foo)
   (field :bar)))
; => {foo bar}

   (field :foo (opts (alias :FOO)))))
; => {FOO:foo}

   (field :foo (select :bar))))
; => {foo{bar}}

   (field :foo (opts (alias :FOO)
                     (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)
                     (arguments :fooArg "fooValue"
                                :barArg 123))
     (select :bar))))
; => {FOO:foo(fooArg:"fooValue", barArg:123)@fooDirective @barDirective{bar}}

See tests for more examples.

See also [Field](
sourceraw docstring


(field-fn f)

Sets field transformer function f to :oksa/field-fn. Function f is invoked against all representations of :oksa.parse/Name under :oksa.parse/Selection.

Sets field transformer function `f` to `:oksa/field-fn`. Function `f` is invoked against all representations of
`:oksa.parse/Name` under `:oksa.parse/Selection`.
sourceraw docstring


(fragment opts selection-set)

Produces a fragment definition using the fields defined in selection-set.

Expects :name and :on fields under opts arg, and expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is a map and uses the following fields here:

fieldrequireddescriptionAPI reference
:nametrueA fragment name conforming to Nameoksa.alpha.api/name
:ontrueType condition, see also TypeConditionoksa.alpha.api/on
:directivesfalseFragment directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


 (fragment (opts (name :FooFragment)
                 (on :FooType))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => fragment FooFragment on FooType{foo bar}

 (fragment (opts (name :FooFragment)
                 (on :FooType)
                 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => fragment FooFragment on FooType@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also FragmentDefinition.

Produces a fragment definition using the fields defined in `selection-set`.

Expects `:name` and `:on` fields under `opts` arg, and expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is a map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | required | description                                                                                   | API reference                                             |
| `:name`       | true     | A fragment name conforming to [Name](              | `oksa.alpha.api/name`                                     |
| `:on`         | true     | Type condition, see also [TypeCondition]( | `oksa.alpha.api/on`                                       |
| `:directives` | false    | Fragment directives, see also [Directives](  | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


 (fragment (opts (name :FooFragment)
                 (on :FooType))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => fragment FooFragment on FooType{foo bar}

 (fragment (opts (name :FooFragment)
                 (on :FooType)
                 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => fragment FooFragment on FooType@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also [FragmentDefinition](
sourceraw docstring


(fragment-spread opts)

Produces a fragment spread using :name under opts. Can be used directly within oksa.alpha.api/select.

Expects :name under opts arg.

opts is a map and uses the following fields here:

fieldrequireddescriptionAPI reference
:nametrueA fragment name conforming to Nameoksa.alpha.api/name
:directivesfalseFragment directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


 (select (fragment-spread (opts (name :Foo)))))
; => {...Foo}

    (fragment-spread (opts
                       (name :Foo)
                       (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)))))
; => {...Foo@fooDirective @barDirective}

See also FragmentSpread.

Produces a fragment spread using `:name` under `opts`. Can be used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

Expects `:name` under `opts` arg.

`opts` is a map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | required | description                                                                                   | API reference                                             |
| `:name`       | true     | A fragment name conforming to [Name](              | `oksa.alpha.api/name`                                     |
| `:directives` | false    | Fragment directives, see also [Directives](  | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


 (select (fragment-spread (opts (name :Foo)))))
; => {...Foo}

    (fragment-spread (opts
                       (name :Foo)
                       (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)))))
; => {...Foo@fooDirective @barDirective}

See also [FragmentSpread](
sourceraw docstring


(gql obj)
(gql opts obj)

Returns a GraphQL request string for a given obj.

Expects obj to implement oksa.alpha.protocol/Representable or will throw.

The following functions implement oksa.alpha.protocol/Representable:

  • oksa.alpha.api/document
  • oksa.alpha.api/select
  • oksa.alpha.api/query
  • oksa.alpha.api/mutation
  • oksa.alpha.api/subscription
  • oksa.alpha.api/fragment

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

:oksa/name-fnSingle-arg fn that applies fn to all names.
:oksa/field-fnSingle-arg fn that applies fn to all fields.
Overrides :oksa/name-fn.
:oksa/enum-fnSingle-arg fn that applies fn to all enums.
Overrides :oksa/name-fn.
:oksa/directive-fnSingle-arg fn that applies fn to all directives.
Overrides :oksa/name-fn.
:oksa/type-fnSingle-arg fn that applies fn to all types.
Overrides :oksa/name-fn.
Returns a GraphQL request string for a given `obj`.

Expects `obj` to implement `oksa.alpha.protocol/Representable` or will throw.

The following functions implement `oksa.alpha.protocol/Representable`:
- `oksa.alpha.api/document`
- `oksa.alpha.api/select`
- `oksa.alpha.api/query`
- `oksa.alpha.api/mutation`
- `oksa.alpha.api/subscription`
- `oksa.alpha.api/fragment`

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field                 | description                                                                      |
| `:oksa/name-fn`       | Single-arg fn that applies fn to all names.                                      |
| `:oksa/field-fn`      | Single-arg fn that applies fn to all fields.                                     |
|                       | Overrides :oksa/name-fn.                                                         |
| `:oksa/enum-fn`       | Single-arg fn that applies fn to all enums.                                      |
|                       | Overrides :oksa/name-fn.                                                         |
| `:oksa/directive-fn`  | Single-arg fn that applies fn to all directives.                                 |
|                       | Overrides :oksa/name-fn.                                                         |
| `:oksa/type-fn`       | Single-arg fn that applies fn to all types.                                      |
|                       | Overrides :oksa/name-fn.                                                         |
sourceraw docstring


(inline-fragment selection-set)
(inline-fragment opts selection-set)

Produces an inline fragment using the fields defined in selection-set. Can be used directly within oksa.alpha.api/select.

Expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:onType condition, see also TypeConditionoksa.alpha.api/on
:directivesFragment directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


   (inline-fragment (select :foo :bar))))
; => {...{foo}}

   (inline-fragment (opts (on :FooType)
                          (directives :fooDirective :barDirectives))
     (select :foo :bar))))
; => {...on FooType@fooDirective @barDirectives{foo bar}}

See also InlineFragment.

Produces an inline fragment using the fields defined in `selection-set`. Can be used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

Expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | description                                                                                   | API reference                                             |
| `:on`         | Type condition, see also [TypeCondition]( | `oksa.alpha.api/on`                                       |
| `:directives` | Fragment directives, see also [Directives](  | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


   (inline-fragment (select :foo :bar))))
; => {...{foo}}

   (inline-fragment (opts (on :FooType)
                          (directives :fooDirective :barDirectives))
     (select :foo :bar))))
; => {...on FooType@fooDirective @barDirectives{foo bar}}

See also [InlineFragment](
sourceraw docstring


(list type-or-list)

Returns a list type using type-or-list.

Expects type-or-list to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/type, oksa.alpha.api/type!, oksa.alpha.api/list, or oksa.alpha.api/type!.


(opts (variable :foo (list :FooType)))
; => {:variables [:foo [:oksa/list {:non-null false} :FooType]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list (list :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
;                 [:oksa/list
;                  {:non-null false}
;                  [:oksa/list {:non-null false} :BarType]]]}

See also ListType.

Returns a list type using `type-or-list`.

Expects `type-or-list` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/type`, `oksa.alpha.api/type!`, `oksa.alpha.api/list`, or `oksa.alpha.api/type!`.


(opts (variable :foo (list :FooType)))
; => {:variables [:foo [:oksa/list {:non-null false} :FooType]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list (list :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
;                 [:oksa/list
;                  {:non-null false}
;                  [:oksa/list {:non-null false} :BarType]]]}

See also [ListType](
sourceraw docstring


(list! type-or-list)

Returns a non-nil list type using type-or-list.

Expects type-or-list to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/type, oksa.alpha.api/type!, oksa.alpha.api/list, or oksa.alpha.api/type!.


(opts (variable :foo (list! :FooType)))
; => {:variables [:foo [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :FooType]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list (list! :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
                   {:non-null false}
                   [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :BarType]]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list! (list! :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
                   {:non-null true}
                   [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :BarType]]]}

See also NonNullType.

Returns a non-nil list type using `type-or-list`.

Expects `type-or-list` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/type`, `oksa.alpha.api/type!`, `oksa.alpha.api/list`, or `oksa.alpha.api/type!`.


(opts (variable :foo (list! :FooType)))
; => {:variables [:foo [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :FooType]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list (list! :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
                   {:non-null false}
                   [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :BarType]]]}

(opts (variable :foo (list! (list! :BarType))))
; => {:variables [:foo
                   {:non-null true}
                   [:oksa/list {:non-null true} :BarType]]]}

See also [NonNullType](
sourceraw docstring


(mutation selection-set)
(mutation opts selection-set)

Produces an operation definition of mutation operation type using the fields defined in selection-set.

Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through opts, and expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:nameMutation name conforming to Nameoksa.alpha.api/name
:variablesMutation variable definitions, see also VariableDefinitionsoksa.alpha.api/variables or oksa.alpha.api/variable
:directivesMutation directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


 (mutation (select :foo :bar)))
; => mutation {foo bar}

 (mutation (opts (name :Foobar)
                 (variables :foo :FooType
                            :bar :BarType)
                 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
           (select :foo :bar)))
; => mutation Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also OperationDefinition.

Produces an operation definition of `mutation` operation type using the fields defined in `selection-set`.

Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through `opts`, and expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | description                                                                                                              | API reference                                             |
| `:name`       | Mutation name conforming to [Name](                                           | `oksa.alpha.api/name`                                     |
| `:variables`  | Mutation variable definitions, see also [VariableDefinitions]( | `oksa.alpha.api/variables` or `oksa.alpha.api/variable`   |
| `:directives` | Mutation directives, see also [Directives](                             | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


 (mutation (select :foo :bar)))
; => mutation {foo bar}

 (mutation (opts (name :Foobar)
                 (variables :foo :FooType
                            :bar :BarType)
                 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
           (select :foo :bar)))
; => mutation Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also [OperationDefinition](
sourceraw docstring


(name name)

Returns name under key :name. Name should conform to Name. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.


 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo}

See Name.

Returns `name` under key `:name`. Name should conform to [Name]( Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.


 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo}

See [Name](
sourceraw docstring


(name-fn f)

Sets name transformer function f to :oksa/name-fn. Function f is invoked against all representations of :oksa.parse/Name.

Sets name transformer function `f` to `:oksa/name-fn`. Function `f` is invoked against all representations of
sourceraw docstring


(on name)

Returns a type condition under key :on using name which should conform to NamedType. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.


 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo}

See also TypeCondition.

Returns a type condition under key `:on` using `name` which should conform to [NamedType]( Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.


 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo}

See also [TypeCondition](
sourceraw docstring


(opts & options)

Produces a map of options, a collection of oksa.alpha.protocol/UpdateableOptions. Output is a clojure.lang.IPersistentMap.

Tolerates nil entries.

Each instance of oksa.alpha.protocol/UpdateableOption implements their own behavior on where & how to update opts with the instance's own value:

API referenceKeyExpected update behavior
oksa.alpha.api/alias:aliasReplaces value
oksa.alpha.api/argument:argumentsAssociates value
oksa.alpha.api/arguments:argumentsAssociates value(s)
oksa.alpha.api/default:defaultReplaces value
oksa.alpha.api/directive:directiveAppends value
oksa.alpha.api/directives:directivesAppends value(s)
oksa.alpha.api/name:nameReplaces value
oksa.alpha.api/on:onReplaces value
oksa.alpha.api/variable:variablesAppends value
oksa.alpha.api/variables:variablesAppends value(s)


(opts (alias :bar))
; => {:alias :bar}

 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo)
 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo, :directives [:fooDirective :barDirective]}

See tests for more examples.

Produces a map of `options`, a collection of `oksa.alpha.protocol/UpdateableOption`s. Output is a `clojure.lang.IPersistentMap`.

Tolerates nil entries.

Each instance of `oksa.alpha.protocol/UpdateableOption` implements their own behavior on where & how to update `opts` with the instance's own value:

|  API reference              | Key           | Expected update behavior |
| `oksa.alpha.api/alias`      | `:alias`      | Replaces value           |
| `oksa.alpha.api/argument`   | `:arguments`  | Associates value         |
| `oksa.alpha.api/arguments`  | `:arguments`  | Associates value(s)      |
| `oksa.alpha.api/default`    | `:default`    | Replaces value           |
| `oksa.alpha.api/directive`  | `:directive`  | Appends value            |
| `oksa.alpha.api/directives` | `:directives` | Appends value(s)         |
| `oksa.alpha.api/name`       | `:name`       | Replaces value           |
| `oksa.alpha.api/on`         | `:on`         | Replaces value           |
| `oksa.alpha.api/variable`   | `:variables`  | Appends value            |
| `oksa.alpha.api/variables`  | `:variables`  | Appends value(s)         |


(opts (alias :bar))
; => {:alias :bar}

 (name :foo)
 (on :Foo)
 (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
; => {:name :foo, :on :Foo, :directives [:fooDirective :barDirective]}

See tests for more examples.
sourceraw docstring


(query selection-set)
(query opts selection-set)

Produces an operation definition of query operation type using the fields defined in selection-set. Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through opts.

Expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:nameA query name conforming to Nameoksa.alpha.api/name
:variablesQuery variable definitions, see also VariableDefinitionsoksa.alpha.api/variables or oksa.alpha.api/variable
:directivesQuery directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


 (query (select :foo :bar)))
; => query {foo bar}

 (query (opts (name :Foobar)
              (variables :foo :FooType
                         :bar :BarType)
              (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => query Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also OperationDefinition.

Produces an operation definition of `query` operation type using the fields defined in `selection-set`. Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through `opts`.

Expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | description                                                                                                           | API reference                                             |
| `:name`       | A query name conforming to [Name](                                         | `oksa.alpha.api/name`                                     |
| `:variables`  | Query variable definitions, see also [VariableDefinitions]( | `oksa.alpha.api/variables` or `oksa.alpha.api/variable`   |
| `:directives` | Query directives, see also [Directives](                             | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


 (query (select :foo :bar)))
; => query {foo bar}

 (query (opts (name :Foobar)
              (variables :foo :FooType
                         :bar :BarType)
              (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
   (select :foo :bar)))
; => query Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also [OperationDefinition](
sourceraw docstring


(select & selections)

Produces a selection set using selections.

Expects an entry in selections to be an instance of:

  • oksa.alpha.api/field
  • keyword (representing a naked field)
  • oksa.alpha.api/fragment-spread
  • oksa.alpha.api/inline-fragment
  • oksa.alpha.api/select (but only directly after a field)

Tolerates nil entries.


 (select :foo :bar))
; => {foo bar}

 (select :foo :bar
   (select :qux :baz)
   (field :foobar (opts (alias :BAR)))
   (when false (field :conditionalFoo))
   (fragment-spread (opts (name :FooFragment)))
   (inline-fragment (opts (on :KikkaType))
     (select :kikka :kukka))))
; => {foo bar{qux baz} BAR:foobar ...FooFragment ...on KikkaType{kikka kukka}}

See also SelectionSet.

Produces a selection set using `selections`.

Expects an entry in `selections` to be an instance of:
- `oksa.alpha.api/field`
- keyword (representing a naked field)
- `oksa.alpha.api/fragment-spread`
- `oksa.alpha.api/inline-fragment`
- `oksa.alpha.api/select` (but only directly after a field)

Tolerates nil entries.


 (select :foo :bar))
; => {foo bar}

 (select :foo :bar
   (select :qux :baz)
   (field :foobar (opts (alias :BAR)))
   (when false (field :conditionalFoo))
   (fragment-spread (opts (name :FooFragment)))
   (inline-fragment (opts (on :KikkaType))
     (select :kikka :kukka))))
; => {foo bar{qux baz} BAR:foobar ...FooFragment ...on KikkaType{kikka kukka}}

See also [SelectionSet](
sourceraw docstring


(subscription selection-set)
(subscription opts selection-set)

Produces an operation definition of subscription operation type using the fields defined in selection-set.

Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through opts, and expects selection-set to be an instance of oksa.alpha.api/select.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:nameA subscription name conforming to Nameoksa.alpha.api/name
:variablesSubscription variable definitions, see also VariableDefinitionsoksa.alpha.api/variables or oksa.alpha.api/variable
:directivesSubscription directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


 (subscription (select :foo :bar)))
; => subscription {foo bar}

 (subscription (opts (name :Foobar)
                     (variables :foo :FooType
                                :bar :BarType)
                     (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
               (select :foo :bar)))
; => subscription Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also OperationDefinition.

Produces an operation definition of `subscription` operation type using the fields defined in `selection-set`.

Supports query naming, variable definitions, and directives through `opts`, and expects `selection-set` to be an instance of `oksa.alpha.api/select`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following fields here:

| field         | description                                                                                                                  | API reference                                             |
| `:name`       | A subscription name conforming to [Name](                                         | `oksa.alpha.api/name`                                     |
| `:variables`  | Subscription variable definitions, see also [VariableDefinitions]( | `oksa.alpha.api/variables` or `oksa.alpha.api/variable`   |
| `:directives` | Subscription directives, see also [Directives](                             | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


 (subscription (select :foo :bar)))
; => subscription {foo bar}

 (subscription (opts (name :Foobar)
                     (variables :foo :FooType
                                :bar :BarType)
                     (directives :fooDirective :barDirective))
               (select :foo :bar)))
; => subscription Foobar ($foo:FooType,$bar:BarType)@fooDirective @barDirective{foo bar}

See also [OperationDefinition](
sourceraw docstring


(type type-name)

Returns a named type using type-name.

See also NamedType.

Returns a named type using `type-name`.

See also [NamedType](
sourceraw docstring


(type! type-name)

Returns a non-nil named type using type-name.

See also NonNullType.

Returns a non-nil named type using `type-name`.

See also [NonNullType](
sourceraw docstring


(type-fn f)

Sets field transformer function f to :oksa/type-fn. Function f is invoked against all representations of :oksa.parse/TypeName.

Sets field transformer function `f` to `:oksa/type-fn`. Function `f` is invoked against all representations of
sourceraw docstring


(variable variable-name variable-type)
(variable variable-name opts variable-type)

Returns a variable definition under :variables key using variable-name (which can be a string or a keyword) and variable-type. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

opts is an (optional) map and uses the following field(s) here:

fielddescriptionAPI reference
:defaultDefault value for variable, see also DefaultValueoksa.alpha.api/default
:directivesVariable directives, see also Directivesoksa.alpha.api/directives or oksa.alpha.api/directive


(opts (variable :fooVar :FooType))
; => {:variables [:fooVar :FooType]}

(opts (variable :foo (opts (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)
                           (default 123))
; => {:variables [:foo
;                 {:directives [:fooDirective :barDirective], :default 123}
;                 :Bar]}

See also VariableDefinitions.

Returns a variable definition under `:variables` key using `variable-name` (which can be a string or a keyword) and `variable-type`. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

`opts` is an (optional) map and uses the following field(s) here:

| field         | description                                                                                              | API reference                                             |
| `:default`    | Default value for variable, see also [DefaultValue](  | `oksa.alpha.api/default`                                  |
| `:directives` | Variable directives, see also [Directives](             | `oksa.alpha.api/directives` or `oksa.alpha.api/directive` |


(opts (variable :fooVar :FooType))
; => {:variables [:fooVar :FooType]}

(opts (variable :foo (opts (directives :fooDirective :barDirective)
                           (default 123))
; => {:variables [:foo
;                 {:directives [:fooDirective :barDirective], :default 123}
;                 :Bar]}

See also [VariableDefinitions](
sourceraw docstring


(variables & variable-definitions)

Returns variable-definitions under key :variables. Used directly within oksa.alpha.api/opts.

Expects variable-definitions to be pair(s) of variables and types where variable is a string or a keyword (that conforms to Variable) and where type is a string or keyword that conforms to Type.


(opts (variables :fooVar :FooType
                 :barVar :BarType))
; => {:variables [:fooVar :FooType :barVar :BarType]}

See also VariableDefinitions.

Returns `variable-definitions` under key `:variables`. Used directly within `oksa.alpha.api/opts`.

Expects `variable-definitions` to be pair(s) of variables and types where variable is a string or a keyword (that conforms to [Variable]( and where type is a string or keyword that conforms to [Type](


(opts (variables :fooVar :FooType
                 :barVar :BarType))
; => {:variables [:fooVar :FooType :barVar :BarType]}

See also [VariableDefinitions](
sourceraw docstring

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