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Built-in formats

Built-in patterns are complete, readymade and opinionated sets of configurations which implement a specific revisioning pattern. They are meant to be quick-to-start patterns

To use any built-in pattern, define plugin configuration's :format key as keyword matching to desired built-in:

:git-revisions {:format :built-in-format-identifier}

Semantic Versioning (:semver)

:git-revisions {:format :semver
                :adjust [:env/lein_revisions_adjustment :minor]}

Pattern which follows Semantic Versioning. Most people know this as "Maven pattern", or "Aether pattern" or just "the three dotted numbers" pattern.

The format supports adjusting the resulting pattern with either :major, :minor or :patch qualifiers.

The format also has fallbacks for unversioned and unreleased projects, producing such revision patterns as UNKNOWN-UNVERSIONED and UNKNOWN-SNAPSHOT based on active context.

Git tags are expected to be in format vX.Y.Z, where X, Y and Z are all positive integers.

Commit hash (:commit-hash)

:git-revisions {:format :commit-hash}

Use current commit's full SHA-1 as revision string as-is.

Has a fallback for unversioned projects, in which case the revision string is UNKNOWN.

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