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(nrepl-server-component options)

Creates an nREPL server component and attempts to load some default middleware to support a cljs workflow.

This function takes a map with the following keys Options: :nrepl-port the port to start the server on; must exist or the server wont start :nrepl-host an optional network host to open the port on :nrepl-middleware a optional list of nREPL middleware to include

This function will attempt to require/load the cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl middleware which is needed to start a ClojureSript REPL over nREPL.

  Creates an nREPL server component and attempts to load
some default middleware to support a cljs workflow.

This function takes a map with the following keys
:nrepl-port   the port to start the server on; must exist or the server wont start
:nrepl-host   an optional network host to open the port on
:nrepl-middleware a optional list of nREPL middleware to include

This function will attempt to require/load the
cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl middleware which is needed to
start a ClojureSript REPL over nREPL.
sourceraw docstring




(start-nrepl-server figwheel-options autobuild-options)

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