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A collection of build utilities designed to be used with tools.deps.


Deps coords:

{fr.jeremyschoffen/mbt-alpha {:mvn/version "3"}}

Lein coords:

[fr.jeremyschoffen/mbt-alpha "3"]

Git coords:

{fr.jeremyschoffen/mbt-alpha {:git/url "", :sha "01f5d48a4b1ce635dcef9b05e8f25bb3e5538d0e"}}


Mbt is an experiment that aims to provide APIs to build, package and deploy clojure projects. In addition it provides tools to version a project using git tags. The main motivation behind the project is to be able to build and deploy artefacts at the repl. As much as this motivation is fulfilled, writing build scripts to launch using tools.deps should be easy.

Mbt's own build can give an idea:

    [clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st]
    [fr.jeremyschoffen.mbt.alpha.core :as mbt-core]
    [fr.jeremyschoffen.mbt.alpha.default :as mbt-defaults]
    [fr.jeremyschoffen.mbt.alpha.mbt-style :as mbt-build]
    [fr.jeremyschoffen.mbt.alpha.utils :as u]
    [ :as docs]
    [build :refer [token]]))

;; Some aliases to shorten keywords

;; Definition of the projects's configuration
(def conf (mbt-defaults/config
            {::maven/group-id    'fr.jeremyschoffen
             ::project/author    "Jeremy Schoffen"
             ::project/git-url   ""

             ::version-file/ns   'fr.jeremyschoffen.mbt.alpha.version
             ::version-file/path (u/safer-path "src" "main" "fr" "jeremyschoffen" "mbt" "alpha" "version.clj")
             ::versioning/scheme mbt-defaults/git-distance-scheme
             ::versioning/major  :alpha

             ::maven/server mbt-defaults/clojars
             ::maven/credentials {::maven.credentials/user-name "jeremys"
                                  ::maven.credentials/password token}

             ::project/licenses  [{::project.license/name "Eclipse Public License - v 2.0"
                                   ::project.license/url ""
                                   ::project.license/distribution :repo
                                   ::project.license/file (u/safer-path "LICENSE")}]}))

(defn generate-docs! [conf]
  (-> conf
      (u/assoc-computed ::project/maven-coords mbt-defaults/deps-make-maven-coords
                        ::project/git-coords mbt-defaults/deps-make-git-coords)
      (assoc-in [::git/commit! ::git.commit/message] "Generated the docs.")
        (u/do-side-effect! docs/make-readme!)
        (u/do-side-effect! docs/make-rationale!)
        (u/do-side-effect! docs/make-design-doc!)
        (u/do-side-effect! docs/make-config-doc!))))

;; generate a version file and tags the repo with a new version
(defn bump-project! []
  (-> conf
      (u/do-side-effect! mbt-build/bump-project-with-version-file!)
      (u/do-side-effect! generate-docs!)))

;; instrumentation of our commands
(st/instrument `[generate-docs!

;; some commands to use at the repl
  (mbt-core/clean! conf)


  (mbt-build/build! conf)

  (mbt-build/install! conf)

  (mbt-build/deploy! conf))

The project is designed as follow:

  • Each API function takes only one argument and returns whatever is relevant
  • This one argument is a map understood to be the config
  • We can chain build operations using the -> macro and some utilities.

Three namespaces gather the functionality:

  • ...mbt.alpha.core: the core API which is a build tools box?
  • ...mbt.alpha.default: API siting on top of the first one, trying to tie together the different parts of the core API.
  • ...mbt.alpha.utils: utils used throughout the APIs providing useful building blocks to make build scripts.


This project is very new. Not everything you might want of such a tool is present. At this stage it is more of a test bed for several ideas and design explorations.

However it's useful enough for what I want to do. It has tests, it builds and deploys itself in addition to other projects of mine.

Still some aspects need some work:

  • The clojure compilation story is very limited. It's just a thin wrapper around clojure.core/compile. I'd like to add something more developed, like compilation in a separated classloader for instance. The dream would be boot pods.
  • There is no default way of building jars of aot compiled classes. It can be made by hand using the core api.
  • Right now the git tags generated by the versionnig schemes can't be signed.
  • The maven deploy story doesn't support the whole range of options yet.
  • Error reporting and build reporting isn't fully developed yet.


This project is heavily inspired by other build tools in particular and projects in general. The ability to study these code bases helps a lot.


Copyright © 2019-2020 Jeremy Schoffen.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License v 2.0.

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