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Contains functions to communicate with freeswitch using ESL.

Contains functions to communicate with freeswitch using ESL.
raw docstring


(bind-event conn handler & {:as event-headers})

Bind a handler function to the event.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • handler - The event handler function. It's signature should be: (fn [conn event-map]). Handler return value does not matter.


All key value pairs are treated as event headers to match against.



Usage Example:

;; Set a catch-all-stray event handler.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match all stray events!")))

;; Create a BACKGROUND_JOB event handler.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match all BG_JOB events."))
            :event-name "BACKGROUND_JOB")

;; Create BACKGROUND_JOB event handler for a specific job-uuid.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match BG_JOB with specific UUID."))
            :event-name "BACKGROUND_JOB"
            :job-uuid "1234")


  • This does not send an 'event' command to freeswitch.
  • Generally, you should use it's higher-level cousin: req-event.
  • Only one event handler is allowed per match criteria. New bindings override the old ones.
  • Specific handlers has higher priority than generalized ones. The catch-all-stray handler has lowest priority.
Bind a handler function to the event.


* `conn` - The connection map.
* `handler` - The event handler function. It's signature should be:
            `(fn [conn event-map])`. Handler return value does not


All key value pairs are treated as event headers to match against.



__Usage Example:__

;; Set a catch-all-stray event handler.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match all stray events!")))

;; Create a BACKGROUND_JOB event handler.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match all BG_JOB events."))
            :event-name "BACKGROUND_JOB")

;; Create BACKGROUND_JOB event handler for a specific job-uuid.
(bind-event conn
            (fn [conn event]
              (println "I match BG_JOB with specific UUID."))
            :event-name "BACKGROUND_JOB"
            :job-uuid "1234")


* This does not send an 'event' command to freeswitch.
* Generally, you should use it's higher-level cousin: [[req-event]].
* Only one event handler is allowed per match criteria. New bindings
  override the old ones.
* Specific handlers has higher priority than generalized ones.
  The catch-all-stray handler has lowest priority.
sourceraw docstring


(close {:keys [aleph-stream event-chan closed?] :as conn})

Close a freeswitch connection.


Normally, you should use disconnect function to gracefully disconnect, which sends protocol epilogue.

Close a freeswitch connection.


Normally, you should use [[disconnect]] function to
gracefully disconnect, which sends protocol epilogue.
sourceraw docstring


(connect &
         {:keys [host port password conn-timeout]
          :or {host "" port 8021 password "ClueCon" conn-timeout 10}
          :as kwargs})

Make an inbound connection to freeswitch.


  • :host - (optional) Hostname or ipaddr of the freeswitch ESL server. Defaults to "".
  • :port - (optional) Port where freeswitch is listening. Defaults to 8021.
  • :password - (optional) Password for freeswitch inbound connection. Defaults to "ClueCon".
  • :conn-timeout - (optional) Connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10.

You can add extra keyword arguments to fine tune behavior of aleph.tcp/client function.


A map describing the connection.


Blocks until authentication step is complete.

Make an inbound connection to freeswitch.


* `:host` - (optional) Hostname or ipaddr of the freeswitch ESL server.
            Defaults to `""`.
* `:port` - (optional) Port where freeswitch is listening.
            Defaults to `8021`.
* `:password` - (optional) Password for freeswitch inbound connection.
                Defaults to `"ClueCon"`.
* `:conn-timeout` - (optional) Connection timeout in seconds.
                    Defaults to `10`.

You can add extra keyword arguments to fine tune behavior of `aleph.tcp/client`


A map describing the connection.


Blocks until authentication step is complete.
sourceraw docstring


(disconnect conn)

Gracefully disconnect from freeswitch by sending an 'exit' command.


  • conn - The connection map.



Gracefully disconnect from freeswitch by sending an 'exit' command.


* `conn` - The connection map.


sourceraw docstring


(listen & {:keys [port handler] :as kwargs})

Listen for outbound connections from freeswitch.


  • :port - Port to listen for freeswitch connections.
  • :handler - A function with signature: (fn [conn chan-data]). conn is a connection map which can be used with any requester function, like: req-cmd, req-api etc. chan-data is information about current channel.


An aleph server object.


  • Connection auto listens for 'myevents'. But no event handler is bound.
  • To stop listening for connections, call .close method of the returned server object.
Listen for outbound connections from freeswitch.


* `:port` - Port to listen for freeswitch connections.
* `:handler` - A function with signature: `(fn [conn chan-data])`.
               `conn` is a connection map which can be used with any
               requester function, like: [[req-cmd]], [[req-api]] etc.
               `chan-data` is information about current channel.


An aleph server object.


* Connection auto listens for 'myevents'. But no event handler is bound.
* To stop listening for connections, call `.close` method of the returned
  server object.
sourceraw docstring


(req conn cmd-line cmd-hdrs cmd-body)

Make a request to freeswitch.


  • conn - Freeswitch connection.


An async/promise-chan which returns the response when available.


This is a low level function, intended to be used by other high-level functions like req-cmd etc.

Make a request to freeswitch.


* `conn` - Freeswitch connection.


An `async/promise-chan` which returns the response when available.


This is a low level function, intended to be used by other
high-level functions like `req-cmd` etc.
sourceraw docstring


(req-api conn api-cmd)

Convenience function to make an api request.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • api-cmd - Api command string with arguments.


A response map with following keys:

  • :ok - Whether the operation succeeded.
  • :result - The result of the api request.

Usage Example:

;; Send a 'status' api request.
(println (req-api conn "status"))
Convenience function to make an api request.


* `conn` - The connection map.
* `api-cmd` - Api command string with arguments.


A response map with following keys:

* `:ok` - Whether the operation succeeded.
* `:result` - The result of the api request.

__Usage Example:__

;; Send a 'status' api request.
(println (req-api conn "status"))
sourceraw docstring


(req-bgapi conn handler api-cmd)

Make a background api request.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • handler - Result handler function. Signature is: (fn [conn rslt]). rslt is a map with following keys:
    • :ok - Designates success of api operation.
    • :result - Result of the api command.
    • :event - The event which delivered the result.
  • api-cmd - Api command string with arguments.


The command response (not the api result).

Usage Example:

;; Execute a 'status' api request in background.
(req-bgapi conn
           (fn [conn rslt] (println rslt))
Make a background api request.


* `conn` - The connection map.
* `handler` - Result handler function. Signature is: `(fn [conn rslt])`.
  `rslt` is a map with following keys:
    * `:ok` - Designates success of api operation.
    * `:result` - Result of the api command.
    * `:event` - The event which delivered the result.
* `api-cmd` - Api command string with arguments.


The command response (not the api result).

__Usage Example:__

;; Execute a 'status' api request in background.
(req-bgapi conn
           (fn [conn rslt] (println rslt))
sourceraw docstring


(req-call-execute conn
                  {:keys [chan-uuid event-uuid start-handler end-handler
                          event-lock loops]
                   :or {event-lock false loops 1}
                   :as kwargs})

Send a 'sendmsg' request to a channel (or current channel, in case of freeswitch-outbound mode) to execute a dialplan application.


  • app-cmd - The dialplan app to execute, including it's arguments. i.e. "playback /tmp/myfile.wav"


  • :chan-uuid - The UUID of the target channel. Unnecessary in outbound mode.
  • :event-uuid - (optional) An UUID to track the events generated by the command. If not provided, a random UUID is used. Note that as of freeswitch 1.6, this UUID is returned as value of the :application-uuid header of the event.
  • :start-handler - (optional) Function to process the 'CHANNEL_EXECUTE' event.
  • :end-handler - (optional) Function to process the 'CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE' event.
  • :event-lock - (optional) Whether to execute apps in sync. Defaults to false.
  • :loops - (optional) The number of times the app will be executed. Defaults to 1.


Command response.

Send a 'sendmsg' request to a channel (or current channel, in case
of freeswitch-outbound mode) to execute a dialplan application.


* `app-cmd` - The dialplan app to execute, including it's arguments.
              i.e. "playback /tmp/myfile.wav"


* `:chan-uuid` - The UUID of the target channel. Unnecessary in outbound mode.
* `:event-uuid` - (optional) An UUID to track the events generated by the command.
                  If not provided, a random UUID is used. Note that as of freeswitch
                  1.6, this UUID is returned as value of the `:application-uuid` header
                  of the event.
* `:start-handler` - (optional) Function to process the 'CHANNEL_EXECUTE' event.
* `:end-handler` - (optional) Function to process the 'CHANNEL_EXECUTE_COMPLETE' event.
* `:event-lock` - (optional) Whether to execute apps in sync. Defaults to false.
* `:loops` - (optional) The number of times the app will be executed. Defaults to 1.


Command response.
sourceraw docstring


(req-cmd conn cmd)

Send a simple command request.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • cmd - The command string including additional arguments.


A response map with key :ok bound to a boolean value describing success of the operation.

Usage Example:

;; Send a 'noevents' command.
(req-cmd conn "noevents")


Don't use this function to send special commands, like - 'bgapi', 'sendmsg' etc. Rather use the high level functions provided for each.

Send a simple command request.


* conn - The connection map.
* cmd - The command string including additional arguments.


A response map with key `:ok` bound to a boolean value
describing success of the operation.

__Usage Example:__

;; Send a 'noevents' command.
(req-cmd conn "noevents")


Don't use this function to send special commands, like -
'bgapi', 'sendmsg' etc. Rather use the high level functions
provided for each.
sourceraw docstring


(req-event conn handler & {:keys [event-name] :as event-headers})

Request to listen for an event and bind a handler for it.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • handler - Event handler function with signature: (fn [conn event-map]).


  • :event-name - Name of the event. Special value ALL means subscribe to all events and the handler matches any value for :event-name.
  • All other keyword arguments are treated as event headers to match against. Like :event-subclass to match for custom events.


Response of the event command.

Usage Examples:

;; Listen for a regular event.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println "Got a call update!"))
  :event-name "CALL_UPDATE")

;; Listen for a custom event with specific subclass.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println "Inside a menu!"))
  :event-name "CUSTOM"
  :event-subclass "menu:enter")

;; Listen for all events and setup a catch-all-stray handler.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println event))
  :event-name "ALL")
Request to listen for an event and bind a handler for it.


* `conn` - The connection map.
* `handler` - Event handler function with signature:
              `(fn [conn event-map])`.


* `:event-name` - Name of the event. Special value `ALL` means
                  subscribe to all events and the handler matches
                  any value for `:event-name.`
* All other keyword arguments are treated as event headers
  to match against. Like `:event-subclass` to match for custom


Response of the event command.

__Usage Examples:__

;; Listen for a regular event.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println "Got a call update!"))
  :event-name "CALL_UPDATE")

;; Listen for a custom event with specific subclass.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println "Inside a menu!"))
  :event-name "CUSTOM"
  :event-subclass "menu:enter")

;; Listen for all events and setup a catch-all-stray handler.
  (fn [conn event]
    (println event))
  :event-name "ALL")
sourceraw docstring


(req-sendevent conn event-name & {:keys [body] :as event-headers})

Send a generated event to freeswitch.


  • conn - The connection map.
  • event-name - The name of the event.

Keyword args:

  • :body - (optional) The body of the event.
  • Any other keyword arguments are treated as headers for the event.


Response of the command.

Send a generated event to freeswitch.


* `conn` - The connection map.
* `event-name` - The name of the event.

__Keyword args:__

* `:body` - (optional) The body of the event.
* Any other keyword arguments are treated as headers for the event.


Response of the command.
sourceraw docstring


(req-sendmsg conn & {:keys [chan-uuid body] :as headers})

Make a 'sendmsg' request to control a call.


  • conn - The connection map.


  • :chan-uuid - The UUID of target channel. Not required in outbound mode.
  • :body - (optional) Body of the message.
  • Any other keyword arguments are treated as headers for the message.


Reponse of the command.


To execute a dialplan app or hangup the call, use higher level funcs like req-call-execute which provide automated event listener setup.

Make a 'sendmsg' request to control a call.


* `conn` - The connection map.


* `:chan-uuid` - The UUID of target channel. Not required in outbound mode.
* `:body` - (optional) Body of the message.
* Any other keyword arguments are treated as headers for the message.


Reponse of the command.


To execute a dialplan app or hangup the call, use higher
level funcs like [[req-call-execute]] which provide automated
event listener setup.
sourceraw docstring


(unbind-event conn & {:as event-headers})

Unbind the associated handler for an event.


  • conn - The connection map.


Event headers to match against.



Unbind the associated handler for an event.


* `conn` - The connection map.


Event headers to match against.


sourceraw docstring

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