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BREAKING CHANGES as of 3.1. The =throws⇒ clause now just takes either a type or a regex. Not maps/lists.

BREAKING CHANGES as of 3.0. Do NOT upgrade without being prepared to port your test runners.

This library no longer contains browser-based runners.

I recommend the following alternatives:

Clojure Tests

I recommend IntelliJ/Emacs/Vim in-editor testing, or perhaps Clojure Tools Deps with kaocha. The latter renders into a terminal, but can use fulcro-spec’s macros. Here is a sample config file that will use Fulcro spec’s terminal reporting:

    {:tests    [{:id           :unit
                 :ns-patterns  ["-test$" "-spec$"]
                 :test-paths   ["src/test"]
                 :skip-meta    [:integration]
                 :source-paths ["src/main"]}]
     :reporter [fulcro-spec.reporters.terminal/fulcro-report]
     :plugins  [:kaocha.plugin/randomize
Clojurescript Tests

I highly recommend using Nubank’s Workspaces. I’ve contributed a shadow-cljs target that can auto-scan for tests if you use their deftest macro. Again, things like the provided macro work within Workspaces. I recommend using shadow-cljs :karma target for running CI tests.

See the docs for more details.

2. Description

A Clojure(scipt) testing library to augment the standard clojure.test.

fulcro spec

Release: CircleCI Snapshot: CircleCI

3. Usage

(ns my-test
    [fulcro-spec.core :refer [when-mocking provided assertions]
    [clojure.test :refer [deftest]]

(defn f [x] 900)
(defn g [y] (f y))

(deftest my-test
    (f x) => 22

      "mocking works"
      (g 9) => 31)))

See the full documentation for complete details.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Tony Kay, Anthony, Anthony D'Ambrosio, Wilker Lúcio & Fatih Demir
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