(add-route-state state-map target-kw component)
(bad-route page)
(current-route state-map-or-router-table router-id)
Get the current route (an ident) from the router with the given id. You can pass the entire app database, the routers table, or the props of a component that has queried for the router table as the first argument to this function. Thus, it can be used easily from within a mutation or in a component to find (and display) the current route:
(defmutation do-something-with-routes [params]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(let [current (r/current-route state :top-router)]
(defsc NavBar [this props]
{:query (fn [] [[r/routers-table '_]])
:initial-state (fn [params] {})}
(let [current (r/current-route props :top-router)]
Get the current route (an ident) from the router with the given id. You can pass the entire app database, the routers table, or the props of a component that has queried for the router table as the first argument to this function. Thus, it can be used easily from within a mutation or in a component to find (and display) the current route: ``` (defmutation do-something-with-routes [params] (action [{:keys [state]}] (let [current (r/current-route state :top-router)] ...))) (defsc NavBar [this props] {:query (fn [] [[r/routers-table '_]]) :initial-state (fn [params] {})} (let [current (r/current-route props :top-router)] ...)) ```
(defrouter & args)
Generates a component with a union query that can route among the given screens.
(defrouter ComponentName keyword-for-router-id
kw Component
kw2 Component2
The first screen listed will be the 'default' screen that the router will be initialized to show.
The ident-generator
can be:
. A lamba receiving this
and props
that must return a legal ident from the props of any of the listed components
. A vector listing the table prop and id prop that will be in the state of the screen
(fn [this props] [(:screen props) (:id props)]) ; General-purpose [:screen :id] ; shorthand for prior example (fn [t p] [(:screen p :constant-id]) ; must use fn form if id is some kind of constant (ident [t p] [(:screen p) :x]) ; name of the lambda is ignored (fn is recommended) ...
Generates a component with a union query that can route among the given screens. ``` (defrouter ComponentName keyword-for-router-id ident-generator kw Component kw2 Component2 ...) ``` The first screen listed will be the 'default' screen that the router will be initialized to show. The `ident-generator` can be: . A lamba receiving `this` and `props` that must return a legal ident from the props of any of the listed components . A vector listing the table prop and id prop that will be in the state of the screen Examples: (fn [this props] [(:screen props) (:id props)]) ; General-purpose [:screen :id] ; shorthand for prior example (fn [t p] [(:screen p :constant-id]) ; must use fn form if id is some kind of constant (ident [t p] [(:screen p) :x]) ; name of the lambda is ignored (fn is recommended) ... NOTES: - All Component screens *must* have initial state - All Component screens *must* have a query - All Component screens *must* have state that the ident-fn can use to generate a proper ident from your ident generator.
(get-dynamic-router-query router-id)
Get the query for the router with the given router-id.
Get the query for the router with the given router-id.
Get the component that renders the given screen type. The parameter is simply the keyword of the module/component. Note that all have to match: the module name in the compiler that contains the code for the component, the first element of the ident returned by the component, and the keyword passed to this multimethod to retrieve the component.
Get the component that renders the given screen type. The parameter is simply the keyword of the module/component. Note that all have to match: the module name in the compiler that contains the code for the component, the first element of the ident returned by the component, and the keyword passed to this multimethod to retrieve the component.
(install-route* state-map target-kw component)
Implementation of mutation. Useful for SSR setup.
Implementation of mutation. Useful for SSR setup.
(make-route name routing-instructions)
Make a route name that executes the provided routing instructions to change which screen in on the UI. routing-instructions
must be a vector. Returns an item that can be passed to routing-tree
to generate your overall application's routing
(make-route :route/a [(router-instruction ...) ...])
Make a route name that executes the provided routing instructions to change which screen in on the UI. routing-instructions must be a vector. Returns an item that can be passed to `routing-tree` to generate your overall application's routing plan. `(make-route :route/a [(router-instruction ...) ...])`
(route-to* state-map bidi-match)
Implementation of routing tree data manipulations on app state. Returns an updated app state.
WARNING: This function will not trigger dynamic module loading, as it is only responsible for returning a state-map that has been set (as far as is possible) to the given route. You typically do not want to use this on a client, but exists a separate function for server-side rendering to be easily able to route, since no dynamic code loading will be needed.
Implementation of routing tree data manipulations on app state. Returns an updated app state. WARNING: This function will not trigger dynamic module loading, as it is only responsible for returning a state-map that has been set (as far as is possible) to the given route. You typically do *not* want to use this on a client, but exists a separate function for server-side rendering to be easily able to route, since no dynamic code loading will be needed.
(route-to-impl! {:keys [state reconciler] :as env} bidi-match)
Mutation implementation, for use as a composition into other mutations. This function can be used from within mutations. If a DynamicRouter is used in your routes, then this function may trigger code loading. Once the loading is complete (if any is needed), it will trigger the actual UI routing.
If routes are being loaded, then the root property in your app state :fulcro.client.routing/pending-route
will be your bidi-match
. You can use a link query to pull this into your UI to show some kind of indicator.
NOTE: this function updates application state and must not be used from within a swap on that state.
Mutation implementation, for use as a composition into other mutations. This function can be used from within mutations. If a DynamicRouter is used in your routes, then this function may trigger code loading. Once the loading is complete (if any is needed), it will trigger the actual UI routing. If routes are being loaded, then the root property in your app state :fulcro.client.routing/pending-route will be your `bidi-match`. You can use a link query to pull this into your UI to show some kind of indicator. NOTE: this function updates application state and *must not* be used from within a swap on that state.
(router-instruction router-id target-screen-ident)
Return the definition of a change-route instruction.
Return the definition of a change-route instruction.
(routing-tree & routes)
Generate initial state for your application's routing tree. The return value of this should be merged into your overall app state in your Root UI component
(defui Root
static prim/InitialAppState
(initial-state [cls params] (merge {:child-key (prim/get-initial-state Child)}
(make-route :route/a [(router-instruction ...)])
Generate initial state for your application's routing tree. The return value of this should be merged into your overall app state in your Root UI component ``` (defui Root static prim/InitialAppState (initial-state [cls params] (merge {:child-key (prim/get-initial-state Child)} (routing-tree (make-route :route/a [(router-instruction ...)]) ...))) ... ```
(set-ident-route-params ident route-params)
Replace any keywords of the form :params/X with the value of (get route-params :X) in the given ident. By default the value of the parameter (which comes in as a string) will be converted to an int if it is all digits, and will be converted to a keyword if it is all letters. If you want to customize the coercion, just:
(defmethod r/coerce-param :param/NAME [k v] (transform-it v))
Replace any keywords of the form :params/X with the value of (get route-params :X) in the given ident. By default the value of the parameter (which comes in as a string) will be converted to an int if it is all digits, and will be converted to a keyword if it is all letters. If you want to customize the coercion, just: ``` (defmethod r/coerce-param :param/NAME [k v] (transform-it v)) ```
(set-route* state-map router-id screen-ident)
Set the given screen-ident as the current route on the router with the given ID. Returns a new application state map.
Set the given screen-ident as the current route on the router with the given ID. Returns a new application state map.
(ui-dynamic-router props)
(update-routing-links state-map {:keys [handler route-params]})
Given the app state map, returns a new map that has the routing graph links updated for the given route/params as a bidi match.
This function should only be used if you only use static UI routing.
If you use DynamicRouter then you must use route-to-impl!
Given the app state map, returns a new map that has the routing graph links updated for the given route/params as a bidi match. ***This function should only be used if you only use static UI routing.*** If you use DynamicRouter then you must use `route-to-impl!` instead.
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