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Fulcro 3 Semantic UI Wrappers

Fulcro 3 convenience wrappers for using Semantic UI React components.

This library offers improved integration with the semantic-ui-react package with predefined factories and doc strings generated directly from the Semantic-UI source. It also includes symbols for all icon names.

This library requires that you use Fulcro 3 and Shadow CLJS as the compiler.
semantic ui wrapper


Shadow-cljs has much better integration with the NPM ecosystem, which allows you to easily upgrade your semantic-ui-react dependency without worrying about cljsjs, and also allows you to easily use individual components for a smaller build size. Simply add semantic-ui-react to your package.json:

$ npm install --save-dev semantic-ui-react

Using Components

Individual factories can be found in namespaces that mirror the semantic-ui-react module structure:

e.g. Collections > Form > FormInput is available as

(:require [com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.collections.form.ui-form-input :refer [ui-form-input]])

and Elements > Button > Button is available as

(:require [com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.button.ui-button :refer [ui-button]])

While this is a bit tedious in the requires, it ensures that you don’t get components in your build that you don’t use.

Porting from Semantic UI React Documentation Examples

Props are required. The factories will convert them to js for you, but if you want every ounce of possible speed you can pre-tag your props with #js. Note that the "nested" elements with dot notation become just hyphenated names (e.g. Button.Groupui-button-group, and List.Listui-list-list):

React Version:

  label={{ as: 'a', basic: true, content: '2,048' }}

   <Button icon>
     <Icon name='align left' />
   <Button icon>
     <Icon name='align center' />
   <Button icon>
     <Icon name='align right' />
   <Button icon>
     <Icon name='align justify' />

This library:

(f/ui-button {:content       "Like"
              :icon          i/heart-icon ; or just "heart"
              :label         {:as "a" :basic true :content "2,048"}
              :labelPosition "right"}))

(f/ui-button-group nil
  (f/ui-button {:icon true}
    (f/ui-icon {:name i/align-left-icon}))
  (f/ui-button {:icon true}
    (f/ui-icon {:name i/align-center-icon}))
  (f/ui-button {:icon true}
    (f/ui-icon {:name i/align-right-icon}))
  (f/ui-button {:icon true}
    (f/ui-icon {:name i/align-justify-icon})))


The icons namespace simply has symbol definitions for each legal string icon name. This allows you to use your IDE’s code completion to find icon names as long as you can remember something about that name. You may, of course, simply use a known icon name as a string instead.


You can see some example usage in the workspaces of this repository. To play with them live clone this repo, and start the compiler:

cd semantic-ui-wrapper
npm install
npx shadow-cljs server

Navigate to http://localhost:9630 and start the workspaces build

Then navigate to http://localhost:8023


Ping the Fulcro slack channel with your idea, or create a github issue. It is a good idea to do that before trying to help.

Regenerating Factories

The factories files are generated from a checkout of the (Semantic-UI source (to automatically get the docstrings). The user namespace can be run in a normal Clojure REPL, and contains the function to generate the files.

First clone the semantic-ui-react repo:

git clone

In the cloned repository, run:

yarn install
yarn build:docs

Then using the path to the generated docs/src/componentInfo folder, start a repl and run

(gen-factories "path/to/generated/componentInfo")


Copyright 2017 by Fulcrologic

MIT Public License

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