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2 level caching (In memory + memcache) for Clojure.

Nippy is used internally to serialize values in memcache. full.cache 1.0.1 is using nippy 2.10.0, full.cache 1.1.0 is using nippy 2.13.0. full.cache 1.2.0 is using nippy 2.14.0 and prefixes cache keys with n2.14.0-


Memcached server url can be set in the yaml config file(s), it's loaded via full.core:

memcache-url: localhost:11211


All methods in full.cache follow naming conventions:

  • methods starting with r will only use remote cache (rget, for example)

  • methods starting with l will only use localc cache (lget, for example)

  • methods without r or l prefix will use both caches (on writes - writing to both, on reads - using local first & fallbacking to remote)

  • methods ending with a > return a core.async channel with the value

  • methods not ending with a > are blocking

full.cache provides methods for working with cache in any of desired combinations (local only, remote only, or both)

;  method that tries to load a cool value & fallbacks to the loader method
;  if value is absent.

  (fn []
      (clojure.core.async/<! (clojure.core.async/timeout 3000))

; read from remote cache only
(rget "cool-value")

; fetching or loading from local cache only

  (fn []
      (clojure.core.async/<! (clojure.core.async/timeout 3000))

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