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Async client for Rollbar error tracking service.


Configuration is loaded implicitly via full.core and you'll need to include this in your config files:

  access-token: "1234"
  environment: "production"

Reporting in HTTP middleware

full.rollbar has request middleware that can be used in full.http's request handling pipelines. Use it like this:

Exception collection is done via a middleware method rollbar.middleware/report-exception>. You'll need to included it before any other exception handlers.

(full.http.server/defroutes some-routes
  ; Route definitions

(defn api [routes]
  (-> (rollbar.middleware/report-exception> rotues)
      ; more middleware methods

; when running the server:
(full.http.server/run-server (api #'some-routes))

report-exception> accepts optional arguments for populating custom and person fields of the Rollbar API request:

  :person-fn (fn [req] {:email (:account-email req)})
  :custom-fn (fn [req] {:foo "bar"}))

See this example server for more info on writing middleware and full.http applications.

Manual reporting

To send an exception to Rollbar manually, you can use rollbar.core/report> method, which accepts an exception.

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