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ResultSet conversion functions.

ResultSet conversion functions.
raw docstring


  {:keys [identifiers as-rows? header?]
   :or {identifiers str/lower-case as-rows? false header? false}
   :as options})

Function that wraps result in a lazy seq. This function is part of public api but can not be used directly (you should pass this function as parameter to query function).

Required parameters: rs: ResultSet instance.

Optional named parameters: :identifiers -> function that is applied for column name when as-arrays? is false :as-rows? -> by default this function return a lazy seq of records (map), but in certain circumstances you need results as a lazy-seq of vectors. With this keywork parameter you can enable this behavior and return a lazy-seq of vectors instead of records (maps).

Function that wraps result in a lazy seq. This function
is part of public api but can not be used directly (you should pass
this function as parameter to `query` function).

Required parameters:
  rs: ResultSet instance.

Optional named parameters:
  :identifiers -> function that is applied for column name
                  when as-arrays? is false
  :as-rows?    -> by default this function return a lazy seq of
                  records (map), but in certain circumstances you
                  need results as a lazy-seq of vectors. With this keywork
                  parameter you can enable this behavior and return a lazy-seq
                  of vectors instead of records (maps).
sourceraw docstring


(result-set->vector conn rs options)

Function that evaluates a result into one clojure persistent vector. Accept same parameters as result-set->lazyseq.

Function that evaluates a result into one clojure persistent
vector. Accept same parameters as `result-set->lazyseq`.
sourceraw docstring

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