[funcool/cuerdas "RELEASE"]
The missing clojure(script) string manipulation library.
La guitarra,
hace llorar a los sueños.
El sollozo de las almas
se escapa por su boca
Y como la tarántula
teje una gran estrella
para cazar suspiros,
que flotan en su negro
aljibe de madera.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:
[funcool/cuerdas "RELEASE"]
(ns my.namespace
(:require [cuerdas.core :as str]))
(str/strip-tags "<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>")
;; => "just some text"
(str/strip-tags "<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>" ["p"])
;; => "just <b>some</b> text"
This library only intends to work with strings and always being
null-safe. So practically all functions that expectes a |
lumo -c $(clojure -Srepro -Sdeps '{:deps {funcool/cuerdas {:mvn/version "X.Y.Z"}}}' -Spath)
cljs.user=> (require '[cuerdas.core :as str])
;; => nil
cljs.user=> (str/collapse-whitespace " foo bar ")
;; => "foo bar"
Remove unwanted characters and substrings:
Convert to and from different casing systems:
The next two convert between ,-moz-transform
and MozTransform
, respecting
leading capitals and dashes:
For casing extremes:
And their locale aware alternatives:
Identify strings with these boolean returning functions.
Unindent lines. Either strip preceding whitespace automatically or with a user supplied regex.
(str/<<- "first line
second line (indented)
another line")
yields the string
first line second line (indented) another line
String interpolation macro. Enables easy string formating allowing symbol substitutions and simple expression evaluation. At the moment not compatible with self-host ClojureScript.
(def value 30)
(str/istr "value = ~{value}")
;; => "value = 30"
(str/istr "value = ~(inc value)")
;; => "value = 31"
The istr
macro is variadic and allows arbitrary number of arguments
that will be concatenated on the final return value:
(str/istr "the value "
"is ~{value}")
;; => "the value is 30"
Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters.
(str/alnum? nil)
;; => false
(str/alnum? "")
;; => false
(str/alnum? "Test123")
;; => true
Checks if a string contains only alpha characters.
(str/alpha? nil)
;; => false
(str/alpha? " ")
;; => false
(str/alpha? "Test")
;; => true
Check if the string is empty or contains only whitespaces.
(str/blank? "foobar")
;; => false
(str/blank? " ")
;; => true
(str/blank? "")
;; => true
(str/blank? nil)
;; => false
Convert a string or keyword to a camelCased string.
(str/camel "foo bar")
;; => "fooBar"
(str/camel :foo_barBaz)
;; => "fooBarBaz"
(str/camel nil)
;; => nil
Uppercases the first character of a string.
(str/capital "foo")
;; => "Foo"
(str/capital nil)
;; => nil
Returns a seq of char strings from string.
(str/chars "bar")
;; => ["b" "a" "r"]
(str/chars nil)
;; => nil
Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space.
(str/clean " a b ")
;; => "a b"
(str/clean nil)
;; => nil
Converts any adjacent whitespace characters to a single space.
(str/collapse-whitespace "a\n\nb")
;; => "a b"
(str/collapse-whitespace nil)
;; => nil
Convert a JavaScript style selector to CSS style selector
(str/css-selector "PrependedWithDash")
;; => "-prepended-with-dash"
(str/css-selector "noPrependedWithDash")
;; => "no-prepended-with-dash"
(str/css-selector nil)
;; => nil
Checks if a string contains only digits.
(str/digits? nil)
;; => false
(str/digits? "1.1")
;; => false
(str/digits? "210")
;; => true
Check if the string is empty.
(str/empty? "foobar")
;; => false
(str/empty? "")
;; => true
(str/empty? " ")
;; => false
(str/empty? nil)
;; => false
Check if the string is empty or is nil.
(str/empty-or-nil? "foobar")
;; => false
(str/empty-or-nil? nil)
;; => true
(str/empty? "")
;; => true
(str/empty? " ")
;; => false
Check if the string ends with suffix.
(str/ends-with? "foobar" "bar")
;; => true
(str/ends-with? "foobar" nil)
;; => false
(str/ends-with? nil "bar")
;; => false
Simple string formatting function.
The string formating works in two main modes: indexed and associative.
The indexed mode is the most simple and consists in using %s
tokens in the string
indicating the position where interpolation should be done and an arbitrary number
of non associate arguments. Format will replace all %s
occurrences with the
provided values in ordered mode:
(str/format "hello %s and %s" "yen" "ciri")
;; => "hello yen and ciri"
If you don’t provide enough values, the %s
tokens won’t be changed:
(str/format "hello %s and %s" "yen")
;; "hello yen and %s"
There are also the associative mode that consists in passing only one associative argument (map or vector) and use named interpolation tokens:
(str/format "hello %(name)s" {:name "yen"})
;; => "hello yen"
A part of the %()s
syntax, the $something
can be used:
(str/format "hello $name" {:name "yen"})
;; => "hello yen"
And you can access to indexed positions of an vector using $0
, $1
, $N
(str/format "hello $0" ["yen"])
;; => "hello yen"
You can use str/fmt
as shorter alias to str/format
Convert a string or keyword to a human friendly string (lower case and spaces).
(str/human "JustNiceForReading")
;; => "just nice for reading"
(str/human :great-for-csv-headers)
;; => "great for csv headers"
(str/human nil)
;; => nil
Determines whether a string includes a substring.
(str/includes? "foobar" "bar")
;; => true
(str/includes? "foobar" nil)
;; => false
(str/includes? nil nil)
;; => false
Join strings together with given separator.
(str/join ["foo" "bar"])
;; => "foobar"
(str/join "," ["foo" "bar"])
;; => "foo,bar"
Convert a CSS style selector to JavaScript style selector.
(str/js-selector "-pascal-case-me")
;; => "PascalCaseMe"
(str/js-selector "camel-case-me")
;; => "camelCaseMe"
(str/js-selector nil)
;; => nil
Convert a string or keyword into a kebab-cased-string.
(str/kebab "Favorite BBQ food")
;; => "favorite-bbq-food"
(str/kebab :favorite-bbq-food)
;; => "favorite-bbq-food"
(str/kebab nil)
;; => nil
A more helpful and forgiving version of clojure.core/keyword
(str/keyword "just_doIt Right")
;; => :just-do-it-right
(str/keyword "foo" "auto namespace me")
;; => :foo/auto-namespace-me
;; and assuming the user namespace
(str/keyword *ns* "auto namespace me")
;; => :user/auto-namespace-me
(str/keyword nil)
;; => nil
This is an unicode aware version of alpha?
(str/letters? nil)
;; => false
(str/letters? " ")
;; => false
(str/letters? "Test")
;; => true
(str/letters? "Русский")
;; => true
Return a list of the lines in the string.
(str/lines "foo\nbar")
;; => ["foo" "bar"]
(str/lines nil)
;; => nil
Convert a string to all lower-case in a locale independent manner:
(str/lower "FOO")
;; => "foo"
(str/lower nil)
;; => nil
For locale awareness, use locale-lower
alternative function.
Removes whitespace or specified characters from left side of string.
(str/ltrim " foo ")
;; => "foo "
(str/ltrim "-foo-", "-")
;; => "foo-"
(str/ltrim nil)
;; => nil
Checks if a string contains only numeric characters.
(str/numeric? nil)
;; => false
(str/numeric? "1.1")
;; => true
(str/numeric? "2e10")
;; => true
Pads the string with characters until the total string length is equal to the passed length parameter.
By default, pads on the left with the space char.
(str/pad "1" {:length 8})
;; => " 1"
(str/pad nil {:length 8})
;; => nil
(str/pad "1" {:length 8 :padding "0"})
;; => "00000001"
(str/pad "1" {:length 8 :padding "0" :type :right})
;; => "10000000"
(str/pad "1" {:length 8 :padding "0" :type :both})
;; => "00001000"
Parses string into a double:
(str/parse-double "1.4")
;; => 1.4
(str/parse-double nil)
;; => NaN
General purpose function for parse number like strings to number. It works with integers and floats.
(str/parse-number "1.4")
;; => 1
(str/parse-number "1.4")
;; => 1.4
(str/parse-number "1")
;; => 1
(str/parse-number "")
;; => NaN
Convert a string or keyword into a PascalCasedString (aka, UpperCamelCase and ClassCase).
(str/pascal "my name is epeli")
;; => "MyNameIsEpeli"
(str/pascal :some-record)
;; => "SomeRecord"
(str/pascal nil)
;; => nil
Convert a potentially mixed string or keyword into a capitalized, spaced string
(str/phrase " capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim ")
;; => "Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim"
(str/phrase :nobody-uses-keywords-this-long-but-it-still-works)
;; => "Nobody uses keywords this long but it still works"
(str/phrase nil)
;; => nil
Truncates a string to certain width and adds "…" if necessary. Making sure that the pruned string does not exceed the original length and avoid half-chopped words when truncating.
(str/prune "Hello World" 5)
;; => "Hello..."
(str/prune "Hello World" 8)
;; => "Hello..."
(str/prune "Hello World" 11 " (...)")
;; => "Hello (...)"
(str/prune nil 5)
;; => nil
Replaces all instances of match with replacement in s.
(str/replace "aa bb aa" "aa" "kk")
;; => "kk bb kk"
(str/replace "aa bb aa" #"aa" "kk")
;; => "kk bb kk"
(str/replace nil #"aa" "kk")
;; => nil
Replaces first instance of match with replacement in s.
(str/replace-first "aa bb aa" "aa" "kk")
;; => "kk bb aa"
(str/replace-first "aa bb aa" #"aa" "kk")
;; => "kk bb aa"
(str/replace-first nil #"aa" "kk")
;; => nil
Removes whitespace or specified characters from right side of string.
(str/rtrim " foo ")
;; => " foo"
(str/rtrim "-foo-", "-")
;; => "-foo"
(str/rtrim nil)
;; => nil
Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.
(str/slice "123" 1)
;; => "23"
(str/slice "1234" 1 3)
;; => "23"
(str/slice nil 1 3)
;; => nil
Transforms string or keyword into URL slug.
(str/slug "Un �l�phant � l'or�e du bois")
;; => "un-elephant-a-loree-du-bois"
(str/slug nil)
;; => nil
Traditionally, slug is consisted in ascii characters, but in modern ages,
the URL and domain names already supports unicode characters. The uslug
more modern version of slug function that respects the unicode characters.
Convert a string or keyword to a snake_cased_string.
(str/snake "Slither-sliter Slither")
;; => "slither_slither_slither"
(str/snake :slither-slither)
;; => "slither_slither"
(str/snake nil)
;; => nil
Splits a string on a separator a limited number of times. The separator can be a string or RegExp instance.
(str/split "1 2 3")
;; => ["1" "2" "3"]
(str/split "1 2 3" " ")
;; => ["1" "2" "3"])
(str/split "1 2 3" #"\s")
;; => ["1" "2" "3"]
(str/split "1 2 3" #"\s" 2)
;; => ["1" "2 3"]
(str/split nil)
;; => nil
Check if the string starts with prefix.
(str/starts-with? "foobar" "foo")
;; => true
(str/starts-with? "foobar" nil)
;; => false
(str/starts-with? nil "foo")
;; => false
Return index of value (string or char) in s, optionally searching forward from from-index. Return nil if value not found.
(str/index-of "foobar" "foo")
;; => 0
(str/index-of "foobar" nil)
;; => nil
Return last index of value (string or char) in s, optionally searching backward from from-index. Return nil if value not found.
(str/last-index-of "foobar" "foo")
;; => 0
(str/last-index-of "foobar" nil)
;; => nil
Takes a string and replaces newlines with a space. Multiple lines are replaced with a single space.
(str/strip-newlines "a\n\nb")
;; => "a b"
(str/strip-newlines nil)
;; => nil
Remove prefix from string if it matches exactly or leave the string untouched.
(str/strip-prefix nil nil)
;; => nil
(str/strip-prefix "a" nil)
;; => "a"
(str/strip-prefix "-=a" "-=")
;; => "a"
Remove suffix from string if it matches exactly or leave the string untouched.
(str/strip-suffix nil nil)
;; => nil
(str/strip-suffix "a" nil)
;; => "a"
(str/strip-suffix "a=-" "=-")
;; => "a"
Remove html tags from string.
(str/strip-tags "<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>")
;; => "just some text"
(str/strip-tags "<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>" ["p"])
;; => "just <b>some</b> text"
(str/strip-tags nil)
;; => nil
It also allows arbitrary replacements:
(str/strip-tags "<p>just<br>text</p>" {:br "\n"})
;; => "just\ntext"
(str/strip-tags "<p>just<br>text</p>" ["br"] {:br "\n"})
;; => "<p>just\ntext</p>"
Surround a string with another string.
(str/surround "a" "-")
;; => "-a-"
(str/surround "a" "-^-")
;; => "-^-a-^-"
(str/surround nil "-^-")
;; => nil
Convert a string or keyword into a space separated string with each word capitalized.
(str/title "a tale of two cities")
;; => "A Tale Of Two Cities"
(str/title :title-case)
;; => "Title Case"
(str/title nil)
;; => nil
Returns true for 1/on/true/yes string values (case-insensitive), false otherwise.
(str/to-bool "hello")
;; => false
(str/to-bool "on")
;; => true
Removes whitespace or specified characters from both ends of string.
(str/trim " foo ")
;; => "foo"
(str/trim "-foo-", "-")
;; => "foo"
(str/trim nil)
;; => nil
Joins a list of strings with a newline separator. This operation is the opposite of lines.
(str/unlines ["foo" "nbar"])
;; => "foo\nbar"
(str/unlines nil)
;; => nil
Unsurround a string surrounded by another.
(str/unsurround "-a-" "-")
;; => "a"
(str/unsurround "-^-a-^-" "-^-")
;; => "a"
(str/unsurround nil "-")
;; => nil
Convert a string to all upper-case in a locale independent manner:
(str/upper "foobar")
;; => "FOOBAR"
(str/upper nil)
;; => nil
For locale awareness, use locale-upper
alternative function.
This is a unicode aware version of alnum?
(str/word? nil)
;; => false
(str/word? "")
;; => false
(str/word? "Русский222")
;; => true
Returns a vector of the words in the string. Can be provided with a regular
expression that matches a single word (defaults to [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+
(str/words nil)
;; => nil
(str/words "foo, bar")
;; => ["foo" "bar"]
(str/words "foo, bar." #"[^, ]+")
;; => ["foo" "bar."]
cuerdas has targeted some parts of implementation for Clojure and ClojureScript using Reader Conditionals.
$ clj -A:dev ./tools.clj test
$ clj -A:dev ./tools.clj test-cljs
cuerdas' source is on github.
Unlike Clojure and other Clojure contrib libs, cuerdas does not have many restrictions for contributions.
Pull requests are welcome!
cuerdas is licensed under BSD (2-Clause) license:
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Andrey Antukh, Christoph Frick, Dan, Jakub Elżbieciak, Baptiste Fontaine, Andrea Richiardi & Pepe GarcíaEdit on GitHub
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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