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(<< & strings)

A backward compatibility alias for istr macro.

A backward compatibility alias for `istr` macro.
sourceraw docstring


(<<- s)
(<<- r s)

Unindent multiline text. Uses either a supplied regex or the shortest beginning-of-line to non-whitespace distance

Unindent multiline text. Uses either a supplied regex or the shortest
beginning-of-line to non-whitespace distance
sourceraw docstring


(alnum? s)

Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters.

Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters.
sourceraw docstring


(alpha? s)

Checks if a string contains only alpha characters.

Checks if a string contains only alpha characters.
sourceraw docstring


(blank? s)

Checks if a string is empty or contains only whitespace.

Checks if a string is empty or contains only whitespace.
sourceraw docstring


(camel s)

Output will be: lowerUpperUpperNoSpaces accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: lowerUpperUpperNoSpaces
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(capital s)

Uppercases the first character of a string

Uppercases the first character of a string
sourceraw docstring


(chars s)

Split a string in a seq of chars.

Split a string in a seq of chars.
sourceraw docstring


(clean s)

Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space.

Trim and replace multiple spaces with
a single space.
sourceraw docstring


(collapse-whitespace s)

Converts all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space.

Converts all adjacent whitespace characters
to a single space.
sourceraw docstring


(concat & params)

A macro variant of the clojure.core/str function that performs considerbaly faster string concatenation operation on CLJS (on JVM/CLJ it only applies basic simplification and then relies on the clojure.core/str).

A macro variant of the clojure.core/str function that performs
considerbaly faster string concatenation operation on CLJS (on
JVM/CLJ it only applies basic simplification and then relies on the
sourceraw docstring


(css-selector s)

Output will be either: (js-selector "LeadingDash") ;; => -leading-dash (js-selector "noLeadingDash") ;; => no-leading-dash

accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter

Output will be either:
   (js-selector "LeadingDash") ;; => -leading-dash
   (js-selector "noLeadingDash") ;; => no-leading-dash

accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter
sourceraw docstring


(digits? s)

Checks if a string contains only digit characters.

Checks if a string contains only digit characters.
sourceraw docstring


(empty-or-nil? s)

Convenient helper for check emptines or if value is nil.

Convenient helper for check emptines or if value is nil.
sourceraw docstring


(empty? s)

Checks if a string is empty.

Checks if a string is empty.
sourceraw docstring


(ends-with? s suffix)

Check if the string ends with suffix.

Check if the string ends with suffix.
sourceraw docstring


(escape-html s)


(ffmt s & params)

Alternative (to istr) string formating macro, that performs simple string formating on the compile time (this means that the string should be known at compile time). Internally it uses the fast string concatenation mechanism implemented in the concat macro.

If you don't need the peculiarities of the istr macro, this macro should be prefered.

It works with two basic forms: sequencial and indexed. Let seen an example:

(dm/fmt "url(%)" my-url) ; sequential (dm/fmt "url(%1)" my-url) ; indexed

Alternative (to `istr`) string formating macro, that performs simple
string formating on the compile time (this means that the string
should be known at compile time). Internally it uses the fast string
concatenation mechanism implemented in the `concat` macro.

If you don't need the peculiarities of the `istr` macro, this macro
should be prefered.

It works with two basic forms: sequencial and indexed. Let seen an

  (dm/fmt "url(%)" my-url) ; sequential
  (dm/fmt "url(%1)" my-url) ; indexed
sourceraw docstring


A shorter alias to format function.

A shorter alias to `format` function.
sourceraw docstring


(format s & more)

Simple string interpolation.

Simple string interpolation.
sourceraw docstring


(human s)

Output will be: lower cased and space separated accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: lower cased and space separated
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(includes? s subs)

Determines whether a string contains a substring.

Determines whether a string contains a substring.
sourceraw docstring


(index-of s val)
(index-of s val from)


(istr & strings)

A string formating macro that works LIKE ES6 template literals but using clojure construcs and symbols for interpolation delimiters.

It accepts one or more strings; emits a concat invocation that concatenates the string data and evaluated expressions contained within that argument.

Evaluation is controlled using ~{} and ~() forms. The former is used for simple value replacement using clojure.core/str; the latter can be used to embed the results of arbitrary function invocation into the produced string.


user=> (def v 30.5) user=> (istr "This trial required ~{v}ml of solution.") "This trial required 30.5ml of solution." user=> (istr "There are ~(int v) days in November.") "There are 30 days in November."

user=> (def m {:a [1 2 3]}) user=> (istr "The total for your order is $~(->> m :a (apply +)).") "The total for your order is $6."

user=> (istr "Just split a long interpolated string up into ~(-> m :a (get 0)), " "~(-> m :a (get 1)), or even ~(-> m :a (get 2)) separate strings " "if you don't want a << expression to end up being e.g. ~(* 4 (int v)) " "columns wide.") "Just split a long interpolated string up into 1, 2, or even 3 separate strings if you don't want a << expression to end up being e.g. 120 columns wide."

Note that quotes surrounding string literals within ~() forms must be escaped.

A string formating macro that works LIKE ES6 template literals but
using clojure construcs and symbols for interpolation delimiters.

It accepts one or more strings; emits a `concat` invocation that
concatenates the string data and evaluated expressions contained
within that argument.

Evaluation is controlled using ~{} and ~() forms. The former is used
for simple value replacement using clojure.core/str; the latter can
be used to embed the results of arbitrary function invocation into
the produced string.


  user=> (def v 30.5)
  user=> (istr "This trial required ~{v}ml of solution.")
  "This trial required 30.5ml of solution."
  user=> (istr "There are ~(int v) days in November.")
  "There are 30 days in November."

  user=> (def m {:a [1 2 3]})
  user=> (istr "The total for your order is $~(->> m :a (apply +)).")
  "The total for your order is $6."

  user=> (istr "Just split a long interpolated string up into ~(-> m :a (get 0)), "
               "~(-> m :a (get 1)), or even ~(-> m :a (get 2)) separate strings "
               "if you don't want a << expression to end up being e.g. ~(* 4 (int v)) "
               "columns wide.")
  "Just split a long interpolated string up into 1, 2, or even 3 separate strings if you don't want a << expression to end up being e.g. 120 columns wide."

  Note that quotes surrounding string literals within ~() forms must be
sourceraw docstring


(join coll)
(join separator coll)

Joins strings together with given separator.

Joins strings together with given separator.
sourceraw docstring


(js-selector s)

Output will be either: (js-selector "-pascal-case-me") ;; => PascalCaseMe (js-selector "camel-case-me") ;; => camelCaseMe

accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter

Output will be either:
   (js-selector "-pascal-case-me") ;; => PascalCaseMe
   (js-selector "camel-case-me") ;; => camelCaseMe

accepts keywords and strings, with any standard delimiter
sourceraw docstring


(kebab s)

Output will be: lower-cased-and-separated-with-dashes accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: lower-cased-and-separated-with-dashes
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(keyword k)
(keyword n k)

Safer version of clojure keyword, accepting a symbol for the namespace and kebab-casing the key

Safer version of clojure keyword, accepting a
symbol for the namespace and kebab-casing the key
sourceraw docstring


(last-index-of s val)
(last-index-of s val from)


(letters? s)

Checks if string contains only letters. This function will use all the unicode range.

Checks if string contains only letters.
This function will use all the unicode range.
sourceraw docstring


(lines s)

Return a list of the lines in the string.

Return a list of the lines in the string.
sourceraw docstring


(lower s)

Converts string to all lower-case.

This function works in strictly locale independent way, if you want a localized version, just use locale-lower

Converts string to all lower-case.

This function works in strictly locale independent way,
if you want a localized version, just use `locale-lower`
sourceraw docstring




(ltrim s)
(ltrim s chs)

Removes whitespace or specified characters from left side of string.

Removes whitespace or specified characters
from left side of string.
sourceraw docstring


(numeric? s)

Check if a string contains only numeric values.

Check if a string contains only numeric values.
sourceraw docstring


(one-of? coll s)

Returns true if s can be found in coll.

Returns true if s can be found in coll.
sourceraw docstring


(pad s)
(pad s {:keys [length padding type] :or {length 0 padding " " type :left}})

Pads the str with characters until the total string length is equal to the passed length parameter. By default, pads on the left with the space char.

Pads the str with characters until the total string
length is equal to the passed length parameter. By
default, pads on the left with the space char.
sourceraw docstring


(pascal s)

Output will be: CapitalizedAndTouchingTheNext accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: CapitalizedAndTouchingTheNext
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(phrase s)

Output will be: Space separated with the first letter capitalized. accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: Space separated with the first letter capitalized.
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(prune s num)
(prune s num subs)

Truncates a string to a certain length and adds '...' if necessary.

Truncates a string to a certain length and adds '...'
if necessary.
sourceraw docstring


(quote s)
(quote s qchar)

Quotes a string.

Quotes a string.
sourceraw docstring


(repeat s)
(repeat s n)

Repeats string n times.

Repeats string n times.
sourceraw docstring


(replace s match replacement)

Replaces all instance of match with replacement in s.

The replacement is literal (i.e. none of its characters are treated specially) for all cases above except pattern / string.

In match is pattern instance, replacement can contain $1, $2, etc. will be substituted with string that matcher the corresponding parenthesized group in pattern.

If you wish your replacement string to be used literary, use (cuerdas.regexp/escape replacement).

Example: (replace "Almost Pig Latin" #"\b(\w)(\w+)\b" "$2$1ay") ;; => "lmostAay igPay atinLay"

Replaces all instance of match with replacement in s.

The replacement is literal (i.e. none of its characters are treated
specially) for all cases above except pattern / string.

In match is pattern instance, replacement can contain $1, $2, etc.
will be substituted with string that matcher the corresponding
parenthesized group in pattern.

If you wish your replacement string to be used literary,
use `(cuerdas.regexp/escape replacement)`.

  (replace "Almost Pig Latin" #"\b(\w)(\w+)\b" "$2$1ay")
  ;; => "lmostAay igPay atinLay"
sourceraw docstring


(replace-first s match replacement)

Replaces first instance of match with replacement in s.

Replaces first instance of match with replacement in s.
sourceraw docstring


(reverse s)

Return string reversed.

Return string reversed.
sourceraw docstring




(rtrim s)
(rtrim s chs)

Removes whitespace or specified characters from right side of string.

Removes whitespace or specified characters
from right side of string.
sourceraw docstring


(slice s begin)
(slice s begin end)

Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.

Extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(slug s)

Transform text into a URL slug.

Transform text into a URL slug.
sourceraw docstring


(snake s)

Output will be: lower_cased_and_underscore_separated accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: lower_cased_and_underscore_separated
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(split s)
(split s sep)
(split s sep num)

Splits a string on a separator a limited number of times. The separator can be a string, character or Pattern (clj) / RegExp (cljs) instance.

Splits a string on a separator a limited
number of times. The separator can be a string,
character or Pattern (clj) / RegExp (cljs) instance.
sourceraw docstring


(starts-with? s prefix)

Check if the string starts with prefix.

Check if the string starts with prefix.
sourceraw docstring




(strip-newlines s)

Takes a string and replaces newlines with a space. Multiple lines are replaced with a single space.

Takes a string and replaces newlines with a space.
Multiple lines are replaced with a single space.
sourceraw docstring


(strip-prefix s prefix)

Strip prefix in more efficient way.

Strip prefix in more efficient way.
sourceraw docstring


(strip-suffix s suffix)

Strip suffix in more efficient way.

Strip suffix in more efficient way.
sourceraw docstring


(strip-tags s)
(strip-tags s tags)
(strip-tags s tags mapping)

Remove html tags from string.

Remove html tags from string.
sourceraw docstring


(stylize s every-fn join-with)
(stylize s first-fn rest-fn join-with)


(substr-between s prefix suffix)

Find string that is nested in between two strings. Return first match

Find string that is nested in between two strings. Return first match
sourceraw docstring


(surround s wrap)

Surround a string with another string or character.

Surround a string with another string or character.
sourceraw docstring


(title s)

Output will be: Each Word Capitalized And Separated With Spaces accepts strings and keywords

Output will be: Each Word Capitalized And Separated With Spaces
accepts strings and keywords
sourceraw docstring


(to-bool s)

Returns true for 1/on/true/yes string values (case-insensitive), false otherwise.

Returns true for 1/on/true/yes string values (case-insensitive),
false otherwise.
sourceraw docstring


(trim s)
(trim s chs)

Removes whitespace or specified characters from both ends of string.

Removes whitespace or specified characters
from both ends of string.
sourceraw docstring


(unescape-html s)

Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents.

Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents.
sourceraw docstring


(unlines s)

Returns a new string joining a list of strings with a newline char (\n).

Returns a new string joining a list of strings with a newline char (\n).
sourceraw docstring


(unquote s)
(unquote s qchar)

Unquote a string.

Unquote a string.
sourceraw docstring


(unsurround s surrounding)

Unsurround a string surrounded by another string or character.

Unsurround a string surrounded by another string or character.
sourceraw docstring


(upper s)

Converts string to all upper-case.

This function works in strictly locale independent way, if you want a localized version, just use locale-upper

Converts string to all upper-case.

This function works in strictly locale independent way,
if you want a localized version, just use `locale-upper`
sourceraw docstring


(uslug s)

Unicode friendly version of slug function.

Unicode friendly version of `slug` function.
sourceraw docstring


(word? s)

Checks if a string contains only the word characters. This function will use all the unicode range.

Checks if a string contains only the word characters.
This function will use all the unicode range.
sourceraw docstring


(words s)
(words s re)

Returns a vector of the words in the string.

Returns a vector of the words in the string.
sourceraw docstring

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