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Version 9.0.494

Date: 2022-10-31

  • Add missing classes to repository

Version 9.0.493

Date: 2022-10-31

  • Minor documentation updates.
  • Make it work again as git dep.

Version 9.0.489

Date: 2022-10-18

  • Minor fixes on concurrency limiter hook fns.

Version 9.0.488

Date: 2022-10-17

  • Add more usability fixes on concurrencly limiter

Version 9.0.486

Date: 2022-10-17

  • Make usability and observability improvements to concurrency limiter

Version 9.0.485

Date: 2022-10-17

  • Exclude limiter from CLJS.
  • Make -run! protocol method be implemented in terms of -submit!.
  • Make ConcurrencyLimiter implement the IExecutor protocol.

Version 9.0.481

Date: 2022-10-17

  • Rewrite ConcurrencyLimiter for make it more clojure frendly.
  • Expose the experimental API forthe ConcurrencyLimiter class.
  • Officially drop support for JDK <= 8

Version 9.0.477

Date: 2022-10-15

  • Change the license from BSD-2 to MPL-2.0
  • Remove from CLJS: IState protocol and all related public API; that functions already does not works on cljs becuase of platform promise limitations, so we decided to just exclude them from cljs and saves some bytes
  • Simplify pending? impl in JVM
  • Add experimental (JVM only) ConcurrencyLimiter class

Version 9.0.471

Date: 2022-10-09

  • Fix warnings on cljs compilation
  • Fix issues with 0 arg on thread factory functions
  • Minor fix on p/thread macro, now it uses unbounded cached thread pool instead of the default one.

Version 9.0.470

Date: 2022-10-06

Bug fixes:

  • Fix reader conditional typo that prevents default-forkjoin-thread-factory to be defined (thansk to @mainej).

Version 9.0.466

Date: 20220-10-06

Changes promesa.core ns:

  • Add thread-call helper.
  • Add thread macro (analogous to the clojure.core.async/thread)
  • Add thread-call function (analogous to the clojure.core.async/thread-call)
  • Add vthread macro (only on JDK19 with Preview enabled).
  • Add vthread-call function (only on JDK19 with Preview enabled).
  • Make the future and thread macros aware of var bindings.
  • Make the create promise factory catch all exceptions.

Changes to promesa.exec ns:

  • Add thread-per-task-executor executor factory functon (JDK19 with Preview).
  • Add vthread-per-task-executor executor factory functon (JDK19 with Preview).

Version 9.0.462

Date: 2022-10-02


  • The promesa.exec/counted-thread-factory is renamed to promesa.exec/default-thread-factory and the call signature is changed.
  • The promesa.exec/forkjoin-named-thread-factory has is renamed to promesa.exec/default-forkjoin-thread-factory and the call signature is changed.
  • The future macro has changed to does not automatically unwrap returned promises. This is change is motivated for make it behave in the same way as clojure.core/future as promesa.core/future expects to be a replacement for it.


  • Deprecate all the *-pool executors constructors in favour of new variants called with the same name and the -executor prefix. The new constructor functions are all uniform with call signature.
  • Add promise aware, simplified version of doseq (thanks to @borkdude).
  • Add proper docstring for with-dispatch macro.

Bug fixes:

  • Make the completable-future returned by p/future macro trully cancellable.

Version 8.0.450

Date: 2022-02-24

  • Add with-redefs macro to clj-kondo config (thanks to @eccentric-j)

Version 8.0.446

Date: 2022-02-23

  • Make promise? to check for IPromise protocol instead of concrete types. Now it should more easy extend promise to other promise like types.
  • Rename promise.core/do! macro to promise.core/do (backward compatible, previous macro still in the codebase)
  • Add promise aware with-redefs macro (thanks to @eccentric-j)

Version 7.0.444

Date: 2022-02-22

  • REVERT: Make promise? to check for IPromise protocol instead of concrete types. Because the impl was wrong.

Version 7.0.443

Date: 2022-02-22

  • Add better builtin clj-kondo config (thanks to @wilkerlucio)
  • Make promise? to check for IPromise protocol instead of concrete types.
  • Add promesa.exec/with-dispatch macro.

Version 7.0.437

Date: 2022-02-21

  • Make the bind function behave as it should behave (like bind and not being then alias). This is technically a breaking change, the bind function should have been implemented in terms of bind operation and not be an alias for then.

Version 6.1.436

Date: 2022-02-16

  • Add builtin clj-kondo config (thanks to @wilkerlucio)

Version 6.1.434

Date: 2022-02-12

  • Add as-> threading macro (thanks to @wilkerlucio)

Version 6.1.431

Date: 2022-02-03

  • Add -> and ->> threading macros (thanks to @wilkerlucio)

Version 6.0.2

Date: 2021-06-01

  • Fix timeout internal timeout handling.
  • Fix nil and Object handling on JVM (make it work in the same way as in CLJS)

Version 6.0.1

Date: 2021-05-13

  • Fix wrong params handling on scheduled-pool function.

Version 6.0.0

Date: 2020-10-01

Relevant changes:

  • Add missing -then impl for default object (fixes issues of promesa.core/then chain function with promises that does not inherito from js/Promise).

  • Remove already deprecated for a while the alet alias to let macro (the migration should be a simple find-and-replace).

  • Add forkjoin-pool and factory helpers to promesa.exec ns.

Version 5.1.0

Date: 2020-02-05

Relevant changes:

  • Reimplement loop/recur (make its scheduling extensible and by default it uses the common thread pool for scheduling body execution for prevet stack overflow).
  • Add promesa.core/*loop-run-fn* dynamic var for cases when you need customize where the loop/recur body exection is scheduled.
  • Fix many reflection warnings.

Version 5.0.0

Date: 2020-01-10

Relevant changes:

  • Internal protocol improvements.
  • Enable automatic flatten on catch and handle (enabling the same semantic than then function).
  • Add catch' variant for cases when you sure that funcion always return a plain value (and not promise).
  • Bug fix on promesa.core/plet.
  • Wrap the body of promesa.core/let with promesa.core/do! macro.
  • Wrap the body of promesa.core/plet with promesa.core/do! macro.

Version 4.0.2

Date: 2019-10-03

  • Invalid 4.0.1 release.

Version 4.0.1

Date: 2019-10-03

  • Minor code simplication
  • cljdoc integration

Version 4.0.0

Date: 2019-10-01

Relevant changes (many breaking changes that affects functions and macros that are not heavily used):

  • Remove the ability to create a promise using factory function with promise constructor (now this responsability is delegated to the create function, see below).

  • Remove the old do* macro.

  • Add do! macro (that should have been the do* from the begining). It treats each individual expression as a expression that evaluates to promise and executes serially awaiting each expression. Returns a promise resolved to the result of the last expression, ignoring all intermediate results.

(require '[promesa.core :as p])

(p/do! (expr1)

;; That is roughtly equivalent to:

(p/alet [_ (expr1)
         _ (expr2)]
  • Refactor execution strategy: before this change all the chained callback functions (with map, then, etc..) they were running in a separated (async) microtask (forkJoinPool on the jvm). Now promesa does not makes any asumption about this and delegate this decision to the user of this library.

    What are the implications for the end user?: In terms of api changes, nothing; all the public api is the same. The main change consists in the execution semantics. Now all the chained functions (by default) will be executed in the calling/resolver thread instead of a new task for each step. This will leverage a better performance and less latency on all chain execution.

    Also, promesa exposes additional arities to map, then, bind and mapcat for provide a custom executor service if you need it.

    The promise and deferred (read more below) promise constructors also accepts a new arity for specify the executor where evaluate the factory function or promise resolution (by default is in the calling thread).

    The execution semantic changes are only relevant on the JVM, on cljs nothing is changed.

  • Rewrite finally function: now receives a promise and a function (potentiall side-effectful) that will receive resolved value as first argument if the promise is resolved or exception as second argument if promise is rejected. The return value is ignored. It always returns the same promise (like identity function).

  • Remove 0 arity from promise function (now is delegated to deferred)

  • Remove schedule function from promesa.core (replaced by promesa.exec/schedule).

  • Remove extend-promise! from promesa.core (still available in promesa.impl).

  • Remove set-default-promise! helper (the user can do the same without the helper).

  • Remove attempt function (not useful).

  • Remove branch function (not useful).

New features and not breaking changes and fixes:

  • Add create promise constructor, a facility for create a promise using a factory function (before this is done passing a function to promise).
  • Add deferred promise constructor. The main purpose of this constructor is creating an empty promise ready to be resolved or rejected externally (using resolve! and reject!).
  • Add handle chain function: is some kind of combination of then' and catch. It chains a function to be executed when the promise is either normally or rejected (with first argument with resolved value (or nil) and second argument with the exception (or nil) if promise is rejected). Returns the promise resolved with the return value of the chained function. Does not flatten the result.
  • Add then' chain function. Is a variant of then function that does not flatten the result (a more performant variant).
  • Add chain' chain function helper. Is a chain variant that does not flatten the result (a more performant variant).
  • Rename alet to let (alet is stil awailable as alias for backward compatibility).
  • Add plet as syntactic abstraction/sugar for all composition operator.
  • Add race composition operator.
  • Add run! function (a promise aware run! variant).
  • Add promesa.exec namespace with Executors & Schedulers abstractions.
  • Add future macro (analogous to clojure.core/future that returns promise instance instead of Future, also works in cljs) that uses promesa.exec behind the schenes.
  • Improve let macro making it safe to synchronos exception that can be raised from the first evaluated expression. Now all exception raised inside let returs properly rejected promise.
  • Add loop/recur syntax abstraction.

Version 3.0.0

Date: 2019-08-21

This is a breaking change release; even though the majority of public (not experimental) api is not affected. Relevant changes are:

  • Remove promesa.async and promesa.async-cljs namespaces. They was experimental and finally they don't demonstrate to be useful in comparison to the complexity that they introduce.

Other changes:

  • Allow use promise on GraalVM native compilation.
  • Make promesa compatible with thenable objects (see issue #66).
  • Simplified alet macro implementation; it's no longer needs await for wait promise binding resolution.

Version 2.0.1

Date: 2019-03-30

Yo now can create an empty promise (without a factory function) and resolve or reject it using the new functions: resolve! reject!.


(require '[promesa.core :as p])

(let [pr (p/promise)]
  ;; do something
  (p/resolve! pr 2))

Version 2.0.0

Date: 2019-02-19

This is a breaking change release. Finally bluebird is gone in favour of using the ES6 builtin Promise object. This removes the overhead (in size) of the additional external library.

The reason of using bluebird initially was because native promises performed badly, but in new versions javascript engines the performance and memory usage is improved significantly. In any case you can still use the bluebird if you want, thanks to the new functions:

  • set-default-promise!: enables the user setting up a custom promise constructor as default one for promesa library.
  • extend-promise!: enables the user to use a custom promise implementation with promesa library abstractions.

Other (also probably breaking) changes:

  • timeout is now implemented in terms of internal scheduler facilities (bluebird impl was used previously) and it is now available for clojure (jvm).
  • any is reimplemented in clj/cljs and now accepts an additional argument for setting the default return value if promise is resolved. If default value is not provided, an ExceptionInfo will be throwed.

Version 1.9.0

Date: 2018-08-03

  • Update bluebird bundle to 3.5.0
  • Update dependencies.
  • Fix some issues on async macro (jvm only).
  • Fix issue with interop on alet macros.

Version 1.8.1

Date: 2017-04-20

  • Remove _ character from internal assets directory. That fixes incompatibilities with cordova/android build tools.

Version 1.8.0

Date: 2017-02-21

  • Update bluebird to 3.4.7
  • Fix wrong impl of sync introspection (on cljs).
  • Fix wrong impl of delay function (on cljs).
  • Fix behavior difference of then function on clj in respect to cljs.
  • Avoid compiler warnings caused by .finally/.catch
  • Add safer await detection on async macro (on cljs).

Version 1.7.0

Date: 2016-12-18

  • Fix clojure finally implementation.
  • Minor internal refactor. Public api should be fully backward compatible.

Version 1.6.0

Date: 2016-11-02

  • Add async macro that uses core.async machinary in order to build go like macro and allow to have fully async/await syntax.
  • Update bluebird to 3.4.6 (cljs underlying promise impl library).
  • Add support experimental support for native promises and other thenables.
  • Remove usage of clj->js and js->clj functions.

Version 1.5.0

Date: 2016-08-18

  • Make promise aware of clojure dynamic binding context (clj only).

Version 1.4.0

Date: 2016-07-10

  • Update bluebird to 3.4.1
  • Add missing Promise alias on externs (that fixes unexpected exceptions on advanced compilation modes).

Version 1.3.1

Date: 2016-06-08

  • Remove reflection warnings.

Version 1.3.0

Date: 2016-06-08

  • Update bluebird to 3.4.0
  • Improve internal impl (now splitted in few namespaces).
  • Fix bug in finally combinator function.
  • Add do* promise constructor (analogous to Promise.attempt).
  • Remove promise.monad namespace.

Version 1.2.0

Date: 2016-05-20

  • Add more bluebird externs.
  • Docstrings improvements.
  • Update bluebird to 3.3.5

Version 1.1.1

Date: 2016-03-19

  • Fix wrong call on IPrintWriter impl.
  • Add noConflict to externs.
  • Update cljs compiler to 1.8.34.

Version 1.1.0

Date: 2016-03-18

  • Add err and error alias as catch analougous function that has the parameters inverted in the same way as map and mapcat.

Version 1.0.0

Date: 2016-03-17

  • Add scheduler abstraction.
  • Add map function.
  • Add mapcat function.
  • Update bluebird to 3.3.4.
  • Remove wrapping logic from -bind impl.

Version 0.8.1

Date: 2016-02-13

  • Remove cats imports from core ns that causes import exception.

Version 0.8.0

Date: 2016-02-13

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Cats is no longer requred dependency. If you want use it you need import the promesa.monad ns.
  • Update bluebird to 3.3.0 (cljs).
  • Add bultin support for async/await like syntax.

Version 0.7.0

Date: 2016-01-08

  • Update bluebird to 3.1.1 (cljs).
  • Add better externs (with type annotations) (cljs).
  • Update cats dependency to 1.2.1.

Version 0.6.0

Date: 2015-12-03

Important changes:

  • Add clojure support (only with JDK8). Tha implies major code refactor. The public api should be mostly backwad compatible but it is possible regressions.

Other changes:

  • Update the cljs compiler version to 1.7.189
  • Update cats library to 1.2.0

Version 0.5.1

Date: 2015-09-27

  • Add 'branch' combinator

Version 0.5.0

Date: 2015-09-18

  • Update cats to 1.0.0
  • Adapt code to cats 1.0.0 breaking changes.
  • Add more tests.
  • Remove spread operator beacuse it is no longer needed (you can use clojure destructuring with then combinator.
  • Start using the -name protocol naming convention.
  • Update bluebird to 2.10.0

Version 0.4.0

Date: 2015-08-18

  • Update cats dependency to 0.6.1

Version 0.3.0

Date: 2015-08-02

  • Update bluebird version to 2.9.34
  • Update cljs compiler version to 1.7.28
  • Start using cljs compiler own compilation facilities instead of lein-cljsbuld.
  • Now requires the clojurescript >= 1.7.28

Version 0.2.0

Date: 2015-07-18

  • Remove all method related to cancellable promises.
  • Implement everything in terms of protocols.
  • Update bluebird version to 2.9.33

Version 0.1.3

Date: 2015-06-13

  • Go back to use leiningen.
  • Update bluebird version to 2.9.27

Version 0.1.2

Date: 2015-05-16

  • Update bluebird version to 2.9.25
  • Start using boot instead of leiningen

Version 0.1.1

Date: 2015-04-16

  • Update bluebird version to 2.9.23

Version 0.1.0

Date: 2015-03-28

  • First relase.

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