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suricatta documentation


suricatta is a high level sql toolkit for clojure (backed by fantastic jooq library)

It consists in four modules:

  • suricatta.core: api for executing queries.

  • suricatta.dsl: lightweight dsl for idiomatic and composable sql building.

  • suricatta.format: sql rendering functions.

Project Maturity

Since suricatta is a young project there may be some API breakage.


The simplest way to use suricatta in a clojure project, is by including it in the dependency vector on your project.clj file:

[funcool/suricatta "1.3.1"]

Suricatta is only runs with JDK >= 8 and Clojure >= 1.5

SQL Execution

This section explains the usage of the sql execution part of the library.

Connecting to database

suricatta, unlike other database libraries, uses a concept of context instead of connection. A context has the resposibility of jdbc connection resource management, transaction isolation flags and sql rendering dialect.

You can create a context from:

  • a hash-map dbspec format (plain connection params).

  • a datasource instance (connection pool).

  • a clojure.jdbc connection instance.

This is a default aspect of one dbspec.
(def dbspec {:subprotocol "postgresql"
             :subname "//localhost:5432/dbname"
             :user "username"         ;; Optional
             :password "password"}    ;; Optional

Create Context from plain dbspec.

Example creating context from dbspec.
(require '[suricatta.core :as sc])
(with-open [ctx (sc/context {:subprotocol "h2"
                             :subname "mem:"})]
  (do-something-with ctx))

Create Context from clojure.jdbc connection.

Example creating context from clojure.jdbc connection instance.
(require '[jdbc.core :as jdbc])
(require '[suricatta.core :as sc])

(def dbspec {:subprotocol "h2"
             :subname "mem:"})

(with-open [conn (jdbc/connection dbspec)
            ctx (sc/context conn)]
  (do-something ctx))
when closing the suricatta context, the wrapped connection will also be closed.

Create Context from DataSource.

DataSource is the preferd way to connect to the database in production enviroments and is usually used to implement connection pools.

In our case we will use hikaricp as a datasource with a connection pool. Lets start by adding hikari’s dependency entry to your project.clj:

[hikari-cp "0.13.0" :exclusions [com.zaxxer/HikariCP]]
[com.zaxxer/HikariCP-java6 "2.2.5"]

Now create the datasource instance:

(require '[hikari-cp.core :as hikari])

(def ^javax.sql.Datasource
  datasource (hikari/make-datasource
              {:connection-timeout 30000
               :idle-timeout 600000
               :max-lifetime 1800000
               :minimum-idle 10
               :maximum-pool-size  10
               :adapter "postgresql"
               :username "username"
               :password "password"
               :database-name "database"
               :server-name "localhost"
               :port-number 5432}))

Now, having a datasource instace, you can use it like plain dbspec for creating a context instance:

(with-open [ctx (sc/context datasource)]
  (do-something-with ctx))

You can found more information and documentation about hikari-cp here:

Executing queries

suricatta has a clear separation between queries that can return a result, and queries that can’t.

Example using suricatta.core/execute function.
(require '[suricatta.core :as sc])
(sc/execute ctx "CREATE TABLE foo")

The return value of suricatta.core/execute function depends on the query, but in almost all cases it returns a number of affected rows.

Fetching results

Let see an example of how to execute a query and fetch results:

(require '[suricatta.core :as sc])
(sc/fetch ctx "select x from generate_series(1,3) as x")
;; => [{:x 1} {:x 2} {:x 3}]

(sc/fetch-one ctx "select x from generate_series(1,1) as x")
;; => {:x 1}

suricatta gives you the power of raw sql queries without any restrictions (unlike jdbc). As a great example, suricatta does not have special syntax for queries with RETURNING clause:

(sc/fetch ctx "INSERT INTO foo (name) values ('bar') returning id")
;; => [{:id 27}]

Parametrized queries

Like clojure.jdbc and, suricatta has support for parametrized queries in sqlvec format.

(sc/fetch ctx ["select id from books where age > ? limit 1" 100])
;; => [{:id 4232}]

Reusing query statement

The above technique can be quite useful when you want to reuse expensive database resources.

(with-open [q (sc/query ctx ["select ?" 1])]
  (sc/fetch q)  ;; Creates a statement
  (sc/fetch q)) ;; Reuses the previous created statement


The suricatta library does not have support for low level transactions api, instead of it, offers a lightweight abstraction over complex transaction api.

Execute a query in a transaction block.
(sc/atomic-apply ctx (fn [ctx]
                       (sc/fetch ctx "select id, name from book for update")))

Additionally to atomic-apply high order functiom, suricatta has a convenient macro offering lightweight sugar sytax for atomic blocks:

Execute a query in a transaction block using sugar syntax macro.
(sc/atomic ctx
  (sc/fetch ctx "select id, name from book for update"))

You can nest atomic usage as deep as you want, subtransactions are fully supported.

If an exception is raised inside atomic context the transaction will be aborted. Also, in some circumstances, you probably want an explicit rollback, for which the suricatta library exposes a suricatta.core/set-rollback! function.

Explicit rollback example
(sc/atomic ctx
  (sc/execute ctx "update table1 set f1 = 1")
  (sc/set-rollback! ctx))

The set-rollback! function only marks the current transaction for rollback. It does not abort the execution, and it is aware of subtransactions. If it is used in a subtransaction, only the subtransaction will be marked for rollback, not the entire transaction.

Lazy result fetching

The suricatta library also comes with lazy fetching support. When lazy fetching support is enabled, instead of fetching all results in memory, suricatta will fetch results in small groups, allowing lower memory usage.

Lazy fetching has a few quirks:

  • In some databases, like PostgreSQL, it requires the entire fetch to occur in one transaction because it uses server side cursors.

  • Lazy fetching requires explicit resource management, because a connection and an internal resultset must be mantained open until fetching is finished.

Using lazy fetch is realy easy, because suricatta exposes it as a simple lazy sequence. Let’s see one example:

Example executing large query and fetching elemens in groups of 10.
(def sql "SELECT x FROM generate_series(1, 10000)")

(sc/atomic ctx
  (with-open [cursor (sc/fetch-lazy ctx sql {:fetch-size 10})]
    (doseq [item (sc/cursor->lazyseq cursor)]
      (println item))))

;; This should print something similar to:
;; {:x 1}
;; {:x 2}
;; ...

The third parameter of sc/fetch-lazy function is the optional default fetch size (currently 100.)

Custom types

Since 0.2.0 version, suricatta comes with support for extension with custom (or vendor specific) types support. It consist in two protocols, one for converting user defined types to jooq/jdbc compatible types, and other for backwards conversion.

Example adapting clojure persistent map interface to postgresql json file.
(require '[suricatta.proto :as proto]
         '[cheshire.core :as json])

(import 'org.postgresql.util.PGobject)

(extend-protocol proto/IParamType
  (-render [self ctx]
    (if (proto/-inline? ctx)
      (str "'" (json/encode self) "'::json")

  (-bind [self ctx]
    (when-not (proto/-inline? ctx)
      (let [stmt (proto/-statement ctx)
            idx  (proto/-next-bind-index ctx)
            obj (doto (PGobject.)
                  (.setType "json")
                  (.setValue (json/encode (.-data self))))]
        (.setObject stmt idx obj)))))

The -render function is responsible of generate the appropiate sql for this field. The value should be inlined or rendered as bind ready parameter depending on the inline value that can be retrieved from the RenderContext.

The -bind function reponsibility is just bind the appropiate values to the prepared statement only if the context indicates that is not inlined.

Now let see the backward conversion example:

(extend-protocol proto/ISQLType
  (-convert [self]
    (let [type (.getType self)]
      (condp = type
        "json" (json/decode (.getValue self) true)))))

Having defined the two way conversions, you can pass the clojure hash-map as a value to the query and it is automatically converted.

Insert and query example using postgresql json fields.
;; Create table
(sc/execute ctx "create table t1 (k json)")

;; Insert a json value
(sc/execute ctx ["insert into t1 (k) values (?)" {:foo 1}])

;; Query a table with json value
(sc/fetch ctx ["select * from t1"])
;; => [{:k {:foo 1}}]

SQL Building and Formatting

This section intends to explain the usage of sql building library, the lightweight layer on top of jooq dsl.

You can found all related functions of sql dsl on suricatta.dsl namespace:

(require '[suricatta.dsl :as dsl])

And functions related to formating sql into string or sqlvec format in suricatta.format namespace:

(require '[suricatta.format :as fmt])

Object instances retured by dsl api are fully compatible with the sql executing api. Let see an example:

(def my-query
  (-> (dsl/select :id)
      (dsl/from :books)
      (dsl/where ["age > ?", 100])
      (dsl/limit 1)))

(with-open [ctx (sc/context dbspec)]
  (sc/fetch ctx my-query))
;; => [{:id 4232}]

The SELECT statement

Select clause

Simple select clause without from part:

(dsl/select :id :name)

Would generate SQL like this:

select id, name from dual

The rendering result depends on the dialect used. You can specify a different dialect by passing the :dialect option to the sql function of suricatta.format namespace:

(-> (dsl/select :id :name)
    (fmt/sql {:dialect :postgresql}))
;; => "select id, name"


You can add the distinct keyword by using a special select function:

(-> (dsl/select-distinct :name)
;; => "select distinct name"

Select *

You can ommit fields on select function to use the "SELECT *" sql form:

(-> (dsl/select)
    (dsl/from :book)
;; => "select * from book"

Select with function

In select clauses you can put any kind of expresions such as sql functions:

(-> (dsl/select '("length(book.title)" "title_length"))
    (dsl/from :book)
;; => "select length(book.title) \"title_length\" from book"

The FROM clause

A simple sql "select …​ from" clause:

(-> (dsl/select
    (dsl/from :book)
;; => "select, from book"

Also, the sql from clause supports any number of tables:

(-> (dsl/select-one)
    (dsl/from :book :article)
;; => "select 1 from book, article"

Also, you can specify an alias for each table:

(-> (dsl/select-one)
    (dsl/from '("book" "b")
              '("article" "a"))
;; => "select 1 from book \"a\", article \"b\""

The JOIN clause

suricata comes with a complete dsl for making join clauses. Let see one simple example:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/join :author)
    (dsl/on "book.author_id =")
;; => "select name from book join author on (book.author_id ="

You can use table aliases with join clauses:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from '("book" "b"))
    (dsl/join '("author" "a"))
    (dsl/on "b.author_id =")
;; => "select name from book \"b\" join author \"a\" on (b.author_id ="

Also, join clause can be applied to table expressions:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from (-> (dsl/table "book")
                  (dsl/join "author")
                  (dsl/on "book.author_id =")))
;; => "select name from book join author on (book.author_id ="

The WHERE clause

The WHERE clause can be used to JOIN or filter predicates in order to restrict the data returned by the query:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/where "book.age > 100")
;; => "select name from book where (book.age > 100)"

Building a where clause with multiple conditions:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/where "book.age > 100"
               "book.in_store = true")
;; => "select name from book where ((book.age > 100) and (book.in_store = true))"

Bind parameters instead of inlining them on conditions:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/where ["book.age > ?" 100]
               ["book.in_store = ?", true])
;; => ["select name from book where ((book.age > ?) and (book.in_store = ?))" 100 true]

Using explicit logical operators:

(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/where (dsl/or "book.age > 20"
                       (dsl/not "book.in_store")))
;; => "select name from book where ((book.age > 20) or (not book.in_store))"

Different kind of joins are suported with that functions: dsl/full-outer-join, dsl/left-outer-join, dsl/right-outer-join and dsl/cross-join.

The GROUP BY clause

GROUP BY can be used to create unique groups of data, to form aggregations, to remove duplicates and for other reasons. Let see an example of how it can be done using the suricatta dsl:

(-> (dsl/select (dsl/field "name")
                (dsl/field "count(*)"))
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/group-by :name)
;; => "select name, count(*) from book group by name"

The HAVING clause

The HAVING clause is used to further restrict aggregated data. Let see an example:

(-> (dsl/select (dsl/field "name")
                (dsl/field "count(*)"))
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/group-by :name)
    (dsl/having ["count(*) > ?", 2])
;; => "select name, count(*) from book group by name having (count(*) > ?)"

The ORDER BY clause

Here’s an example of how specify the ordering to the query:

Ordering by field with implicit sort direction
(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/order-by :name)
;; => "select name from book order by name asc"

In previous example we specified the order field without order direction. surricata automatically uses ASC for sort fields that comes without explicit ordering direction.

Specify sort direction explicitly
(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/order-by [:name :desc])
;; => "select name from book order by name desc"
Handling nulls
(-> (dsl/select :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/order-by [:name :desc :nulls-last])
;; => "select name from book order by name desc nulls last"
Ordering by index
(-> (dsl/select :id :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/order-by ["1" :asc]
                  ["2" :desc])
;; => "select name from book order by 1 asc, 2 desc"

The LIMIT and OFFSET clauses

Let see some examples of how to apply limit and offset to your queries with suricatta:

(-> (dsl/select :id :name)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/limit 10)
    (dsl/offset 100)
;; => "select name from book limit ? offset ?"

The FOR UPDATE clause

For inter-process synchronisation and other reasons, you may choose to use the SELECT .. FOR UPDATE clause to indicate to the database, that a set of cells or records should be locked by a given transaction for subsequent updates. Let see an example of how use it with suricatta dsl:

Without specific fields
(-> (dsl/select)
    (dsl/from :book)
;; => "select * from book for update"
With specific fields
(-> (dsl/select)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/for-update :name)
;; => "select * from book for update of \"name\""

The UNION and UNION ALL clause

These operators combine two results into one. UNION removes all duplicate records resulting from this combination and UNION ALL preserves all results as they are.

Using UNION clause
(-> (dsl/union
    (-> (dsl/select :name)
        (dsl/from :books))
    (-> (dsl/select :name)
        (dsl/from :articles)))
;; => "(select name from books) union (select name from articles)"
Using UNION ALL clause
(-> (dsl/union-all
    (-> (dsl/select :name)
        (dsl/from :books))
    (-> (dsl/select :name)
        (dsl/from :articles)))
;; => "(select name from books) union all (select name from articles)"

The INSERT statement

The INSERT statement is used to insert new records into a database table.

Example of insert two rows in one table.
(-> (dsl/insert-into :table1)
    (dsl/insert-values {:f1 1 :f2 2 :f3 3})
    (dsl/insert-values {:f1 4 :f2 5 :f3 6})
;; => ["insert into t1 (f1, f2, f3) values (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)" 1 2 3 4 5 6]

The UPDATE statement

The UPDATE statement is used to modify one or several pre-existing records in a database table.

Example of update statement without condition.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set :name "foo")
;; => "update t1 set name = ?"
Example of update statement without condition using a map
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set {:name "foo" :bar "baz"})
;; => "update t1 set name = ?, bar = ?"
Example of update statement with one condition.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set :name "foo")
    (dsl/where ["id = ?" 1])
;; => "update t1 set name = ? where (id = ?)"
Example of update statement using subquery.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set :f1 (-> (dsl/select :f2)
                     (dsl/from :t2)
                     (dsl/where ["id = ?" 2])))
    (fmt/sql {:dialect :pgsql}))
;; => "update t1 set f1 = (select f2 from t2 where (id = ?))"
Example of multiple assignation un update statement using subquery.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set (dsl/row (dsl/field :f1)
                      (dsl/field :f2))
             (-> (dsl/select :f3 :f4)
                 (dsl/from :t2)
                 (dsl/where ["id = ?" 2])))
    (fmt/sql {:dialect :pgsql}))
;; => "update t1 set (f1, f2) = (select f3, f4 from t2 where (id = ?))"
Example of returning clause used in UPDATE statement.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set :name "foo")
    (dsl/returning :id)
    (fmt/sql {:dialect :pgsql}))
;; => "update t1 set name = ? returning id"
Example using function as value.
(-> (dsl/update :t1)
    (dsl/set :name (dsl/f ["concat(name, ?)" "-foo"]))
    (dsl/set :name_length (dsl/f "length(name)"))
    (dsl/returning :id)
    (fmt/sql {:dialect :pgsql}))
;; => "update t1 set name = ? returning id"

The DELETE statement

Simple example of delete statement with one condition
(-> (dsl/delete :t1)
    (dsl/where "id = 1")
;; => "delete from t1 where (id = 1)"

The DDL statements

The TRUNCATE statement

(-> (dsl/truncate :table1)
;; => "truncate table table1"

The CREATE TABLE statement

(-> (dsl/create-table :t1)
    (dsl/add-column :title {:type :pg/varchar :length 100 :null false})
;; => "create table t1 (title varchar(100) not null)"
at this moment, the add-column function doest not permit the way to setup default value for a field in table creation statement.

The DROP TABLE statement

Drop table example
(-> (dsl/drop-table :t1)
;; => "drop table t1"

The ALTER TABLE statement

Alter statements are used mainly to add, modify or delete columns from table.

Add new column
(-> (dsl/alter-table :t1)
    (dsl/add-column :title {:type :pg/varchar :length 2 :null false})
;; => "alter table t1 add title varchar(2) not null"
Change type of column
(-> (dsl/alter-table :t1)
    (dsl/alter-column :title {:type :pg/varchar :length 100 :null false})
;; => "alter table t1 alter title varchar(100) not null"
Drop column
(-> (dsl/alter-table :t1)
    (dsl/drop-column :title :cascade)
;; => "alter table t1 drop title cascade"

The CREATE INDEX statement

Create simple on field
(-> (dsl/create-index "test")
    (dsl/on :t1 :title)
;; => "create index \"test\" on t1(title)"
Create index on field expression
(-> (dsl/create-index "test")
    (dsl/on :t1 (dsl/field "lower(title)"))
;; => "create index \"test\" on t1(lower(title))"

The DROP INDEX statement

Drop index
(-> (dsl/drop-index "test")
;; => "drop index \"test\""


(-> (dsl/create-sequence "testseq")
;; => "create sequence \"testseq\""

The ALTER SEQUENCE statement

Restart sequence
(-> (dsl/alter-sequence "testseq" true)
;; => "alter sequence \"testseq\" restart"
Restart sequence with concrete number
(-> (dsl/alter-sequence "testseq" 19)
;; => "alter sequence \"testseq\" restart with 19"

The DROP SEQUENCE statement

Drop sequence
(-> (dsl/drop-sequence "testseq")
;; => "drop sequence \"testseq\""
Drop sequence if exists
(-> (dsl/drop-sequence "testseq" true)
;; => "drop sequence if exists \"testseq\""

Table Expressions

The VALUES() table constructor

Some databases allow expressing in-memory temporary tables using a values() syntax.

Select from values() example
(-> (dsl/select :f1 :f2)
    (dsl/from (-> (dsl/values (dsl/row 1 2)
                              (dsl/row 3 4))
                  (dsl/as-table "t1" "f1" "f2")))
    (fmt/sql {:type :inlined}))
;; => "select f1, f2 from (values(1, 2), (3, 4)) as \"t1\" (\"f1\", \"f2\")"
suricatta.dsl/row is defined as a macro and only accepts literals.

Nested SELECTs

Using nested select in where clause
(-> (dsl/select)
    (dsl/from :book)
    (dsl/where (list "book.age = ({0})" (dsl/select-one)))

;; => "select * from book where (book.age = (select 1 as \"one\"))"
Using nested select in from clause
(-> (dsl/select)
    (dsl/from (-> (dsl/select :f1)
                  (dsl/from :t1)
                  (dsl/as-table "tt1")))
;; => "select \"tt1\".\"f1\" from (select f1 from t1) as \"tt1\"(\"f1\")"
Using nested select in select fields clauses
(-> (dsl/select :fullname, (-> (dsl/select (dsl/field "count(*)"))
                               (dsl/from :book)
                               (dsl/where "book.authorid =")
                               (dsl/as-field "books")))
    (dsl/from :author)
;; => "select fullname, (select count(*) from book where (book.authorid = "books" from author"


Why I should use suricatta instead of clojure.jdbc or java.jdbc?

Unlike any jdbc library, suricatta works at a slightly higher level. It hides a lot of idiosyncrasies of jdbc under a much simpler, cleaner and less error prone api, with better resource management.

Where is the async support?

In previous version suricatta it had come with asynchronous support using core.async channels as response but since the version 0.4.0 it is removed because core.async is not a proper abstraction for represent a promise.

In the jvm world, the proper promise abstraction is introduced in JDK8 so using that abstraction will force people use JDK8, something that I don’t want to do at this moment.

The great news is that async support is stil very easy implement, so you can do it in your own code base defining two additional functions. Here a code snippet for it:

(require '[suricatta.core :as sc]
         '[cats.monad.exception :as exc]
         '[promissum.core :as p])

(defn execute
  "Execute a query asynchronously returning a CompletableFuture."
  ([ctx q]
   (execute ctx q {}))
  ([ctx q opts]
   (let [act (.-act ctx)
         fun #(% (exc/try-on (sc/execute ctx q)))]
      (fn [deliver]
        (send-off act (fn [_] (fun deliver))))))))

(defn fetch
  "Execute a query asynchronously returning a CompletableFuture."
  ([ctx q]
   (fetch ctx q {}))
  ([ctx q opts]
   (let [act (.-act ctx)
         fun #(% (exc/try-on (sc/fetch ctx q opts)))]
      (fn [deliver]
        (send-off act (fn [_] (fun deliver))))))))

Why another dsl? Is it just yet another dsl?

First suricatta is not a dsl library, it’s a sql toolkit, and one part of the toolkit is a dsl.

Secondly, suricatta's dsl’s don’t intends to be a sql abstraction. The real purpose of suricatta's dsl is make SQL composable while still allowing use all or almost all vendor specific sql constructions.

What are some suricatta use cases?

The suricatta library is very flexible and it can be used in very different ways:

  • You can build queries with suricatta and execute them with clojure.jdbc.

  • You can use suricatta for executing queries with string-based sql.

  • You can combine the suricatta library with clojure.jdbc.

  • And obviously, you can forget jdbc and use suricatta for both purposes, building and/or executing queries.

Is it a korma-clone?

Nope, it’s not korma clone, because it works very different, and it has a different philosophy.

suricatta has cleaner differentiation between dsl and query execution/fetching. It doesn’t intend to be a replacement of Korma, it intends be a replacement to raw jdbc access to the database.

Is a JOOQ comercial license requried?

Not, suricatta works and is tested with the opensource (Apache 2.0 licensed) version of JOOQ.

I have plans to make suricatta work with enterprise version of JOOQ for users that want to use "enterprise" databases in the future. In any case, that will not affect the open source version.

Can I store safely queries builded by DSL in a var, they are immutable?

Yes. Unlike JOOQ DSL interface which has a mutable api, suricatta exposes an immutable api for building queries.

Queries built with suricatta can be safely shared through different threads.

Developers Guide


The five most important rules are:

  • Beautiful is better than ugly.

  • Explicit is better than implicit.

  • Simple is better than complex.

  • Complex is better than complicated.

  • Readability counts.

All contributions to suricatta should keep these important rules in mind.


Unlike Clojure and other Clojure contributed libraries suricatta does not have many restrictions for contributions. Just open an issue or pull request.

Source Code

suricatta is open source and can be found on github.

You can clone the public repository with this command:

git clone

Run tests

lein test


suricatta is licensed under BSD (2-Clause) license:

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Andrey Antukh <>

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


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Andrey Antukh, Christoph Frick & Earl St Sauver
Edit on GitHub

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