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The basics

What is mount-lite for?

The mount-lite library was inspired by mount. If you know that library, you already know what you can do with it, as mount-lite is based on the same premise.

This premise is to have a basic lifecycle around the stateful parts of your application. Using this lifecycle, you can quickly bring up the application state, and bring it down again, before or after reloading (parts of) your application. The mount and mount-lite libraries give you an easy and non-intrusive way of adding such lifecycles to the stateful parts of your application.

The mount-lite library has some unique features and approach with respect to mount. For more info on why mount-lite was created, see this blog post.

That blog post covers the 0.9.x version, and quite some things have changed with version 2.0. In short, the API has been simplified and the feature to have multiple systems of states simultaneously has been added. See this blog post for more info on what has changed, and why.

This documentation covers the functionality of version 2.x. Version 0.9.x is still supported though, and its documentation can be found in the source repository.

Defining states

First, require the mount.lite namespace. Also require the namespaces which hold the states that the states in the current namespace depend upon. This is how mount-lite figures out what states should be started before the states in the current namespace is started.

  (:require [mount.lite :refer (defstate) :as mount]
            [ :as config] ;; <-- Also has a defstate defined.
            [some.db.lib :as db]))

Defining a state is done with the defstate macro. The simplest of such a global state definition, is one with a name and a :start expression. In this example we also supply a :stop expression.

(defstate db
  :start (db/start (get-in @config/config [:db :url]))
  :stop (db/stop @db))
;=> #'

As you can see, the var #' has been defined. It currently is in the :stopped status.

The :start expression above uses another global state - - which it dereferences to get its value. The :stop expression uses its own value in the same way. This dereferencing is the way you get the value of a started state, anywhere in your application. Note that in the stop expression the this symbol is bound its start value as well, which is particularly useful in anonymous states (more on anonymous states in the substituting section).

Starting and stopping the states

To start all the global states, just call (mount/start). A sequence of started global state vars is returned. As said before, the order in which the states are started is determined by their load order by the Clojure compiler. Using (mount/stop) stops all the started defstates in reverse order.

;=> ExceptionInfo: state is not started

;=> (#' #'

;=> object[some.db.Object 0x12345678]

;=> (#' #'

To get an overview of the status of the defstates, you can call the (status) function.

Now you know the basics. Go on, try it! I will see you in 10 minutes.

Meta data on defstate

The defstate macro supports docstrings and attribute maps, as well as meta data on the name of the defstate, just like defn. So, a full defstate might look something like this:

(defstate ^:private db
  "My database state"
  {:attribute 'map}
  :start ...
  :stop ...)

Design considerations

Consider the following in your design when using mount-lite (or mount for that matter):

  • Only use defstate in your application namespaces, not in library namespaces, and preferable in the outskirts of your application. Having a global state does not mean you should forego on the good practice of passing state along as arguments to functions.

  • Only use defstate when either the stateful object needs some stop logic before the application can be reloaded/restarted, or whenever the state depends on another defstate. In other cases, just use a def.

  • Try to use your defstate as if it were private. Better yet, declare it as private. This will keep you from refering to your state from every corner of your application, making it more componentized.

Further reading

Now that you know the basics, it is advised to learn about at least one other feature of mount-lite: substituting. You could also read on how to start up to or stop down to a certain state, or how to start multiple systems of states simultaneously.

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