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OUTDATED: USE fw1/lein-template INSTEAD!

A Leiningen template for FW/1 (Framework One).


One-Off Setup

For Leiningen 1.x, first install the newnew plugin:

lein plugin install lein-newnew X.Y.Z

where X.Y.Z is the latest version from Clojars.

Then install fw1-template:

lein plugin install fw1-template 0.1.0

For Leiningen 2.x, the updated 'new' task already supports templates and you install plugins and templates by adding the dependency to your ~/.lein/profile.clj file:

{:user {:plugins {fw1-template "0.1.0"}}}

Creating a New FW/1 Project

To use the template to create a new FW/1 project:

lein new fw1 mywebapp

This will create a new FW/1 project called mywebapp. You should be able to just drop into the folder and start FW/1:

PORT=8888 lein run


Copyright (c) 2012 Sean Corfield

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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